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2、中还有五彩缤纷的烟花,给长辈拜过年后,我就拿着压岁钱去买我喜欢的玩具鞭炮、吃的,大人们打麻将,我和小伙伴玩,初二到初六,我和爸爸妈妈带上礼品走亲戚,也能挣到不少的压岁钱。春节是快乐的,我非常喜欢这节日。I like Spring Festival best.A thought of the Spring Festival, can eat the delicious food, also can buy all kinds of small fireworks, also can earn a lot of money, buy a beloved toy, beautiful new clo

3、thes, and set off firecrackers, which are more think more happy days.When the Spring Festival comes, families stick to the couplets and buy New Years goods and keep the house clean and tidy. On the first day we got up very early in the morning, go to grandpa grandma happy New Year, after the New Yea

4、r I can get a lot of lucky money, then go to eat dumplings, set off firecrackers every household, the air and the colorful fireworks, after the Chinese New Year to worship the elders, I took the money to buy a toy fireworks, I like to eat, the adults play mahjong, I and a friend to play, 2 to people

5、, I take my father and mother gift relatives, also can earn a lot of lucky money.The Spring Festival is happy. I like it very much.关于春节的英语作文带翻译【二】2011年的春节终于来到了,阳光照着大地,一片喜气洋洋的景象,人们纷纷来到街头,让原本宽阔的大道挤得水泄不通。人们来到商场,真是人山人海呀,许多人都买了大大小小的礼品,去走访亲戚。在来到公园虽然天气很冷,但大家都冒着严寒,带着小孩到公园里游玩,开心极了。这真是我们小孩子们难得的节日,我们可以随便玩、随便吃,

6、还可以做自己想干的事情,这天,真像我们小孩子的“自由节”呀。快乐的生活要感谢我们的祖先,如果没有他们,我们哪会有今天这快乐的节日呢,在这快乐的同时,我们也不能忘记学习。The Spring Festival of 2011 finally arrived, the sun shining on the earth, a scene of jubilation, people came to the streets, the original broad avenue crowded with water.People come to the shopping mall, it is reall

7、y a sea of people, many people bought large and small gifts, to visit relatives. It was very cold in the park, but everyone braved the cold and took the children to the park.This is a rare holiday for our children. We can play, eat, and do what we want. This day, it is like the free festival of our

8、children.Happy life is to thank our ancestors, if we do not have them, we will not have today this happy holiday, in this happy time, we also cannot forget to learn.关于春节的英语作文带翻译【三】今天,我和爸爸、妈妈高高兴兴地回老家过春节。我刚到老家,就发现门上已贴上了新的春联,我高兴地去找弟弟放炮。我拿了一个足球炮,它圆圆的、绿绿的,外壳是层薄薄的塑料,很环保。我小心翼翼地把炮放在了台阶上,弟弟帮我把引火的小木棍拿来,我慢慢地把木

9、棍对准炮,只听见“嘭”的一声爆炸了,这个足球炮可真响呀!我们吃过年夜饭就一起看联欢晚会,有小品、相声、歌舞好看极了!今年春节大家团团圆圆过得很高兴,我祝愿每个人每天都象过春节一样开心、快乐!Today, I went back to my hometown for the Spring Festival happily with my father and mother.As soon as I got to my hometown, I found a new spring couplet on the door, and I was happy to find my brother. I

10、took a football cannon. It was round and green, with a thin layer of plastic and very green. I carefully put the gun on the steps, the younger brother help me to bring the flash sticks, I slowly put a stick on the gun, only heard the bang a loud explosion, this gun is football really loud!We watched

11、 the gala dinner together after the New Years eve dinner. There were sketches, crosstalk, singing and dancing.It looks great!This year, we have a very happy reunion. I wish everyone a happy and happy New Year!关于春节的英语作文带翻译【四】我盼望已久的春节到了。腊月二十四是小年,小年那天晚上要扫尘。为什么要扫尘呢?因为要除旧迎新。我给你们介绍介绍春节吧!春节晚上的第一件事就是团年饭,团年饭

12、总是少不了两种特别的菜,这两种菜分别是鱼和圆子。为什么要吃这两种菜呢?因为年年有余、团团圆圆嘛。一家人还要从七八点到十二点不睡觉哟,那是守岁!我觉得春节是一个欢快的节日。Im looking forward to the Spring Festival.The 24th day of the twelfth lunar month is a small year. Why dust? Because we need to get rid of the old. Let me introduce the Spring Festival to you.The first thing to do d

13、uring the Spring Festival is the reunion dinner. There are always two special dishes. These two dishes are fish and round. Why do you eat these two dishes? Because of the annual surplus, tuan tuan yuan yuan. The family will not go to sleep from eight to twelve.I think Spring Festival is a happy holi


15、安逸啊!春节,我的快乐节日,我盼望春节和我永远相伴!Spring Festival is the happiest thing for me.I especially love shooting, and my favorite is the yellow smoke gun! Its fun to shoot. The sound of the gun went bang! Bang! Bang! Really exciting. In the gun class, only the yellow smoke gun is comfortable, wipe the gun, two words, childish, the young children play, the cannon, dangerous class, slightly careless, there is danger.Take the yellow smoke gun, fire it with fire, brush -! Throw it to the sky, ah -! A yellow arc, row in the air, how beautiful! There was a bang and an explosion.What makes me fe


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