人教版(PEP)2019-2020年四年级英语下册教案 Unit 2分课时(2)

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1、Unit2 What time is it?教案第一课时 A Lets talk & Lets play课题Unit2 What time is it?教学目标(1)能听懂、会说“What time is it? It is . Its time for.”并能在情景中进行运用。(2)复习单词:music class, PEclass, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner重 点让学生熟练掌握问句“What time is it ?”和相应的回答以及句型“Its time for.”的用法。难 点理解时差。教学方法任务型教学法,情景教学法。教具准备1.

2、教师准备John和吴一凡的头饰并准备一顶保安人员的帽子。2教师准备该课时的教学挂图教学过程批注或调整1热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)(1)Greetings:T: Good morning. What time is it now?S: Its.T: Its time for English class. (2)Lets do(P15)(3)Listen and act 教师发指令:go to the playground .等,学生根据指令做动作。然后请学生发指令做动作。并复习单词music class, PE class, English class, breakfast,

3、 lunch, dinner。 2呈现/操练(Presentation/Practice)(1)教学Lets go to the playground.a教师课前在教室各处贴好表示地点的图片,如:garden, playground等b采用小组竞赛的方式,每组一位代表,由教师发指令:Lets go to the.学生马上跑到该图片所在的位置。领读后由学生互发指令,完成动作。(2)教学School is over.a教师在黑板上画一个钟表,请学生用手臂当作时针与分针,并提问: What time is it?b练习几次后教师示意学生表示学校的放学时间,引出School is over.c教师领读

4、School is over.(3)教学对话aT: School is over. Where do you go?S: Go home.T: Yes. But Wu Yifan and John dont go home. What are they doing?Where do they go? Lets look at the pictures and listen to the tape.d教师就对话提一些问题:Picture 1:Who are they? Whats the time? Where do they want to go?Picture 2:Where are the

5、y now? What time is it now?Picture 3:Whos the man? What time is it now?eLook, listen and answerf听录音跟读,分角色朗读。(4)Lets play做看动作、猜时间的游戏。学生用他的左右手分别代表时针的长针和短针,不同的手位代表不同的时间,让学生们猜猜What time is it?表分针的手上可拿一支笔以加大长度。(5)教学歌曲“Its Twelve Oclock”3巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)课堂小结:师生总结所得并做本单元A Lets talk部分的课堂作业

6、本配套练习。4.作业:用所学编对话,表演并写下来。预习下一课。板书设计Unit 2 What time is it? A. Lets talkWhat time is it?It is 6 oclock . Its time for dinner.School is over . Time to go home .第二课时A Lets learn & Lets do课题Unit2 What time is it?教学目标1.能听懂、会说“What time is it? It is . Its time for.”并能在情景中进行运用。2.能理解并运用 “Lets go!”和“go home”

7、短语和句子。3.教育学生要严格遵守学校规章制度,按时作息。重 点让学生熟练掌握问句“What time is it ?”和相应的回答以及句型“Its time for.”的用法。难 点Its time to ., 和Its time for . 的用法教学方法任务型教学法,情景教学法教具准备钟表、人物头像教 学 过 程批注或调整Step1 Warm-Up 复习热身1、吟唱英语歌曲(ten little candles)2、教师领做: Lets ChantT:kids ,this time show me your hand , clap your hands and follow me, pl

8、ease.Time for breakfast, drink some milk.Time for lunch, have some children.Time for English, read and write.Time for P.E., jump and run. Step2 Presentation 新知呈现 1、猜谜语引出clock 并训练重点句型:What time is it? Its ., Its time for .Ss: Its a Clock.T: Is it your friend?Ss: Yes. 教师接着拿出实物钟表说Look , your friend is

9、coming .拨动钟表指针并训练主句型: what time is it ? Its 6:00, Its time for dinner.并板书重点句型。2、Play a game : What time is it?在训练重点句型较熟练后,教师突然做个stop 的手势:just a minute , (板书并领读)3,学习:go home 和 school is over 在做游戏时,当指针拨到5点的时候,T: just a minute , its 5:00, school is over ,lets go home. 4、听录音跟读Step 3 Practice 巩固练习1、教师领读。

10、2、表演对话。Step 4 Homework 把今天学到的句型运用到生活当中板书设计Unit 2 What time is it?Its time for.Its time to.第三课时 A Lets spell课题Unit2 What time is it?教学目标1、能够掌握ir和ur的在单词中发长音/ :/的发音规则。2、能够拼读符合ir和ur发音规则的单词,并能读出符合ir和ur发音规则的句子。重 点能够掌握ir和ur的发音规则,并能够根据ir和ur的发音规律拼读单词。难 点能够根据ir和ur的发音规律拼写单词,并能读出符合ir和ur发音规则的句子。教学方法任务型教学法,情景教学法教

11、具准备教学光盘教 学 过 程批注或调整一、热身、复习 (Warm-up/Revision)Lets chantFather and mother, help each other.Sister and brother, play together.读一读,复习er发音规律。让学生读一读chant中father mother other sister brother together,发现上一单元字母组合的er发音规律。二、呈现新课(Presentation )听儿歌 The bird is hurt. Oh no! The bird is hurt. Oh no!Little girl, li

12、ttle girl, Please take the bird to the nurse.The bird is hurt. Oh no!学习新单词A在播放后教师提出问题:Whats wrong with the bird?学生听音完毕回答:The bird is hurt.B教师继续提问:Who can help the bird? 同时老师出示girl图片,学生回答:The girl.教师板书girl, ir用红色书写。老师强调ir的发音。C教师再次播放歌谣并提问:How can the girl help the bird?学生回答:Take the bird to the nurse.

13、老师出示护士的图片,示范单词拼读并板书nurse, ur用红色书写。(3)找规律再读一读bird, girl, hurt, nurse这4个单词中发现他们都含有同一音/ :/。(4)再次练习上面的Chant ir/ : / ur / : /,开火车读,纠正学生发音。(5)拼读ir和ur加辅音。指名读,让其他学生判断对错,小组竞赛,全部跟读。例如:fur dur sur nur skir dir sir bir(6)拼读含er与ir和ur的单词。burn fur turn hurt air first birth girl三、趣味操练 (Practice)结合自制翻翻版,拼读不同的辅音加ir和u

14、r的组合。完成书上Read, listen and circle.教师播放录音,指名回答。(3)摆一摆,说一说同桌之间用事先准备好的字母卡片,摆一摆,说一说。(4)Look, listen and write.A nurse and her hamburger. A girl and her bird.教师播放录音,学生独立完成。指名回答,反馈。四、. 作业设计 Workbook P16页板书设计Unit4 What time is it?A Lets spellir urbird nurse girl 第四课时 B Lets learn & Lets play课题Unit2 What time is it?重点对四个动词词组的掌握。教学目标(1) 能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词和词组:get up, go to school, go home, go to bed 。(2)能认读句型:What time is it? Its 7:30 . Its time to go to school.难 点句型“Its time to.



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