冀教版小学英语五年级下册课件Lesson10 The Great Wall

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1、Let ssing Let stakeapicture youandme Lookatthecamera 1 2 3 Let stakeapicture youandme Lookatthecamera saycheese Okay okay Thistime let smakeafunnyface Ready Let stakeapicture 1 2 3Youandme Saycheese ThereisaChinesesaying AmanwhohasnotclimbedtheGreatWallisnotatrueman Lesson10 TheGreatWall 学习目标 1我会听说读

2、写单词 feel tired stop wait afraid2我会正确使用句子 Howlong Howold Don tbeafraid Howdoesshefeel 感觉 感受 Shefeelstired 疲劳的 累的 Howdotheyfeel Theyfeelafraid 害怕 畏惧 beafraidof 对 感到害怕 恐惧 Don tbeafraid Help I mafraidofthedog Trafficlights Redmeansstop 停止 Yellowmeanswait 等待 Greenmeansgo Becareful OntheGreatWall farfrom远

3、离 TheGreatWallisfarfromourhotel Weneedtotakeabus 需要 HowoldistheGreatWall It sabout2000 twothousand yearsold That sveryold Howlong 多长 Howlongisit Itisabout6000kilometres 千米 Therearetoomanycarsandbuses 有太多的小汽车和公共汽车 注 therebe有Thereis 单数 不可数名词Thereare 可数名词复数 Let slisten firsttime listen 听 secondtime fol

4、low 跟读 学路提示 1 听的时候要静静地听录音的语音语调 2 跟读的时候要大声模仿录音的语音语调 1HowdotheygototheGreatWall 2HowoldistheGreatWall 3HowlongistheGreatWall 4HowdoesDannyfeelonthewayback 5IsDannyafraidofthecarsandbuses Canyoudoit Whichgroupisthewinner 赛读提升 返回 学路导航自读 对读 小组读 Thereisanappleandsomeoranges Therearesomeorangesandanapple Therebe句型遵循就近原则 Howold 多少岁 Howoldisshe Sheissixyearsold



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