译林版2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 4 Story time(1) 教案

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1、六下Unit 4 Road safety Story time (第一课时)教学内容: 六下Unit 4 Road safety Story time (第一课时)教学目标:1. 在情景中整体理解Story time的内容。2. 在 Storytime 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety及副词safely的不同。3. 能用正确的语音语调朗读St

2、ory time。4. 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。5. 能牢记过马路的交通规则,树立安全意识。教学重点:1. 能理解道路安全知识,尝试用英语说说道路交通规则。2. 在 Storytime 的学习过程中掌握有关道路交通方面的新词 road, light, zebra crossing, pavement, look out for, easily, rules, follow,must,safety,safely。教学难点:1. 体会情态动词must及其否定must not 的用法,并能简单区分形容词safe,名词safety及副词safely的不同。2. 能牢记过马路的交

3、通规则,树立安全意识。教学过程:Step 1 Pre-readingTeach: road , safe, safety, safely, cross, rules1. Free talk: T: How do you go to school? How does your motherfather go to work? S: On foot or by bikebuscar T: 总结 : Every day, we walk or drive on the road.2. Look at some pictures. (看一些行人、司机图片)1) Look and judge. Are

4、they right? Ss: Yes, yes, yes! No. no, no!2) T:总结We must keep safe.Road safety is very important.3. Lead-in: T:揭题:Today we are going to talk about “Road safety”.There are many busy roads in the cities. How can we cross the roads safely?To keep safe, we must follow some rules.4. T:Do you know any rul

5、es?(让学生表达自己已有的生活经验,了解学生的语言基础。)Ss: 学生自由说说交通规则:eg: We must look for a zebra crossing. We must look at the traffic lights.Step 2 While-reading (Story time)1. 速读课文并对文中的图片进行排序2. 课文第一部分T: How can we cross the roads safely ?Lets learn from the storytime.1) Read together and find the first rule.2) Try to an

6、swer with “first,then” 带着全班复述课文3) 对traffic lights进行教学,并渗透yellow light的教学Teach: greenred manT: What is green man? What is red man? What do they mean?When the light is green , that means we can cross the road When the light is red, that means we must not cross the road.What about the yellow man?The po

7、liceman tells us. Lets read and act.(创设闯红灯的情景)Read and act the policeman.3. 自读课文,学习课文第二部分T:Can you always find a zebra crossing near you?sometimes you cannot find a zebra crossing near you.How can we cross the road safely?1) Read freely. And try to answer these questions.Questions:Where must we wait

8、 before we cross the road?What should we do when we wait?How should we look out for the traffic?Is it a good idea to cross the road with other people? Why?2) Line down the answers of these queations.根据图片提示让学生尝试复述课文4. 看图讨论,学习课文第三部分呈现课文第三部分的两张插图(加上一幅奔跑穿过马路的同学)T: What can you see in the pictures?Ss: So

9、me boys are playing football by the road. A boy is skatingrunning on the road.T: Is it safe?Why?Ss: Because there are many cars and bikes on the road.So what rules do you know?Ss: We must not run or play on the road.T: We must follow the rules and stay safe on the road!5. 整理理解,巩固1) Watch and repeat.

10、2) Reading the text.(自主选择朗读方式)3) Think and write.( 书上P 38)Step 3 Post-reading1. Today we learnt some rules about road safety.Lets sum up.(板书并附上图片)Rule1: look for a zebra crossing,Rule2: wait on the pavement,Rule3: dont run or play on the road.(Learning tip: The pictures can help you cross the road s

11、afely.)2. Look and say.(书上 P38 )T: What must you do to cross the road safely?Ss: We mustT: What must you not do on the road?Ss: We mustnt3. 回到开头提供的图片,用英语描述解释 Why yes. Why no.Step 4 Consolidation1. Learn some proverbs about the road safety.Never forget about safety.Safety is as simple as ABC- Always

12、Be Careful.2. Homework.1) Read the story time fluently( 流利地 ).2) Collect more rules about “Road Safety.”板书设计: Unit 4 Road Safetymust look for a look at the can wait on the look out for look left-right-left crosswith must not run or play follow these rules stay safe教后反思:本课时围绕“行路安全”这一话题,呈现了若干行路规则和安全知识

13、,旨在引导学生树立正确过马路的安全知识。这一话题与学生的生活紧密相关,重点学习过马路的规则,在教学过程中我能联系生活实际,鼓励学生从自身的已有经验出发,说说自己日常的上学方式以及有关过马路的交通规则,并对学生的回答进行及时反馈。在文本的学习中,我采取了总分总的方式展开,先让学生略读课文,对文本有大致的了解,接着集体学习有斑马线的情况下过马路的规则,并通过板书及图片带领学生复述文本,然后通过四个问题让学生自学没有斑马线的情况下过马路的规则,问题也许过于细化,所以课堂节奏较慢,最后通过图片法让学生自主归纳过马路一定不能做的事情,发挥了学生学习的自主性。 由于文本存在一定的知识性,如何将其趣味性体现的更好,我为学生创设了一位母亲带孩子闯红灯的情景来让学生演一演交警,将红绿灯知识进行角色扮演,想法是好的,但在操作的过程中若能放开文本,发挥学生的创造性也许课堂效果会更好。 通过这次的教学活动,我想我们应更关注学生的主观能动性,挖掘学生的无限潜能,让学生们爱上英语课,爱讲英语,爱展现自我。


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