2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习课件:Unit 17 Laughter

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《2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习课件:Unit 17 Laughter》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习课件:Unit 17 Laughter(36页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit17Laughter 基础知识 梳理 考点知识 导练 基础知识 梳理抓主干 固双基 amuse amusing amused amusement withdraw withdrawal acknowledge resist resistant resistance forbid forbidden astonish astonished astonishment convince convincing convinced accomplish accomplished clarify harmony harmonious profession professional professo

2、r disgusting disgust disgusted compensate compensation caution cautious cautiously desperate desperately desperation delay overlook scold scare 荒谬的 可笑的 运动 rid in to of into on cash in around around pull make off to 考点知识 导练解疑难 提知能 1 amusevt 逗乐 使 某人 笑 给 提供娱乐 高考运用 Theboysamusedthemselvesgames Iwasamuse

3、d see thesealperformitstricks Toher amuse herlittlebrothermistooktheword cat for cap 答案 with tosee amusement特别提示 使某人感到非常可笑的是 可用muchtoone samusement或toone sgreatamusement 但不可用very 写作联想 高考运用 其他表达方式 Whatamusedherwasthatherlittlebrothermistooktheword cat for cap Itamusedherthatherlittlebrothermistookthe

4、word cat for cap Herlittlebrothermistookthetheword cat for cap whichmadeheramused Herlittlebrothermistooktheword cat for cap anditmadeheramused 2 withdrawv 提取 收回 撤退 高考运用 Hedecidedto 让他女儿退学 Bothpowerswithdrewtheirforcestheregion Lizwithdrew 100heraccount 答案 withdrawhisdaughterfromschool from from 3 d

5、elayv 推迟 延期 耽误n 延误 延期 高考运用 Afteralongdiscussion theydecidedtodelay carry outthenewplan 毫不拖延 Icalledtothankher 2019天津 完形填空 Weapologizeforthedelayansweringyourletter 答案 carrying Withoutdelay in 4 acknowledgevt 认可 承认 告知收到 感谢 高考运用 Ihopeyoucan 承认错误 inpublic Afteralongtalk theboyacknowledged cheat intheex

6、am MarkTwainwasacknowledgedoneoftheAmerica smostfamouswriters 答案 acknowledgeyourmistake cheating havingcheated as特别提示acknowledge作 承认 讲时 后接名词 动词 ing形式或从句作宾语 不接不定式 作 认为 讲时 常与as或tobe连用 5 resistv 抵制 抵抗 忍耐 忍受 忍住 高考运用 Thebankstronglyresists cut interestrates Elderlypeoplearenotalways resist tochange 答案 cu

7、tting resistant特别提示resist表示 抗拒 诱惑等 的意思时 常与否定意义的can t canhardly等连用 resist后接名词 代词或动词 ing形式 但不能接不定式 6 forbidvt 禁止 不准 高考运用 Heforbids smoke duringofficehours Everyonewasforbidden leave thebuildingduringthattime Heforbadethemmentioningthesubjectagain 答案 smoking toleave from 7 astonishvt 使惊诧 使吃惊 高考运用 Wewer

8、eastonished hear thattheirfootballteamhadwonthechampion Thenewsthathehadcheatedintheexamreallymademe astonish Toher astonish thecomputercost8 000yuan 答案 tohear astonished astonishment 8 convincevt 说服 使 相信 高考运用 Wefinallyconvincedthemourinnocence WeconvincedAnne go bytrainratherthanplane Theoldman con

9、vince thattheyoungmanhadn tstolenthecamel 答案 of togo wasconvinced 9 accomplishvt 取得 成功 完成 任务 实现 计划 高考运用 Theworkerswerenotbetterorganized otherwisethey 完成 thetaskinhalfthetime 2019天津卷 Hisdaughteris accomplish inpiano 答案 wouldhaveaccomplished accomplished 10 getridof处理掉 摆脱 丢弃 扔掉 表动作 高考运用 Schooluniform

10、saretraditionalinBritain butsomeschoolsarestartingto 丢弃 them 2019浙江 语法填空 It snoteasytoridoneselfahabit 答案 getridof of 11 resultin造成 导致 巧学助记 高考运用 Shewasnotawarethatwhatshedidwouldresultagreatloss Asresultofthepilots strike allflightshavehadtobecancelled 答案 in a 12 regardlessof不管 不顾 不论高考运用 Regardlessy

11、ourchoiceofcourse you lldevelopyourlanguageabilitybothquicklyandeffectively Hetalkslittle butweallregardhimanhonestperson 答案 of as 13 Haveyoueverhadtroubletryingtospellaword 你有没有拼不出单词的时候 高考运用 Ineverhaveanytrouble get tosleep Youcan timaginewhattroubleshehad raise herthreechildren It sworthwhiletotakethetrouble explain ajobfullytonewemployees 答案 getting raising toexplain特别提示 在havetrouble difficulty in doingsth 结构中 trouble和difficulty为不可数名词 而haveproblems aproblem中的problem是可数名词 v ing形式前的介词in可以省略 若havetrouble difficulty problems后接名词或代词 通常用介词with 点击进入单元知识检测 点击进入能力提升题组训练



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