2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习课件:Unit 11 The Media

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《2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习课件:Unit 11 The Media》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2021版高考北师大版英语大一轮复习课件:Unit 11 The Media(45页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit11TheMedia 基础知识 梳理 考点知识 导练 基础知识 梳理抓主干 固双基 demand demanding announce announcement delighted delight delightful employ employment employer employee respect respectable respectful conclude conclusion belief believe painful pain application apply applicant legal legally encouragement encourage coura

2、ge disagreement disagree advertise advertisement advertiser advertising visually visual contribution contribute consideration consider considerate analyse analysis process arise blame attempt defend pretend approach affair widespread budget 自然环境的 忠实地 真诚地 打断 讲话或动作 打扰 favour of out long for with 考点知识

3、导练解疑难 提知能 1 demandvt 要求 请求n 要求 需求 量 需要 高考运用 Iguessthatthere sprobablysome demand workschedule 2019全国 阅读理解B Butwecannot 满足他的要求 forhighpay 答案 demanding meet satisfyhisdemand 词语辨析 demand request和require都可以表示 要求 后接名词性从句时 从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气 should 动词原形 Sherequestedhermother should besenttohospitalatonce 她要求把

4、她的母亲马上送去医院 TheGovernorhasdemandedyourresignation 州长已经要求你辞职 Studentsarerequiredtoattendclasses 学生必须按规定上课 2 announcevt 宣布 宣告 声称 高考运用 Hesaidtheluckywomanwill announce onthewebsiteandthetripwillbesharedonline 2017全国 完形填空 Itis announce thatsomenewlawswilltakeeffectnextmonth An announce willbemadesoononth

5、ebulletinboard 答案 beannounced announced announcement 3 delightedadj 愉快的 高兴的 欣喜的 高考运用 Theprofessorwasdelighted find thattwothirdsoftheprojecthadbeenfinished Thegoodnewsreallymadethepeoplepresent delight Hewasdelightedhiswisheshadcometrue 答案 tofind delighted that写作联想 高考运用 其他表达方式 Tohisdelight hiswishes

6、hadcometrue Itdelightedhimthathiswisheshadcometrue Whatdelightedhimwasthathiswisheshadcometrue 4 arisevi arose arisen 出现 发生 产生 起立高考运用 WhileIhaveonlylistedtwoofeach thereareobviouslymanyothersituationsthatcan 出现 2019全国 七选五 Accidentsusually 由 产生 carelessness 答案 arise arisefrom 写作联想 高考运用 其他表达方式 Acciden

7、tsusuallyariseoutofcarelessness Accidentsusuallyresultfromcarelessness Accidentsareusuallycausedbycarelessness Carelessnessusuallyleadsto resultsin contributestoaccidents 词语辨析 Thesenseofexcitementandtensionlevelsrisesuddenly 兴奋感与紧张感突然变得强烈 Theconferenceisintendedtoraisepeople sawarenessofAIDS 会议的目的是唤

8、起人们对艾滋病的认识 Canwebeginbydiscussingmattersarisingfromthelastmeeting 我们是不是可以从讨论上次会议所产生的问题开始 Wemustarousethemtofightfortheirownfreedom 我们必须唤醒他们为自己的自由而斗争 5 blamen 过失 责备vt 责备 谴责 高考运用 IoftenhadcrazydreamsinwhichIwastoblameMiller saccident Policeareblamingtheaccidentdangerousdriving Lotsofpeoplefindithardto

9、getupinthemorning andputtheblamethealarmclock 2017全国 七选五 答案 for on on特别提示sb betoblame forsth 句型中 blame用主动形式表示被动意义 6 employvt 雇用 使用 利用高考运用 Theyoungman employ bythecompanywasfromasmallcity ThebossemployedMaryasecretary Hewasemployedwateringthegarden 答案 employed as in 7 attemptvt 尝试 试图n 努力 尝试 高考运用 Ever

10、yyearabout40 000peopleattempt climb Kilimanjaro thehighestmountaininAfrica 2019全国 完形填空 Thedoctorsaremakingattempttopreventcancercellsspreading 答案 toclimb an特别提示attempt的过去分词形式可作定语 意思是 未遂的 如attemptedmurder谋杀未遂 词语辨析 Weatherconditionspreventedthemfromattemptingthejump 天气状况使他们无法试跳 Youmusttryandcontrolyou

11、rtemper 你必须尽量控制自己的脾气 8 defendv 防御 保卫 为 辩解高考运用 Shehadtodefendherselftheguarddog Healsohadagunwithwhichtodefend he 答案 against from himself 9 pretendvt 佯装 假装 自称 佯称 高考运用 Hewouldaskwhowewereandpretendnot know us Theboypretended 在睡觉 whenhismothercamein Shepretended 看过 themoviebefore butactuallyshedidn t 答

12、案 toknow tobesleeping tohaveseen 10 respectvt 尊敬 尊重n 尊敬 方面 高考运用 Weallrespecttheoldmanhiskindness Thesetwobuildingsaresimilartoeachotherinmany respect 答案 for respects 11 approachn C 通道 方法 方式 U 接近 逼近vi 靠近vt 接近 动手处理 与 交涉 高考运用 approach thevehicle theysawthatawomanwastryingtogetoutofthebrokenwindow Theyt

13、ookareasonableapproachto solve theproblem Wehavemade approach tothemtoformabusinesspartnership 答案 Approaching solving approaches 12 concludevt vi 作出结论 结束 高考运用 Iconcludedhisletterthathewassufferingfromabadcold Theyconcludedthepartyanicefolksong Whenhebringshisspeechtoanice conclude Whaleyinvitesthere

14、stoftheclasstopraisehim 2019全国 阅读理解B 答案 from with conclusion 13 infavourof支持 赞同高考运用 Allthestudentsareinfavourthenewplan Willyoudomefavourandopenthewindow 答案 of a 14 consistof由 组成 由 构成 高考运用 Theteam consist oftwentypeoplewassenttothatarea Happinessconsistscontentment Theseactionsare consist withhispri

15、nciples 答案 consisting in consistent特别提示consistof与consistin不用进行时态 也不用被动语态 15 aslongas和 一样长 只要高考运用 Somescientistsevensaywecanlive 和 一样久 130years 只要 weworkhard wecanreachourgoalintime 答案 aslongas As Solongas 16 However notalladvertisingisaboutsellingproductsandservicesforaprofit 然而 并非所有的广告都是为谋求利润而销售产品与服务的 高考运用 不是每个人都 candothat ittakesyearsofexperience butaprintermakesiteasy 2018天津 阅读理解C 不是所有的 dictionariesarethesame asyouwillnoticewhenyouselectone Shehastakenalotofdifferentmedicines but 没有一种 hascuredthedisease 答案 Noteverybody Notall none 点击进入单元知识检测 点击进入能力提升题组训练



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