剑桥(join in)版2019-2020年五年级英语下册单元知识梳理 Unit 6

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1、Unit 6 Adventures一、 重点词汇1.背写词汇thedark黑暗spiders蜘蛛hotfood辛辣食物sleepingalone独自睡觉thecold寒冷rats大老鼠bigdogs大狗adventures探险tomato soup西红柿汤coat外套horrorfilms恐怖电影2.熟读词汇moon月亮sea大海desert沙漠mountain山thin瘦的thing东西sheriff州长,治安官ill生病的pancakes烙饼hero英雄ago之前strong强壮的swimmer游泳者factories工厂二、背诵短语put on穿上afraid of害怕bank robb

2、ers银行抢劫者take off脱掉not afraid of 不害怕look for寻找get on上(车、马)get into the water进入水中hands up举起手get off下(车、马)worry about担心a last song最后一首歌was born to 出生于be good at擅长notat all一点也不at your age在你这个年龄be proud of自豪no longer不再三、背诵故事1.Putonyourbootsandyourcowboyhat.穿上你的靴子,带上你的牛仔帽。Getonyourhorse.骑上你的马。Goforaride.兜

3、风。Youretired.你感到累了。Stopyourhorse.停下你的马。Getoff.下马。Sitdownontheground.坐在地上。Ouch!哎呀!Youvesatonacactus.你坐到了仙人掌上。2.Ten years ago 十年前(一般过去式)Bill was born to a farmers family.Bill 出生在一个农民家庭。He was short and thin at your age.他在你这个年龄又矮又瘦。He was often ill.他经常生病。He was afraid of dogs.他害怕狗。He was afraid of gett

4、ing into the water.他害怕进入水中。His parents were always worrying about him.他的父母总是很担心他。3.Now 现在 (一般现在时)Bill is very tall and strong.Bill 又高又强壮。He is good at swimming,他擅长游泳,and he isnt afraid of swimming in the sea.他不害怕在海里游泳。He is a good swimmer in Australia.在澳大利亚他是一名优秀游泳运动员。His parents are proud of him.他的

5、父母为他感到自豪。四、背诵句型1Im afraid of big dogs.我害怕大狗。2Im afraid of spiders.我害怕蜘蛛。3Im afraid of the dark.我害怕黑暗。4Im afraid of horror films.我害怕恐怖影片。5Im not afraid of rats.我不害怕大老鼠。6Im not afraid of the cold.我不害怕寒冷。7Im not afraid of hot food.我不害怕辛辣食物。8Im not afraid of sleeping alone.我不害怕独自睡觉。五、背诵诗歌Imnotafraidofth

6、edark.我不害怕黑。Imnotafraidofspiders.我不害怕蜘蛛。AndImnotafraidofhorrorfilms.我不害怕恐怖电影。ButtheresonethingImafraidof:但是有一个事情我害怕:Tomatosoupforlunch.午餐的西红柿汤。六、背诵对话1A: Are you afraid of big dogs?你害怕大狗吗?B: No, Im not.不,我不害怕。2A: What are you doing ?你正在干什么?B: Im looking for Joe.我正在找Joe。3A: Can I sing a last song please?我能唱最后一首歌吗?B: Yes, of course.是的,当然。4A: Was he often ill?他经常生病吗?B: Yes, he was.是的,他是。七、背诵作文:描述你害怕和不害怕的事物,不少于5句话。(可以从背诵句型里面挑5句话来写)



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