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1、小学生英语练习题教学内容:学习巩固913单元(3352课)内容。1熟练掌握元音及辅音字母(组合)的读音。2扩展并灵活运用冠词、介词、不定代词等词汇。3巩固there be句型和就地点、颜色等问答的句型。4介绍反意疑问句、反问句及答语。练习内容:一、语音:挑出含有题前划线部分发音的单词: ( )1.thank A. friend B. fine C. English D. nice( )2. his A. desk B. boys C. books D. sorry( )3. of A. family B. wife C. seven D. four( )4. think A. these B.

2、 their C. thank D. brother( )5. where A. we B. who C. whose D. over二、用冠词a, an, the填空,不需要处划: 1. _old man in _car is _old teacher. 2. Can you see _dog over there? Its my dog.3. I can see _boy and _woman in _picture. _boy is Jim and _woman is Miss Gao.4. Theres _“x”and _“u” in the word “excuse”.5. Lucy

3、 can play _piano, but she cant play _football.三、用括号内所给词的适当形式填空: 1. Mr King is _(Lucy and Lily) father. 2. Today is _(children) Day.3. Miss Li is those _(girl)Chinese teacher. 4. Which of the two coats _(be) yours?5. How much money _(be) there in your purse? There _(be) twenty yuan.四、选择填空,将正确答案的序号填入题

4、前括号内: ( )1. Look at your new clothes. Please_.A. put it on B.put on it C. put them on D. put on them( )2. “Arent you American?” “_. Im English.”A. No, I am. B. Yes, Im not. C. No, Im not. D. Yes, I am.( )3.Tom looks _Jack. Theyre twins.A. at B. after C. up D. like( )4. “_ that at the school gate? ”

5、“I think _Mr Wang.”A. Wheres, shes B. Whats, Im C. Whos, its D. Hows, youre( )5. The sweater _our Chinese teacher is old.A. with B. on C. in D. under( )6.I have a _.A. twin sister B. twins sister C. twin sisters D. twins sisters( )7. Theyre _. They arent_.A. Americans, Englishes B.American, Englishe

6、s C. Americans, Englishen D. Americans, Englishs( )8. The boys _a football. Its new.A. there are B. there is C. there have D. there has( )9.“Cant you help me now?”“_, I cant now.”A. Yes B. No C. Ok D. Sorry( )10. Which is your pen? _?A. A red one and a blue one B. A red one or a blue one C. The red

7、one and the blue one D. The red one or the blue one五、按要求改写句子: 1Whats that in your hand now? (回答问题)_ _ _ _.2. Theres a man teacher in the room. (划线提问)_ _ _ _ _ _in the room?3. The boy in the black coat is my brother. (划线提问) _ _ _ _brother?4. You dont speak Chinese, do you?(回答问题)_,_ _.5.I dont think t

8、he answer is right. (同义句)I _the answer _ _.参考答案:一、 1. C 2.B 3. C 4.C 5. A二、1. The, the an 2. the 3. a, a, the, The, the 4. an, a 5. the, 解题指导:在本项5道题中设计到了不定冠词a, an 和定冠词the 的用法如下: a, an泛指,the 特指,the 用于复述上文提到过的人或事物。在演奏乐器时,乐器名称前加the, 球类运动名称前不加冠词。三、1. Lucy and Lilys 2. Childrens 3. girls 4. is 5. is is 解

9、题指导:13题设计到了名词所有格的用法:表示两者共同拥有,只在第二人后加s,不规则名词复数的所有格在词尾加s,以s结尾的复数名词的所有格直接加。45题考查动词be的使用。 Which表示两件大衣中的一件。代表单数,所以应填is, money是不可数名词,应用there is表示。四、1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. D 10. D解题指导:2. 此句意思是“你不是美国人吗?”“是的,我不是美国人,我是英国人。”对于这种否定疑问句的回答,应避免汉语影响,yes后不能带not, no后必须带not.3通过Theyre twins. 判断, Tom

10、和Jack长得很像,应表达为look like,应选D。5表示“某人身上的衣服”时要用on, 即衣服在前,人在后,应选B。7American 做名词时,复数要加s, English表示为名词形式后要加man,此句主语为第三人称复数,故改为Englishmen, 应选C。8此句不是there be句型,而是“某人拥有某物”的have, has句型。There做后置定语,修饰boys, boys为第三人称复数,要接have, 应选C。9 根据答句中cant判断不能提供帮助,为此应表示歉意,应选D。10本句是选择问句,所指钢笔是特指,应选D。五、1. It is a pen. 2. How many men teachers are there in the room? 3. Which boy is your brother?4. Yes, I do. 5. I think the answer is wrong.


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