通用工程英语视听说教程下Unit 12 vocabulary

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1、Unit 12 VocabularySection A1. working range 工作范围2. prerequisite n. 先决条件3. provision n. 条款4. leakage n. 泄露5. quotation n. 报价6. technical personnel 技术人员7. review v. 复审8. strive v. 努力9. unit price 单价10. total price 总价11. overtime n. 加班费用12. payment conditions 付款条件13. contract duration 工期14. price flexi

2、bility 价格弹性15. clause n. 条款16. devaluation n. 货币贬值17. currency n. 货币18. make judgments on 对做出判断19. contract period 合同有效期20. commodity n. 商品21. cement n. 水泥22. project time 项目时间23. specified a. 指定的;规定的24. default n. 违约25. completion of schedule 完成进度26. terms of contract 合同条款27. construction drawing 施

3、工图28. deliver v. 交付29. acceptance n. 验收30. subjectively ad. 主观地31. objectively ad. 客观地32. modify v. 修改33. design content 设计内容34. confirm v. 确认35. approval n. 认可36. time limit 期限37. exceed v. 超过38. extend v. 延长39. stipulate v. 规定40. valid a. 有效的41. terminate v. 终止;结束42. maintenance period 保修期43. insp

4、ection and acceptance 验收44. acceptance range 验收范围45. concealed project 隐蔽工程46. acceptance certificate of completion 竣工验收证明书Section BConversation 11. timed a. 有时限的2. problematic a. 有问题的3. civil works 土建工程4. breakdown n. 分类5. telecommunication n. 通讯6. oncost n. (原材料及人工费用以外的)间接成本7. offsite n. 装置外;厂区外8.

5、 mobilize v. 调动;集合9. idle v.闲置10. concrete n. 混凝土11. consumable a. 损耗的;消耗的12. reinforcement n. 钢筋13. formwork n. 模板14. technology transfer 技术转让15. implementation n. 实施;实现16. quality assurance 质量保证17. comprehensive a. 综合的;全面的18. tax provision 税收条款19. business tax 营业税20. profit tax 所得税21. camp cost 营地

6、建设费22. concerning prep. 关于23. extinguish v. 熄灭24. drainage n. 排水;排污25. accommodation n. 膳宿26. prestressing works 预应力工程27. cladding n. 电镀28. roofing n. 盖顶29. HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) 供热通风与空气调节30. lump a. 总共的31. rebar n. (螺纹)钢筋32. BQQ (Bill of Quantity) 工程量清单33. draft n. 草稿Conv

7、ersation 21. joint venture 联合经营;短期合营2. in detail 详细地3. headquarters n. 总部4. as a general practice 作为惯例5. configure v.配置6. if any 如果有的话7. liability n. 债务;责任8. in proportion to 与成比例Conversation 31. installation n. 安装2. generating unit 发电机组3. take over 接管;接手4. timetable n. 时间表5. diagram n. 图表6. mainten

8、ance manual 维护手册7. deem v. 认为8. substantially ad. 大体上;实质上be substantially completed 实质性竣工9. surface recovery 表面恢复10. phase n. 阶段Section C1. adhere v. 坚持;遵守2. feint n. (法语)假装3. compromise n. 妥协4. stall v. 暂停5. consultation n. 咨询6. countermeasure n. 对策7. concession n. 让步make concessions on 对让步8. take the initiative 采取主动9. bargain v. 议价10. reach an agreement 达成一致



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