苏教版五年级英语 B U1 知识点总结

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1、Unit1 Cinderella一、 词组:1. at the princes house在王子的宫殿2. cannot go 不能去3. help me 帮助我4. so sad 如此伤心5. cant go to the party 不能去参加舞会6. new clothes and shoes 新衣服和新鞋子7. does not fit不合适8. come back before twelve oclock 在12点以前回来9. She has a good time 她玩得很开心10. at the party 在舞会上11. have to go 不得不走12. he visits

2、 every house他拜访每一间屋子(every+单数) 13. many girls 许多女孩子14. try on the shoe 试穿这只鞋子15. these question words 这些特殊疑问词16. have a drink喝一杯17. draw a dress画一条连衣裙18. draw for her friend 为她的朋友画画19. fairy tales童话故事20. read stories 读故事(story 的复数是stories) 21. have some snacks吃一些零食22. find some mushrooms找到一些蘑菇23. hu

3、rry up 赶快24. It fits.它很合适。25. pick a big and red mushroom采一个又大又红的蘑菇26. look so nice看起来那么漂亮27. be bad for us 对我们有害28. be at school 在校学习29. leavebehind丢下30. fit well 很合适 二、句子:1.Come and help me.过来帮我。2. Why are you so sad, dear?亲爱的,为什么你这样伤心?3. Because I dont have any nice clothes or shoes.因为我没有任何漂亮的衣服和

4、鞋子。(否定句中的“和”用“or”)4. She tries the shoe on.她试穿了这只鞋子。5. We can eat them.我们可以吃它们了。6. She goes home at twelve oclock. 她在12点回家了。7.Why cant you go to the party?你为什么不能去参加舞会?8.My foot hurts! 我的脚受伤了!9.I like reading stories about the Monkey King and Nezha. 我喜欢读猴王和哪吒的故事。10.Because these mushrooms are bad for

5、 us.因为这些蘑菇对我们有害的。11.Cinderella has a good time at the party. 灰姑娘在舞会上度过了美好时光。12.Many girls try on the shoe, but it does not fit.许多女孩试穿这只鞋,但是不合适。13.Why is Yang Ling not at school today? 杨玲为什么今天不在学校?14.Why does Nancy take off her coat?南希为什么脱下她的外套?15.She leaves a shoe behind. 她留下一只鞋。16.She puts on the n

6、ew clothes and shoes.她穿上了新衣服和新鞋子。17.Put on this English play.表演这个英语短剧。18. He is having a drink.他正在喝饮料。19.She is drawing a dress for her friend Sue.她正在为她的朋友苏画一条裙子。20. Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree.Bobby在一棵树下发现了一些蘑菇。21. Bobby picks a big red mushroom.Bobby摘了一个又大又红的蘑菇。22.Bobby does not unders

7、tand.Bobby不明白。3、 语法1. have to是情态动词,后接动词原形,表示“不得不,必须”, 同义词must。Its too late. I have to go home now. 太晚了。我现在不得不回家了。My uncle has a bad headache. He has to see a doctor.我叔叔头疼得厉害。他得看医生。 She has to clean her bedroom every day. 她每天都得打扫她的卧室。2. be bad for 对有害 be good for对有益 be good at擅长于Too many sweets are b

8、ad for your teeth. 太多的糖对你的牙齿有害。Fruit and vegetables are good for us.水果和蔬菜对我们有好处。3. put on,take off,try on的用法: 脱下他的毛衣take off his sweater=take his sweater off,穿上衣服put on the clothes =put the clothes on. 但是当所接成分是代词时,必须放中间。如:take them off() , take off them() ,try it on(), try on it() 4. 常见疑问词的用法疑问词意思用法

9、疑问词意思用法what什么问物品等where在哪里问地点what time几点问时间when何时问时间what day星期几问星期why为什么问原因what colour什么颜色问颜色how怎么样问身体/ 方式what about /how about 怎么样问意见how old多大问年龄who谁问人物how many多少问数量whose谁的问物主how much多少问价钱/不可数名词数量一般疑问句:以be, can或助动词开头,用Yes或No回答的问句。(朗读时一般用升调) 特殊疑问句:以特殊疑问词+一般疑问句构成。(朗读时一般用降调) what 什么(相关搭配:what subject 什

10、么学科, what colour什么颜色,what day 星期几,What time=when何时?what about怎么样?) why 为什么 (why not? 为什么不?) how 怎么样(相关搭配:how about 怎么样,how many 多少+复数,how much 多少+不可数/多少钱)四、语音dr /dr/ draw dress drink driver drive bedroomAndrew is having a drink. Its cold and blue. Andrea is drawing a dress for her friend Sue.安德鲁正在喝饮料。它是冷的、蓝色的。安德里亚正在为她的朋友苏画一条连衣裙



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