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1、2010年陕西省普通高等教育专升本招生考试大学英语试题注意事项: 1试卷分为试题和答题纸两部分。全卷共16页,其中试题12页,答题纸4页。 2用墨迹为蓝(黑)色的钢笔、圆珠笔或签字笔将答案写在答题纸上,写在试题上的答案无效。 3满分为150分,考试时间为150分钟。Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40分)Directions:In this part,there are 40 incomplete sentencesFor each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose the O

2、NE that best completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet1“When is the concert supposed to start?” “It _ now”Ais about starting Bwas about to startCis about to start Dwas about starting2_ your help,I would not have succeeded.ABut that BBut for CBut if DThanks to3It

3、 is no _talking to him because he will never change his mind. Ahelp Buse Ctime Dway4Fujian Province lies _ the east of China and Taiwan Province is _the east of Fujian Ain;in Bto;in Cto;to Din;to5_full preparation,you wont have much chance of success. AAfter BBefore CWith DWithout6No sooner had we r

4、eached the top of the hill _ we all sat down to rest. Auntil Bwhen Cthen Dthan7. Id rather you _ anything about it for the time being.Adont do Bdont Cdidnt do Ddidnt8. Lisa was busy taking notes Mark was searching the Internet for information.Auntil Bunless Cwhile Dif9. Since he left the university,

5、he _ in an accounting company Ahas been working Bhad worked Chad been working Dwas working10. There is no doubt _ you will pass the exam this timeYou have worked so hard in the past months Awhether Bthat Cif Dwhat11. The house was sold for $60,000,which was far more than its real _ Amoney Bpayment C

6、value Dprofit12. Sorry, we cannot _ you the job because you dont have any work experience Amake Bsend Coffer Dprepare13. When I was in the waiting room at the station yesterdayI read a magazine in order to _ time Aspend Bkill Ctake Dwaste14. Because of the mist,none of those who saw the flying objec

7、t could tell its _ shape Asteady Bprecise Clikely Drigid15. So far as is known,the original manuscripts of Shakespeares plays are no longer in _ . Aevidence Bemphasis Cemergency Dexistence16. The speaker did not mention many facts,so we asked him to be more _ . Aspecific Bspecial Cparticular Drespec

8、tive17. The satellite was launched into _ around the moon Acircle Borbit Cpath Dway18. Would you mind keeping a(n) _ on our house while were away? Ahand Blook Ceye Dmind19. It is so hotYou should put the food into the refrigerator nowOtherwise,it will _soon Aharm Bhurt Cspoil Ddamage20. The idea sou

9、nds very goodBut will it work in _ ? Apractice Bplace Cadvance Dtheory21. However much _,it will be worth it Adoes the watch cost Bcosts the watch. Cthe watch will cost Dthe watch costs22. We should do as much as we can _ our country better and more beautiful. Amake Bto make Cmakes Dmaking23. He wou

10、ld have paid _ for the house if the salesgirl had insisted because he really wanted it Atwice as much Bmuch as twice Cas much twice Dtwice mach as24. _ from the moon,our earth,with water _ seventy percent of its surface,appears as a“blue ball” ASeen;covering BSeen;covered CSeeing;covering DSeeing;co

11、vered25. It takes courage for one _the huge task,to say nothing of fulfilling it in such a short time Ato be faced up to Bfacing up to Cfaces up to Dto face up to26The young man lost his job last month,but it wasnt long_ he found a new position in this company Aafter Bwhile Cas Dbefore27. Color-blin

12、d people often find it difficult to _ between red and green Aseparate Bcompass Cdistinguish Dcontrast28. There are three colors in the British flag,_ red,white and blue Ararely Bnamely Creally Dactually29. To obtain a visa to that country for the first time,you need to apply_ . Ain part Bin person Cin turn Din time30. Do you think he spilled


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