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1、译林版(三起)四年级下册期中检测英语试卷评卷人得分一、选择题(题型注释)1.判断下列每组单词划线部分读音是否相同,用“S或D”表示。(_) 1. lake make (_) 2. picnic climb(_) 3. when pen (_) 4. hill timetable (_) 5. every evening (_) 6. match watch2.In autumn, I can _. ( )A. climbingB. skateC. climb3.They usually go boating_2:00_the afternoon _Sunday. ( )A. at; in; o

2、nB. in; on; atC. at; in; in4.A: What _do you _? ( )B: I have Music and Chinese.A. subject; likeB. subjects; likeC. lessons; have5.Su Hai_an Art lesson. Su Hais friend _an Art lesson too. ( )A. have; hasB. has; hasC. has; have6.A: Tomorrow(明天)is Monday. What day is it today? ( )B:_.A. TuesdayB. Frida

3、yC. Sunday7.Look at the birds over there. Lets draw _. ( )A. theyB. themC. it8.I usually go to bed at _.Its not late. ( )A. two oclockB. eight tenC. eleven fifty9.Wang Bing and Mike _at six forty. ( )A. has breakfastB. have a breakfastC. have breakfast10.A: Would you like _hamburgers for lunch? ( )B

4、: Yes, Id like _tea, too.A. any; someB. some; someC. a; any11.I have nine _this term(这学期). ( )A. lessonsB. subjectC. subjects评卷人得分二、阅读理解阅读短文,判断正误,正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。Tina: Lets go to the park.David: Great! Lets go.Helen: Wow, the park is beautiful! Look! Some ducks are swimming on the lake.David: Th

5、ey are lovely! I like the trees near the lake.Tina: There are so many beautiful flowers. They are red, yellow, orange and blue. Can you draw them?David and Helen: Sure, its easy.12.Tina, Helen and David are in the zoo. (_)13.Some ducks are swimming on the river. (_)14.There are some trees near the l

6、ake. (_)15.David can draw the beautiful flowers, but Helen cant. (_)16.The flowers are beautiful. (_)评卷人得分三、填空题(题型注释)17.按要求写词。 1. he(物主代词)_ 2. have(三单形式)_3. snowman(复数)_ 4. whos(同音词)_5. fine(同义词) _ 6. match (复数)_7. THUR(完全形式)_ 8. swim(动名词)_评卷人得分四、书面表达18.Think and write(写一写你喜欢的季节,不少于5句话。)_评卷人得分五、连词成句

7、19.连词成句。1. homework , do, every, when, usually, do, you, your, day (?)_2. football, I , here, play, school, after (.)_3. is, this, trees, are, hill, a, these, and,the (.)_4. I, TV, at, watch, Saturday, on, evening, seven (.)_5. lessons, you, do, what, morning, this, have(?)_评卷人得分六、翻译20.英汉互译。1.那里的一座山

8、_ 2. Well done!_3.河上的船_ 4. 我们的新课程表_5.两节溜冰课_ 6. ten to twelve _ 7.在早上九点_ 8. do her homework_9.一个很热的夏天_ 10.在周三下午_评卷人得分七、句型转转21.按要求完成句子。1. It is Wednesday today.(划线提问)_ _ is it today?2. I get up at 6:50 in the morning.(对划线部分提问)_ _ you get up in the morning?3. I can draw a hill.(改成一般疑问句并作否定回答)_ _ draw a hill? No, I _.4. 我有一个木偶,我的朋友有一个玩具娃娃。(根据中文完成句子)I _ a puppet. My friend _ a doll.5. We have Art and Music in the afternoon. (划线提问) _ _ do you have in the afternoon?



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