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1、初三英语中考复习试题(一)一、听力、语音与词汇。(计35分) 请听句子,根据你所听到的问句选出正确的答语。每个小题你将有五秒钟答题时间。句子读一遍。(5分) 1) a. Not yet. b. Why not? c. Yes, please. d. Thank you. 2) a. Lets make it a little earlier. b. I dont know. c. What about half past eleven? d. At about twelve. 3) a. Whats the matter? b. Im sorry. I dont know. c. You mu

2、st see a doctor. d. Are you ill? 4) a. You mean where the post office is. b. No, its about five minutes walk. c. You cant ask me.d. How many letters do you write? 5) a. Its very nice of you. b. Sorry, I dont know. Youd better ask the policeman over there. c. Im looking for a hospital. d. Thank you a

3、ll the same. 二、语法复习(形容词、副词)。(计38分) A. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(18分) 1. ago, before (1) Ill ring you up _ I leave home. (2) He finished the work five days _ . 2. deep, deeply (1) The death of his friend affected him_. (2) To find water, they had to dig _. 3. alone, lonely (1) Dont leave the baby _ at home. (2)

4、When his wife and two little children left him, he was very _. 4. also, as well, either (1) He _ likes swimming in summer. (2) My father didnt go to the park, and I didnt go, _. (3) Are they coming _ ? 5. much too, too much, too many (1) There is _water on the floor. Thats _wet. (2) Eating _ is bad

5、for our health. (3) There are_ books in the library. 6. near, nearly (1) I like sitting _ the fire. (2) Be careful! You _ crashed into that cyclist. 7. wide, widely (1) Computers are _ used in schools nowadays. (2) He threw the ball _ . 8. hard, hardly (1) He tries very _ to make her happy. (2) She

6、used to be a great musician, but she_ plays at all now. B. 选择填空。(10分) 1. The population of China is _ than _of any other country in the world. a. larger, the one b. more, that c. larger, that d. more, the one 2. -What delicious cakes! -They would taste _ with butter. a. stupid b. better c. bad d. en

7、ough 3. -Dad, could you buy me a computer like this? -Of course, we can buy _ one than this, but _ this. a. a better, better than b. a popular, as good as c.a more popular, not as good as d. a cheaper, as good as 4.The things in this shop are _than those in the supermarket. a. cheap b. cheapest c. c

8、heaper d. as cheap as 5. I dont think they can do as _ as we. a. best b. better c. good d. well 6. -These moon cakes are delicious. -Yes. But I think the ones with nuts are_ of all. a. delicious b. more delicious c. the most delicious d. the delicious 7. -Can you catch what I said? -Sorry, I can _ u

9、nderstand it. a. almost b. hardly c. nearly d. never 8. Of the two Australian students, Masha is _ one. I think you can find her easily. a. tallest b. the taller c. taller d. the tallest 9. In our city, its_ in July, but it is even _ in August. a. hotter, hottest b. hot, hot c. hotter, hot d. hot, h

10、otter 10. It is _ to work out this problem.You neednt go to the teacher. a. enough easy b. easily enoughc. easy enough d. very easily C. 根据上句改写下句,且使上下两句意思相同或相符。(10分) 1 Art is the most popular subject of all. Art is more popular than _ _ _. 2. She was as old as he. She and he were _ in _ _ _. 3. Japa

11、nese is less popular than English. Japanese _ _ popular _ English. 4. Lucy is neither older nor younger than I. Lucy is _ _ _ I. 5. I prefer English to the other subjects. I _ English _ _ the other subjects. 三、知识要点。(计25 分) A. 单项选择。(10分) 1.You dont have_money.Why_make a paper plane for him? a. much,

12、dont b. many, dont c. much, not d. many, not 2. -Im sorry. I broke the cup. -_. a.Youre welcome b.It doesnt matterc.Dont say sorry d. I think so 3. Listen! I hear someone _ the door. a. open b. to open c. opening d. opened 4. -Dont you like eating turkey? -_. But Im full now. a. No, I dont b. No, I

13、do c. Yes, I do d. Yes, I dont 5. He _ some pencils to draw pictures. a. need b. needs c. can d. may 6. Tom finds it very hard _ Chinese. a. learn b. learning c. to learn d. learnt 7. Im sorry I dont know _ . a. to do what b. what to do c. do what d. what doing 8. Would you like to have _ water? a.

14、some more b. some another c. another more d. more some 9. We are going to have _ hiking next Saturday. a. many funs b. much funs c. a lot of fun d. a fun 10. Thats _ they are going to talk about. a. why b. what c. that d. how 四、综合练习(计52分 ) B. 完形填空。(15分) And now if you often listen to this programme, youll know that its time for our weekly compet



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