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1、货币兑换的商务口语会话在商务业务中,一个合格的商务人员除了具备扎实的英语基础,外贸知识之外,还需要具备跨国的交际能力,而给经常陪同客户出行是家常便饭的事,那么关于货币兑换该如何去表达呢?以下是小编给大家整理的货币兑换的商务口语会话,希望可以帮到大家A: Can I help you?A:我能帮你点什么吗?B: Yes, Id like to change some money to cover my expenses here. Whats todays rate of US dollar against the RMB yuan?B:是的。我想兑换一些钱来支付我在这里的开销。今天美元对人民币

2、的汇率是多少?Let me see, the buying rate is RMB 808 per $100.How much would you like to change?A:让我看下。买入价是每100美元对人民币808元。您要兑换多少?B: $200 altogether.B:总共200美元。A: Would you mind showing me your passport?A:请出示您的护照。B: Here it is. And how much RMB shall I get?B:给您。我能拿到多少人民币?A: Let me see. $200 makes RMB 1,616.H

3、ere is the cash and exchange memo. Please check it.A:让我看一下。200美元相当于人民币1 616元。这是钱和水单,请点一下。B: Thats correct. thank you very much.B:对,谢谢。A: Good afternoon, Mr. Chen. How are you?A:下午好,陈先生。您最近过得怎么样?B: Fine, thanks. I will go to Mainland China for a business trip tomorrow. and I want to change some Hong

4、Kong dollars into Renminbi.B:很好,谢谢。明天我会到内地出差,想把一些港币兑换成人民币。A: How much do you want, Mr. Chen?A:您要多少,陈先生?B: One thousand yuan, please. By the way, what is todays exchange quotation?B:请给我1000元。此外,今天的外汇行情走势怎样?A: The rate is still high for other foreign currencies. The exchange rate for Hong Kong dollars

5、 into Renminbi is 1.053 Renminbi yuan to one dollar.A:其他外汇汇率仍然高涨,而港币和人民币的汇率是1。053 元人民币兑1元港币。B: Oh, I see. Could you please split the one thousand Renminbi into hundreds and tens?B:我知道了。您能把这1 000元人民币换成100元和10元面值的钞票吗?A: Certainly, sir. How do you want it?A:当然可以,您想怎样换呢?B: Five hundred in hundred RMB notes and others in ten RMB notes, please.B:要5张100元人民币的钞票,其他换成10元人民币的钞票就行了。A: Yes, Mr. Chen. Here you are. B: Thank you very much.A:好的,陈先生。给您。 B:十分感谢。4



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