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1、j0 2007, 9( 2): 193-196Ch inese Journal of Pesticide Science#研究简报#=3)Y2)sk#?)易晓华, 冯俊涛, 王永宏* , 郭小炜, 张 兴(jS/v j0/83j0/,1712100 )K 1:在对从除虫菊中分离到的内生真菌进行抑菌活性系统筛选的基础上, 对其中活性较高的Y 2菌株进行了初步的鉴定和活性物质的分离b经形态学初步鉴定该菌株为镰孢属真菌 Fusariumsp. ,其发酵液粗提物高抑菌活性馏分集中在丙酮a乙酸乙酯等中等极性馏分段bY 2菌株发酵液10倍稀释液对玉米大斑病菌Exserohilum tu rcicum 等

2、6种供试植物病原真菌菌丝生长的抑制率在80. 41% 93. 26%之间,其 5倍稀释液对番茄灰霉病菌 Botrytis cinerea 和苹果炭疽病菌G lom erellacingu lata孢子萌发的抑制率均大于 80%b活体生测结果表明,该发酵液对番茄灰霉病和黄瓜霜霉病的保护效果大于 50%, 治疗效果不明显b1oM:除虫菊; 内生真菌;发酵产物;活性筛选;抑菌活性ms|: S4821292 DS: A cI|: 1008-7303( 2007) 02-0193-04ThePreliminaryStudyon Screeningand Identification ofEndophyt

3、icFungiY2 from Pyrethrum cinerariifolium andAntifungalActivityofY2FermentationProductsY I X iao-hua, FENG Jun-tao, W ANG Y ong-hong* , GUO X iao-w ei, ZHANG X ing(Research and Developm ent C en ter of B iorational Pesticide /Technology and EngineeringResearch C enter of Biopesticide, Northwest A & F

4、 Un iversity, Yangling, 712100, Shaanxi Province, China )Abstract: B ased on the antifungal activity screen ing of endophytic fungi obtained from Pyrethrumcinerariifolium , the strain of Y 2 w ith higher activ ity w as prim arily identified and its active substancesw ere separated. The prim ary m or

5、pho log ical characteristics identification ind icated that Y2 belonges toFusarium sp. . The extracts of Y 2 ferm entation liquid w ith h igh antifungal activity w ere eluted byacetone and ethyl acetate. The b ioassay results show ed that the inh ib ition rates of 10 tim e dilutedferm entation liqui

6、d of Y 2 against 6 pathogenic fungi includingExserohilum tu rcicum et al. w ere rangedfrom 80. 41% to 93. 26% , and that of the 5 tim e d iluted ferm entation liquid of Y2 against Botrytiscirerea andG lom erella cingulata w erem ore than 80% . The an tifungal activity of ferm entation productof Y 2

7、w ere analyzed by in vivo assay, the protective effect against B. cinerea and Lycopersiconesculentum w erem ore than 50% , the therapeutic effect w ere not prom inent.Key words: Pyrethrum cinerariifolium T rev. ; endophytic fung;i ferm entation products; activityscreen ing; antifungal activ ityl: 20

8、07-01-05;: 2007-04-02.Te:k( 1972-),o,=,pV3,1VY?7?;YT( A uthor fo r correspondence):( 1968-),3,pV,q,1VY3j07?.: 029-87092122; E-mai:l w yh34 yahoo. com. cn:SE/E0S/1v( 2002BA 516A04). V.d0#Bt+y=3)Q3s,=3)B 1bB,HB)T,+Y)rTA 2b=3)t0rs1YbV,=3)?3MM3Q3 3 5 ,O)!,VYVme?Hqnv40scbyN,=3)?33j0lt3aV3KyBHo 1bTVaa=as1

9、28=3)d$,zaV=sY 2)ks,i?),Te/b1 ZE1. 1 k:Pyrethrum cinerariifo lium T rev. ,SS24b04: 50%X2( procym idone)VAx4,T; 72%b 8%#64%(s), cym oxan il# m ancozebVAx4,*s*j0K3b?!: PDA!=3)s, PDA8!=3)(?b!:B.j!( CLA ) 6 bkh):INh)Botrytiscirereaaj)Rh izocton ia cerealisaTh)G lom erella cingu lataavh)E xserohilum turc

10、icumafh)Phytophthoracapsicialh)Fu sarium gram inearumaIN=h)Fu lvia fu lvaah)Alternariabrassicaea(h)Pseudoperonosporacuben sis,jS/vj04b1. 2 Y2)saB#k|!7=,GQ75%!10 s, 0. 1%6!30 s,)!3 5Q,hg0. 5 cm 1. 0 cml,PDA, 28e/E;!7 d ,H),PDA!?!,B,i)I|aibV=s49=3),3qEk?CY 2)?A)Kzb|Y 2)CLA!,vD 7ZE,4Y 2)+!+,k)Fusarium sp1b1. 3 ?!=3)?Hq:|Y 2)5PDA!5 7 d,),u|4 mm)fPDA8!( 15)f/),(5( 95 r /m in)?7 10 db?A?!:|?Hq/)A,4ea10 000 r /m in/20 m in,|bAY 2)?Ab|30 L?A4Vr, 4ea10 000 r /m in20 m in,bA?Ni( 45e ),?Ab1. 4 Y2)?AAss!AEb5j( 47 mm 800 m m )200



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