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1、人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册期末模拟卷(时间:60分钟 总分:100分)听力部分(30%)一、听音标号,并用线把短语和听到的时间连起来。(10分) ( )do morning exercises at 8:30 ( )get up at 10:00 ( )eat breakfast at 6:30 ( )go to school at 7:00 ( )heve an English class at 7:20二、听音,勾出你所听到的单词。(5分)1.season soup school2.you your yours 3.smile small snow 4.high light night

2、 5.tree try trip三、听音,选择你所听到的单词填在横线上。(10分) 1.They are playing (basketball,football). 2.I am doing (homework,kung fu). 3.They are eating (breakfast,dinner). 4.They are drinking (water,juice). 5.She is writing a/an (letter,email).四、听音标号,并把听到的句子和相应的图连起来。(5分) ( )Li Yan is taking a dancing class. ( )Tom i

3、s listening to music. ( )Bill is reading a book. ( )Betty is playing sports. ( )Mother is cooking dinner.笔试部分(70%)五、读单词,判断每组词是不是同类词,如果是就在括号里打“”,不是就打“”。(10分) ( )1.fish tree ( )2.apple orange ( )puter TV ( )4.Friday fruit ( )5.May July ( )6.spring autumn ( )7.uncle usually ( )8.which why ( )9.first fl

4、y ( )10.often sometimes六、用am,is,are填空。(10分)1.What you doing?2.I reading a book.3.What your father doing?4.He drawing a picture.5.Zhang Peng listening to music.七、选词填空,使句子意思完整。(10分)October homework games season eat 1.I do my at 7:30. 2.My favourite is spring. 3.Bills birthday is in . 4.Can I play comp

5、uter ? 5.I my dinner at 7:00.八、用线把问句和答句连起来。(15分) 1.Can you wash your clothes? A.He is our new teacher. 2.Thank you very much. B.Its in May. 3.Whos that man? C.Yes,I can. 4.When is the party? D.You are welcome. 5.What would you like for lunch? E.Id like some tomatoes and rice. 九、读句子,根据句意选择恰当的单词填在横线上。

6、(15分)1.I usually (go,goes) to school at 7:30.2.When is (you,your) birthday?3.Sarah is (take,taking) pictures.4.Look! Two pandas are (swim,swimming).5.March is the (third,three) month in a year.6.What do you do (on,in) the weekend?7.Mike can (play,playing) the piano.8.Are (they,the) eating rice?9.My

7、grandpas birthday is (at,in) June.10.Chen Jie goes on a (walk,picnic).十、阅读,并回答以下问题。(10分) My name is Jack.I am 10 years old.I study in Willow School.I like summer best.I can swim in the lake.I have lunch at school.Potatoes are my favourite food.My favourite teacher is Mr Li.Hes our art teacher.He is

8、tall and strong.1.Which season do you like best? 2.Whats your favourite food? 3.Whos your favourite teacher? 4.Whats your art teacher like? 答案听力部分(略)笔试部分五、1-5 6-10 六、1.are 2.am 3.is 4.is 5.is七、1.homework 2.season 3.October 4.games 5.eat八、1-5 CDABE九、1.go 2.your 3.taking 4.swimming 5.third 6.on 7.play 8.they 9.in 10.picnic十、1.Summer.2.Potatoes.3.Mr Li.4.He is tall and strong.



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