湘少版2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 4 单元测试卷 1

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1、Unit4 单元测试卷第一部分 听力一、Listen and choose.(听录音,选择你所听到的单词)( ) 1. A. cake B. cook C. kite( ) 2. A. flower B. fall C. floor( ) 3. A. singing B. dancing C. interesting( ) 4. A. quick B. quiet C. queen( ) 5. A. blue B. glue C. group( ) 6. A. here B. her C. there二、Listen and judge.(听录音,判断对错,对的打“”,错的打“”)( ) 1.

2、 Amy and Lily are classmates.( ) 2. Amy and Lily like singing.( ) 3. Amy likes reading and writing.( ) 4. Lily always reads in bed.( ) 5. Lily doesnt like Amy.三、Listen and choose.(听录音,选出与你所听到的中文句子相对应的英文表达)( ) 1. A. Dont read in the park. B. Dont read in bed.( ) 2. A. Dont play on the road. B. Dont d

3、o this.( ) 3. A. Be quiet, please. B. Dont be late.( ) 4. A. Dont draw on the wall. B. Dont draw on the floor.( ) 5. A. He can sleep well. B. He cant sleep well.第二部分 笔试一、Copy.(抄写练习)throw waste floor park_Dont talk in the library._二、Read and choose.(给单词或词组选择正确的汉语意思)( ) 1. library A. 图书馆 B. 篮球场 C. 教室(

4、 ) 2. pick A. 扔 B. 摘 C. 擦( ) 3. loudly A. 大声地 B. 小声地 C. 安静地( ) 4. bin A. 垃圾箱 B. 垃圾 C. 扫把( ) 5. make rules A. 守规矩 B. 制定规则 C. 做尺子三、Read and write.(用介词in, on, at填空)1. They live _ the same room.2. Dont draw _ the wall.3. Dont eat _ class.4. Dont play football _ the road.5. Look _ my beautiful dress.四、Lo

5、ok and match.(将图画标志与对应的句子连线)(1) a. Be quiet!(2) b. Mind the steps.(3) c. Use the bin.(4) d. Dont pick the flowers.五、Read and write.(按要求写句子)1. I can draw a picture.(改为否定句)_2. He likes that.(改为否定句)_3. 例:Touch your ears.Dont touch your ears, please. Eat in the library. (仿句)_4. Dont throw waste paper on

6、 the floor.(改为肯定句)_六、Read and translate.(翻译下列句子)1. This is really a problem!_2. He often reads in bed till very late._3. Dont throw waste paper on the floor._4. Dont write on the book._5. His favourite subject is music._七、Read and chose.(阅读短文,选择正确的答案)Bingbing is a naughty boy. Its a fine day. He pla

7、ys in the park. Dont pick the flowers. But he picks them. Dont litter (扔垃圾). But he litters. A dog is sleeping on the ground. Dont touch the dog. But he touches it. The dog wakes up. It runs after him. It wants to bite (咬) him. Bingbing is afraid of (害怕) the dog. He cries, “Help me! Help me!”( ) (1)

8、 Bingbing is _. A. good B. quiet C. naughty( ) (2) He picks _. A. the flowers B. the apples C. the sticks( ) (3) He throws the rubbish (垃圾) _. A. on the ground B. in the rubbish bin C. in the bed( ) (4) He touches _. A. the bird B. the dog C. the cat听力材料:一、1. cake 2. flower 3. dancing 4. quiet 5. gl

9、ue 6. here二、My name is Amy. She is my friend Lily. We are in the same class. I like singing, and Lily likes reading and writing. But Lily always reads in bed. Its not good for her eyes. I like Lily very much.三、1. 不要在床上看书 2. 不要在马路上玩3. 不要迟到 4. 不要在墙上画画5. 他能睡个好觉听力答案:一、1-6 AABBBA二、1-5 三、1-5 BABAA笔试部分一、略二、1-5 ABAAB三、1. in 2. on 3. in 4. on 5. at四、(1)-(4) d c a b五、1. I cant draw a picture.2. He dont like that.3. Dont eat in the library.4. Throw waste paper on the floor.六、1. 这确实是一个问题!2. 他经常在床上看书到很晚。3. 不要往地板上扔废纸。4. 不要在书上乱写。5. 他最喜欢的课程是音乐。七、(1)-(4) CAAB


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