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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to schoolPart 6 Self Check自我检测,综合提升一、读音标,写单词。1 /dres/ /a(r)/juuli/ dress shower usually 2 /tu/ /nev(r)/klk/ tooth never oclock 3 /test/ /a(r)/ekssaz/ taste either exercise 4 /best/ /smtamz/kw(r)t(r)/ best sometimes quarter 5 /pst/(r)li/hmw(r)k/ past early homework 二、单元语法过关

2、。 ( B )1Jim has _ interesting job.AaBanCtheD/( C )2Linda usually has lunch _ 12:00Afor BinCat Dto( D )3_ do you get up? At 6:30AHow BWhatCWhy DWhen( B )4Does Tina always play chess with you? Yes, but _ he plays it with Frank.AalwaysBsometimes Cusually Dnever( C )5As for “11:45”, we can say “_”.Afort

3、y-five elevenBthree quarters to twelve Ca quarter to twelveDa quarter past twelve ( A )6Sam doesnt like swimming. I dont like it, _.Aeither Balso Ctoo Das well( A )7We shouldnt be late for class, so we must run _. Aquickly BwellCgood Dquick( C )8What does Tim usually do after dinner? He usually _.Am

4、akes friends Bgets dressed Ctakes a walk Dgets up( D )9What do you think of these two skirts? They dont fit me well. They are _ too long _ too short.Aboth; and Bneither; norCnot only; but also Deither; or( A )10We go to school early, so we dont have much time _ breakfast.AforBinCby Dto三、配对阅读专练。左栏是对五

5、个人的情况介绍,右栏是七个广告,请将这五个人与他们感兴趣的广告配对,并将答案的字母编号填写在题前括号内。( D )1My father likes sports. His favorite sports are mountain climbing and fishing.( A )2My mother likes to learn something about cooking good food and soup.( C )3My sister is 20, and she likes listening to music and wearing beautiful clothes.( F

6、)4My grandpa usually has nothing to do in the evening and he likes watching operas(歌剧)very much.( G )5My little brother is 5 years old. He thinks monkeys and pandas are interesting.AFamily Cooking: on ATV at 9:00 in the morning.BInsect World(昆虫世界):can be seen on CCTV-1 at 5 p.m. every Monday.CMusic

7、and Fashion(时装):at 9:00 every Saturday evening. You can see beautiful clothes and listen to music at the same time.DSports Channel(频道)on GDTV:introduces(介绍)many sports at 11:00 p.m. such as fishing, swimming, boating and mountain climbing.EOpera Special(歌剧特约):on show from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on w

8、eekends. FGarden for Opera Fans(歌剧粉丝乐园):on Guangzhou TV, 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday.GAnimal World: on show for 45 minutes on Nanfang TV at 8:00 p.m. every evening.四、短文填空。 I am Peter. I am 13 years old. I am a 1 in No. 1 Middle School. I am in 2 5, Grade 7I have a good friend. His 3 is Jack. Jack us

9、ually 4 up at seven. He often exercises. It helps him 5 in good health. He exercises 6 a quarter past seven to half past seven. Then he 7 his teeth and has breakfast. He goes to school at eight oclock. He has 8 at twelve oclock. He gets home from school at 16:30 and 9 his homework. He has dinner at

10、six. He loves vegetables and eats them three 10 a week. And he usually drinks milk. He goes to bed at nine thirty in the evening. 1 student 2 Class 3 name 4 gets 5 keep6 from 7 brushes 8 lunch 9 does 10 times五、读写综合。A信息归纳。My name is Dave Clark. I am from Australia. I study in Guangzhou. I do well in

11、swimming. I like playing the guitar very much. Every morning I get up at 6:30Then I quickly get dressed and brush my teeth at 6:45After having breakfast, I always go to school by bus. My home is between the park and my school. Its 15 kilometers from my home to school. I have 7 classes in the school.

12、 I am good at English and art. I like drawing very much. But I dont like math at all, because its too difficult. I like going swimming with my friends after school. Its very relaxing. I get home at 18:00Then I need to do my homework first. I go to bed before 22:00On weekends, I need to do the dishes

13、 and make the bed. Information CardThe country Dave comes from1AustraliaThe time Dave brushes his teeth26:45The distance between Daves home and school315 kilometersThe subject Dave doesnt like4MathThe housework Dave needs to do5Do the dishes and make the bedB书面表达请介绍一下你和你的家人的业余爱好,以及通常周末是怎样度过的。作文要求:1不能照抄原文,不得出现真实的人名和学校名字。2语句连贯,词数75左右。写作方法指导与操练一、写什么细审题,列要点1首先可以简单地介绍自己的家庭成员情况。(例如人口,各自的职业等等,需要用一般现在时。)2其次谈谈家人的爱好和周末活动。(注意使用一般现在时。)3最后小结对家人的热爱。二、怎么写遣词句,重结构 第一点:首先


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