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1、【精品】主题作文范文 1)Competition andCooperation Competition and cooperationare bothimportant.They are attributes that are equallynecessary for a personto achieve suess inhis life.If youlived ona farmtwo hundredyears ago,you could be lesscooperative toear asuessful life,just workinghard in your fields,feedin

2、g yourfowls andcows.But in modern times,people areliving more and morecooperatively.For example,in afootball match,all playerson theteam mustwork withjoint effortsin orderto win the match.Such activitiesrequire team-work.You can see workers at theassembly linedoing theirparts ofwork individually,but

3、 you can hardlysee anyproducts aomplishedby onlyone person.With therapid developmentof transportationand municationsystems likethe Inter,cooperation isbeing more and moreindispensable andvital for a personto survivein thisworld.But petitionis alsovery importantinmodernsociety.If you are anentreprene

4、ur andwish customersto buyyour products,you have to petewith others.Competition stimulatespeople toimprove theirwork and makes the world developrapidly.Both petitionand cooperationare involvedin everyfield oflife andwork.Actually inmany activities,both arerequired.For instance,in learningEnglish,we

5、petewith each other.As aresult,we allmake greatprogress.Our studyalso demandsteamwork.We oftenhelp each other bypointing outeach others mistakes and exchangingideas.While weadvocate petition,we should not neglectcooperation.Human beingsare socialbeings.No onecan survivewithout helpfrom others.Only w

6、ithboth petitionand cooperationcan weachieve suessand livein peaceand harmonywith each other.2)How todefine FriendsAs aproverb goes,a lifewithout a friend isa lifewithout asun.It istrue thateverybody needsfriends.Namely,without afriend,youll feellonely andgloomy.Suppose youare introuble,whom willyou

7、 turn to forhelp ifyou haveno friends?And youmay alsowant to share yourfeelings andmunicate youropinions withsomeone.In thiscase wefind itnecessary to make friends.It goeswithout sayingthatafriend in need isafriendindeed.A friend should be one you can turnto forhelp,one wholikes toshare joyand hards

8、hipswith you,one you can trustand onewho wont turnhis backon you.A friendmay arguewith youbut neverlose temper.A devotedfriendshouldmake morecontact with you even if helives elsewhere.Quit somepeople try to makemore friends with those who canoffer help.The resultis thatfriendship oftenlasts untilthe

9、y areof nouse toeach other.As faras I am concerned,I like to choosefriends mainlyaording to their charactersrather thantheir socialposition or their money.I liketomakefriendswith thosewhohave somethingin monwith meor havethe meritsI do not have.We shallhelp eachother toimprove ourstudies andwork and

10、be alwaysready tohelp eachother.What is more,friends should be honestand reliable.3)Sense ofResponsibility Teachersin the Hope Primary Schools shoulderthe responsibilityof pushingforward thegood quality of primary education inbackward areas.Since theupgrading of the teachingquality of theHopePrimary

11、Schoolsdepends on the generalquality of the teachers,Project HopeNational Teachers TrainingFund wasestablished toimprove thisoverall professionalquality.Standard ofdonation:There isno ceilingon theamount ofthis donation.If thetotal amountof thedonation exceeds1,000,000Yuan,then aspecial fundwill ben

12、amed afterdonor.Use ofFund:A donationof3,000Yuan would be usedto assista teacherto receivea15-day trainingin theProject HopeTeacher TrainingCenter basedin Shanghai.The trainingcourses include:primaryeducationadministration,Chinese teachingmethodology atprimary school,Mathematics teachingmethodology

13、atprimary school,administrative managementof primary schools,bined trainingof agricultureand technologyeducation.4)On MoralityI wasthinking today,just beforeI gotout ofbed:if therereally isa heavenor hell,as rudimentaryas thoseconcepts sound,what wouldone doto qualifyfor suchadmission intoheaven?And

14、 whyis itso desireablein the first place?A monmisconception,I believe,that is most prominentlymade by the catholicsis thatadmission wouldbe codifiedinto aconsolidation ofdoctrine andrules thatare supposedlytimeless.The easyand fundamentalerror in this isthat changeis not only apart of society,but ap

15、art of the naturalorder(nature and the ecosystem)and thus,we maysay,in linewith Christianbelief,part of the worldGod created.If Godcreated theecosystem,it ismore thanconceivable thathe facilitatedchange as a necessarymechanism oflife.Thus,why aremost catholicsa bunchof conservatives,adhering to an o

16、utdatedtext?I constantlyponder this.The onlyvalid conclusionis oneIve heldto in my wholelife:the catholics(administration,at thevery least)areacollection ofgod-fearing individualswho mistaketexts fordivinity andmodern insight,perception,new thought,change andmon sense(and mostimportantly,sex,for thatmatter)for actsof thedevil,or at the least,something that should beavoided.In conclusion,I simplyliketo try my best to do theright thingsin lifethat myparents havetaught me,such asrespe


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