沪教版英语八年级下册第四单元8B Unit 4 Reading 2习题含答案

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1、沪教版八下8B Unit 4 Reading 2习题含答案一、单项选择( )1. A human being is a(an) _ .A. machine B. animal C. cartoonD. person( )2. Leonardo da Vinci was an Italian painter, inventor,_ and scientist.A. teacherB. footballC. musicianD. driver( )3. Dinosaurs lived on Earth for more than 150 years and then they all sudden

2、ly _.A. went outB. ran outC. looked outD. died out( )4. I did not see_ in the classroom this morning.A. someoneB. somethingC. anyoneD. somebody( )5. The king and the old man played the game _ a long time but the old man won finally.2 完形填空Computer facts Smaller and betterIn the 1940s, the first compu

3、ters were _16_than cars. Now computers are becoming smaller and better. Some computers are tiny. You may be unaware of_17_. There is probably one inside your TV or washing machine. You _18_ computers more than you realize. What can we do with computers?We can _19_ computers to calculate. They can ca

4、lculate at a faster _20_ than we can and almost never give _21_ answers. We can also type and draw things _22_ them. In addition, computers can do important _23_ like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships. Is a computer cleverer than me?The answer is “_24_”. Your brain can produce new

5、ideas but computers_25_. However, one day computers may be able to do a better job than _26_. For example, they may be better than doctors _27_ doing their job. What will happen to us _28_ computers can do all our jobs? Will we have _29_ to do? Computers may change our_30_, but will they make them b

6、etter? ( )6. A. cleanerB. lighterC. cheaperD. bigger( )7. A. themB. him C. it D. us( )8. A. think about B . turn upC. look afterD. depend on( )9.A. helpB. use C. hope D. play( )10.A. ruler B. method C. speedD. position( )11.A. wrongB. poor C. narrowD. correct( )12.A.fromB. with C. through D. across(

7、 )13.A. duties B. orders C. jobsD. answers( )14.A.YesB. NoC. MaybeD. Sure( )15. A. cannotB. must not C .need notD. may not( )16.A.population B. engineers C. human beings D. designers( )17.A.in B. ofC. onD. at( )18.A.sinceB. if C. until D. though( )19.A. something B. everythingC. nothing D. anything( )20.A. styles B. thoughts C .hobbies D. lives答案:一、1-5BCDAC二、610 CACDB 1115 DABCD 1620 ACBAB


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