闽教版2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 7 练习卷

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《闽教版2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 7 练习卷》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《闽教版2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 7 练习卷(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、六年级英语练习卷Unit7一 英汉互译1. 空姐 2. 飞机 3. 小时 1. different 5. 理想 6. pilot 2. 厨师 8. hospital 9. doctor 10. 老师 二单项选择1.( )She in a plane. A. makes B. helps C. works2. ( ) Wan Tao to be a pilot. A. want B. wanting C. wants3. ( ) Doctors can make people . A.strong and healthy B. different planes C. nice and happy

2、4. ( ) My mother often delicious food. A. makes B. cooks C. takes5. ( ) you want to be a doctor? Yes, I do. A. Do B. Does C. Did三用适当的疑问词填空1. does she work? She works in a school.2. is Sally? She is a doctor.3. can help Wang Tao with math? Li Hong. 4. does he do? He is in a hospital.5. are they doing

3、? They are boating.6. dose he go to school? He goes to school on foot.7. jacket is this? It is Sallys.8. is the coat? It is yellow.9. will you buy? I will buy a card.10. did you come back? I came back on October 1st.11. do you have lunch? We have lunch at 7:00.12. is today? It is Monday.13. is your favorite subject? Chinese.四用 a / an 填空1. Amy is American girl.2. Hu Ping is Chinese boy.3. pilot can take people to different places. 来源:学科网ZXXK4. air hostess works in a plane.5. This is orange and is melon.6. We have English class on Tuesday.



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