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1、 2017学年第一学期八年级期中考试-英语试卷(答案)Part 2 (Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar). 26-30 ADABD 31-35 CBDCB 36-40 DCBCB . 41-45 BEADF. 46. eleventh, 47. thieves, 48.mine, 49. quietly, 50. power, 51. unlucky, 52. successful, 53. argue. . 54. Dont, turn 55. Did steal, 56. When, does, 57. His, favorite 58. so, that

2、,59. Alices father owns a big business and sells clothes to people.Part Two (Reading Comprehension).(A) 60-64 CDBBD 65.A(B) 66-70 ADBDC 71.B(C) 72. three; 73.funniest; 74. wet; 75. follow; 76. If; 77. hardly; 78. job.(D) 79. In paris. 80. She was nine years old. 81. No, she didnt. 82. Because the child couldnt speak French. 83.A kind young lady. 84. They felt happy when they learnt the girl had got back to the hotel. . 略第 1 页/ 共1页


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