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1、1. Native English speaker, American preferred;英语为母语的外籍教师(美国人士优先考虑); 2. Bachelors degree or above. TEFL, ESL, TESOL certificate holder is desirable; 拥有学士或以上学位 (有ESL, TEFL或TESOL资格证书者优先); 3. The candidate should have at least two years teaching experience, teaching experience in corporate training and

2、business background preferred; 至少有两年以上的英语教学经验者(有企业培训经验和商务背景的优先);4. The candidate should love teaching work, be responsible for and be patient with students, be willing to cooperate with colleagues with good teamwork spirit.热爱教学事业,敬业主动,对待教学持有耐心、认真的工作态度; 具体团队合作精神。Employment type : full-time工作类型:全职If y

3、oud like to join us, please send your resume to us and tell us when you will be available to start teaching : 如果你想加入我们,请把你的简历发送给我们,并注明你什么时候可以开始授课: You can also make a phone call to us: 010-88115048您也可以致电给我们:010-88115048外教聘用合同聘方单位名称:法定代表人:委托代理人:地址:电话:传真:受聘方姓名:性别:出生日期:国籍:证件号码:境外住址:电话:传真:一、双方本着合法、公平、平





8、向另一方提出,经双方协商一致同意后签订新的合同。受聘方合同期满后,在华逗留期间的一切费用自理。十一、合同争议解决方式当事人双方发生合同争议时,尽可能通过协商或者调解解决。若协商、调解无效,可向当地人事或劳动仲裁机构申请仲裁。对仲裁结果不服的,可向人民法院提起诉讼。本合同于年月日在(地点)签字。合同一式两份,每份同时用中文和文写成,两种文字同时签字生效。聘方: 受聘方:CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENTEmployer(Party A)Name of the Employer:Legal Representative:Agent ad litem:Address:Tel:Fax:Emp

9、loyed Foreign Experts or Professionals(Party B)Name:Sex:Date of Birth:Nationality:ID Number:Overseas Address:Tel:Fax:I.Both parties, in line with the principles of legality, fairness, equality, mutual agreement, honesty, and trustworthiness, on a voluntary basis, and in a spirit of friendly cooperat

10、ion, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill all the obligations stipulated hereinafter.II.The term of this contract shall be from to , with the first month set as probation period.III.Tasks assigned to Party B(see the appendix).IV.Party Bs monthly salary shall be RMB (before tax), of whic

11、h % can be converted into foreign currency on a monthly basis. Please see the appendix for terms and conditions on other remunerations and benefits concerned.V.Party As Obligations:1.Party A shall inform Party B of relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China as well as any institu

12、tions and administrative stipulations concerned with Party Bs employment as herein provided.2.Party A shall conduct regular supervision, inspection and review of Party Bs working performance.3.Party A shall provide Party B with necessary working and living conditions.4.Party A shall deploy fellow st

13、aff for Party B for coordination affairs.5.Party A shall pay Party Bs salary as scheduled.VI. Party Bs Obligations:1. Party B shall observe relevant laws and regulations of the Peoples Republic of China and shall not interfere in Chinas internal affairs.2. Party B shall observe any institutions and

14、administrative stipulations concerned with its employment, and shall be subject to Party As arrangements, supervision, inspection and review of his/her working performance. Without Party As consent, Party B shall not conduct any part-time job assigned by any other party.3. Party B shall fulfill the

15、tasks assigned to him/her with high standards within the prescribed timeframe.4. Party B shall respect Chinas religious policies, and shall not conduct any religious activities incompatible with his/her status as a foreign expert.5. Party B shall respect Chinese peoples ethics and customs.VII. Revision, Cancellation and Termination of the Contract: Both parties shall abide by the contract and shall refrain from revising, canc



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