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1、5BM1U1Whatamess PeriodOne Whose whose whosepuppyisthis It sMin s It sMin s It sMin spuppy Whose whose whosedressisthis It sMum s It sMum s It sMum sdress Whose whose whosehatisthis It sDad s It sDad s It sDad shat Whose whose whosedollisthis It sJane s It sJane s It sJane sdoll Let sread Wherearethe

2、y schoolbag Ihaveaschoolbag It s colour and size shape Thereis are inmyschoolbag Everymorning Igotoschoolwithit Trytosay Peterhasanewschoolbag It sredandbig Thereisapencilcase somepaperandalotofbooksinit Everymorning hegoestotheschoolwithhisnewbag Peterlikesitverymuch WhereisPeter sschoolbag noteboo

3、k sketchbook picturebook storybook exercisebook Whatcanyoudowith 用 the Ican with 用 the Pairwork 1 Childrenliketoreaditverymuchbecausetherearemanyinterestingstoriesinit Theyusuallyreaditbeforebedtime It sa 2 Wecanfinishourhomeworkonthe 3 Whenwegotohaveapicnicinthepark wecantakea Then wecandrawmanypic

4、turesonit 4 Therearemanybeautifulpicturesandphotosinthe 5 Studentsuseitintheirclasses Theytakesomenotes 记笔记 onthe storybook exercisebook sketchbook picturebook notebook crayon Maystayplayday Ihaveanewboxof Thereare crayonsinthebox Thefirstcrayonis Iwillcolouranapple Thesecondcrayonis Iwillcolouranor

5、ange The crayonisyellow Iwillcolour Thefourthcrayonisgreen Iwillcoloura The crayonispurple Iwillcolourgrapes Thesixthcrayonis Iwillcolourachestnut Theseventhcrayonisblue Iwillcolour The crayonispink Iwillcolourapeach LookatthefruitthatIcoloured arefun crayons eight red orange third bananas watermelo

6、n fifth brown blueberries eighth Crayons Thinkandread brush v 刷 Ibrushmyteethtwiceeveryday n 刷子 毛笔 Icanpaintwiththebrush toothbrush hairbrush brushpen paintbrush paint s tape blue glue scarf schoolbag gloves hat crayon paints notebook glue brush Goodmemory 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Whose isthis arethese It

7、s They re Pairwork Whosevolleyballisthis It sJill sball WhereisPeter sschoolbag Peterhasanewschoolbag It sabigredone Buthecan tfindit Whereisit Heislookingforhisnewschoolbag Hegoesintotheclassroom Oh Theclassroomisnotcleanandtidy Look Thebluenotebookisonthedesk Butthecrayonsareonthechair Besidethech

8、air thereisabrush Wherearethepaints Theyareontheteacher sdesk Theglueandthetapearenotonthedesk Theyareonthefloor AndwhereisPeter sbag Oh It sunderthechair Whatamess Readandanswer 1 Whereisthenotebook 2 What sbesidethechair 3 Arepaintsonthefloor 4 Where sPeter sschoolbag 5 Howistheclassroom It sonthedesk There sabrush No Theyareontheteacher sdesk It sunderthechair It samess Whatamess 真乱 Keeptheroomcleanandtidy Assignment 1 ListentoP3andfollowthetape 2 CopythewordsonP3 3 PreviewthetextonP2


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