剑桥(join in)版2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 6(6) 教案

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《剑桥(join in)版2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 6(6) 教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《剑桥(join in)版2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 6(6) 教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 6 Adventures (Part 6)Teaching Aims:1. Knowledge objects: Be able to listen, read the story.2. Ability objects: Be able to listen, read and act out the story.3. Moral objects: A hero needs bravery and clever. 帮助学生了解如何机智的处理面临的问题。Teaching Key Points:1. Key vocabulary: hero, bank robbers, pancakes2

2、. Target language: Read the story affectionately.Teaching Procedures:Step I Lead-inActivity 1: PPT shows the first people: “杨利伟”.T: This is Yang Liwei. He is the first people to fly to the space in China. He is a “hero”. The teacher teaches the word “hero”, then stick it on the board.Activity 2: PPT

3、 shows the second people: “成龙”.T:Who is he? Ss: Cheng Long. T: Yes. He is a famous film actor in China. He plays many excellent action movies. He is a .?Ss: Hero.Activity 3: PPT shows the third people: “姚明”.T:This is Yao Ming. He is good at playing basketball. Everyone knows him. He is a .? Ss: Hero

4、.Brief sum-up: There are many heroes in their fields. Today, well know another hero.Step II Pre-readingActivity 1: T: Please listen to a story. Think about: How many people in the story? Who are they?T and the pupils listen to the story. S: There are 5 people. They are Joe , Sarah, bank robbers, She

5、riff. Activity 2: T: Who is the hero? Listen again and watch.The pupils listen again and watch the screen.S1: Joe is a hero. T: Maybe.S2: Sarah is a hero. T: Maybe.Step III While-readingPicture: T: Please open your books and read picture1 and 2, think about:Is Joe afraid of bank robbers?PPT deal wit

6、h the word “ bank robbers”. The pupils read it 3 times. T: Please find out the answer and underline the key sentences.Ss: No. Joe isnt afraid of bank robbers.T: How can you know that?S: “Ill catch them. Im not afraid.”The teacher teaches them read affectionately.T: Joe is very brave. (stick the word

7、) So he is proud.The teacher retell this part: Sheriff meets bank robbers. Joe helps Sheriff.Picture-: Activity1: Look and read follow the tape. And think about: (PPT) 1, Does Joe find the bank robbers? 2, Does he catch them?The pupils answer the questions.T: At last, what happened? Ss: Bank robbers

8、 catch Joe.T: How can bank robbers catch Joe?S1: Can I sing a last song, please?(PPT) Choose the right answer:A, Bank robbers want to sing.B, Bank robbers want to run away and catch Joe.B is right. Read the sentence together.Activity2: Read the story picture3-8 in each groups.Practice in groups.1-2

9、groups have a show.Picture-: (PPT) Who helps Joe?Listen to the story. S1: Sarah helps Joe.(PPT) Sarah helps Joe with the pancakes.The teacher teaches the new word “pancakes”.The pupils read the sentence “Sarah helps Joe with the pancakes.”T: Open your books and read by yourselves. And think about: 1

10、, Does Sarah afraid of robbers ? 2, Does she catch them?Ss answer the questions.Do role-play in class.Picture-: Watch the screen and read together.T: Do you think who is the hero at last?The teacher sticks the word “ clever”.Step IV Post-readingActivity1: Read the whole story together.Activity2: Ret

11、ell the story.Activity3: Compare Sarah and Joe in form.Activity4: Read the poem Life is full of adventures. Lets overcome ourselves. If we are brave and clever. We will be a hero in our life!Step V Homework 1, Read the story. 2, Act out the story with your friend. 3, Retell the story.Blackboard Design:Unit 6 Adventures (6) A story-The hero helps helpsSheriff JoeSarah catch finds meets catches bank robbers



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