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1、Lesson One Another School Year - What For? Key to the exercises II . Vocabulary 1. Practice using the rules of word formation. 1) Examine how the words specialize and simplify are formed. Find out the meanings of the suffixes “ize” and “fy”.suffixes “ize”, from Greek, is used to form verbs meaning:

2、(1) to cause to be, to make (2) to become (3) to put into the stated place suffixes “fy”, from Latin, is used to form verbs meaning: to cause to be, to make. 2) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix “ize” and vice versa. capitalize apology centralize civil finali

3、ze fertile hospitalize industrial idealize real 3) Turn the following nouns or adjectives into verbs that end with the suffix “fy” clarify classify identify intensify justify 4) Complete the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets. (1) fertilize (2) realize (3) summarized (4) criticized

4、 (5) purified (6) qualify (7) justify (8) simplified (9) classified (10) terrified 2. Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms. (1) see to it that (2)do with (3)put you in touch with (4)average out to (5) had no business (6)true of (7)be out to (8)specialized in

5、 (9) are stuck (10)are exposed to (11)averaged out to (12)see to it that 3. Choose the right word and put it in the proper form. i 1) tell, said 2) tell 3) talking, saying 4) said, speak/talk 5) said, spoke ii 1) fairly 2)fairly, rather 3) rather iii 1) sensitive 2) sensible 3) sensible 4. Complete

6、the sentences based on the Chinese given in the brackets. 1) depend on/upon 2)preside over 3)insisted on 4)interfere in/with 5)are longing for/longed for 6)has been concentrated on 7)was agreed on/upon 8)hesitating about/over 9)resort to 10)complaining about, rely on/upon 11)succeeded in 5. Put in t

7、he missing words. (1)varies (2)probably (3)other (4)period (5)reason (6)powers (7)about (8)then (9)take (10)found (11)for (12)mean (13)less (14)are (15)does (16)tend III . Grammar 1. Complete the following sentence wit one of these ways of expressing future time, using the verbs in the brackets. 1)

8、will host 2) will have been completed/will be completed 3) shall/will do 4) will work, is held 5) will be 6) is going to be/will be 7) will have (been) moved 8) will be 9) are going to learn 10) are going to work2. 2. Combine each pair of the sentences, using the right emphasizing coordinate conjunc

9、tions. 1) Both his sister and brother are lawyers. 2) What they lack is not money but experience. 3) They have come to China not only to learn Chinese, but also to learn about her culture as well. 4) I find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to. 5) You may either w

10、rite your essay in your regular exercise book or print a copy if you do it on your computer. 3. Put in the right preposition from the list below. 1) as, on 2) like 3) out of 4) For/On, along with 5) By/Near, behind, in, with 6) as, in, in, from, to/into, at/from 7) about, to, from, with, near, from,

11、 in, in, on, like 8) on/upon, of, round, on, beside, for, by, off, into, under, to, on, on to, under IV . Written work Suppose you are the writer and write what you said to the tall student about the purpose of a university in about 130 words. Sample: One day back in January of 1940 , a student came

12、 to my office and told me that he had come to college to be a pharmacist. He said he didnt see why he should read Shakespeare. I tried, to the best of my ability, to explain what a university is supposed to do. I told him that the job of a university was to produce/ turn out specialists is who were

13、at the same time civilized citizens. In other words, the business of a university is not only to help its students acquire knowledge and professional skills, but also to put them in touch with the great minds of the past. I pointed out that if a person just wanted to be a mechanized savage he had no

14、 business being in college. Lesson Two Maheegun My Brother II . Vocabulary 1. Practice using the rules of word formation. 1) Complete the following sentences with the words in their proper forms from the list below. Write N (noun) or V (verb). (1) risks (N) (2) waste (V) (3) journey (N) (4) hit (V)

15、(5) journeyed (V) (6) camp (V) (7) bandaged (V) 2) Study how the compound words“snow-filled”(para.23) and “blood-soaked”(para.29) are formed. snow-filled (adj.): _ + _ (meaning: filled with snow) blood-soaked (adj.) _ + _ (meaning: soaked with blood) Put the following phrases into Chinese. (1) 国营的工厂

16、 (2) 家庭制作的蛋糕 (3) 由衷的感谢 (4) 敌人占领区 (5) 白雪覆盖的田野 (6) 应试教育 (7) 政府所控股份 (8) 贫困的山村 (9) 以学生为中心的方法 (10)裹着糖衣的药片 2 Complete the sentences with the expressions listed below in their proper forms. 1) at the edge of 2) in search of 3) come into focus 4) only too to 5) work their way out of 6) blew itself out 7) in his place 8) quite down 9) in sea


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