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1、山东省郯城三中 2012 高一英语教案 Unit1 Friendship五 新人教版 必修 1 一 教学内容 Reading and listening p 6 Speaking p 6 Listening task p 43 二 教学目标 1 能力目标 在本节课结束时 学生能够 根据 Lisa 信件内容 指出她的交友烦恼所在 听懂听力材料中Miss Wang 给 Lisa 的回信中所表明的态度以及她的建议 针对别人的问题和观点发表自己的看法 并使用关于同意和不同意的表达用语 2 目标语言 重点词汇和短语 ignore disagree exactly fall in love 重点句型结构

2、have trouble with get along with There is nothing wrong with in doing There is no reason to That way 三 教学步骤 步骤一阅读和听力 1 读前 1 教师提出几个问题 让学生思考并回答 2 教师可选取几个学生回答问题 鼓励学生发表不同的看 法 并提供适当的句型 帮助学生使用完整的句子来表 达 2 阅读 Lisa 的来信 教师介绍 Lisa 与朋友相处时也遇到了 一个困难 让学生带着两个问题去阅读 然后回答问题 教师可提示一些关键词 让学生能够完整地回答问题 3 听力活动 1 让学生听第一遍录音 回

3、答Miss Wang 的建议是什么 2 再次听录音 边听边做笔记 然后完成教材第六页的 练习二 老师核对答案 并点评个别答案 例如Ending v ing form used as a subject 1 Listen to Miss Wang s reply and answer Listening My advice is What s Miss Wang s advice 2 Listen again and finish the exercises below 1 There s nothing wrong with you and this boy friends and toget

4、her 2 your friendship with this boy would be a thing to do 3 Teenagers like to and they often see something that isn t real 4 My advice is to your classmates That way you will them that you are more than they are being studying Ending stupid gossip ignore show grown up Listening 1 Pre reading Think

5、about the following questions and give your ideas about them What will you do if you have trouble withyour classmates or friends For example if he she does something wrong that made you angry or sad Answer If I have trouble with I will What will you do if you disagree withyour friends about somethin

6、g Answer If I disagree with I will Do you think it is possible for you to get along with everyone Answer Yes No I think don t think so because I Reading 2 Read Lisa s letter and answer the following two questions What did Lisa write to Miss Wang for For advice Lisa wrote to Miss Wang to ask for advi

7、ce What is Lisa s problem have trouble with gossip She has trouble with her classmates Some of them gossiped about her friendship with a boy Reading 3 老师再次播放录音 提供听力材料给学生 让学生边听边跟读 并找出其中有用的句型 并 创设语境进行造句练习 4 让学生两人一组一起口头完成教材第六页的练习3 最后笔头完成 设计意图 阅读前的导入问题是学生关心的话题 能够 调动学生的情绪 但老师必须做好必要的小结 纠 正学生可能出现的不良思想 让学生带

8、着问题去阅 读信件 有助于抓住文章要领 提高阅读的针对性 在听的过程中 老师根据学生实际水平递进式地安 排听力活动和练习 以保证各层次的学生都能完成 一定量的听力 第一次播放录音 安排学生带着一 个总结性的问题去听 并不要求学生做任何有难度 的练习 当学生了解了听力材料的大意后 第二次 播放录音后才布置学生完成填写练习 第三次播放录音时提供听力材料 让学生边听边跟 读 有助于学生重温听不明白的单词和句子 步骤二交际活动一 1 让学生针对Miss Wang 的建议发表自己的看法 老师引导学生使用教材Speaking 部分关于同意 和不同意的表达用语 2 四人小组讨论话题 What do you

9、think of Miss Wang s advice 老师可提供引导性的小问题 帮助学生整理思路 Do you think Lisa ignoring her classmates is a good idea If you agree what are your reasons Dear Lisa There is nothing wrong withyou and this boy being friends and studying together Of course a boy and a girl can be good friends Ending your friendshi

10、p with this boy would be a stupid thing to do You would lose a good friend and someone to study with Listening text Listening Teenagers like to gossip and they often see something that isn t real Perhaps your classmates cannot understand your friendship with this boy That s no reason to stop it My a

11、dvice is to ignore your classmates That way you will show them that you are more grown up than they are Yours Wang Fei Listening 1 What does Miss Wang say about their friendship She says that Ex 3 Answer the following questions orally in pairs there is nothing wrong in Lisa making friends with a boy

12、 She also thinks that it is possible for a boy and a girl to be just good friends Listening 2 Why does Miss Wang think it would be foolish if they end their friendship She thinks that Lisa would lose a good friend who helps her with her studies Listening 3 How does she explain why Lisa classmates go

13、ssip about their friendship She says that 4 What is Miss Wang s advice She asks Lisa to teenagers like to gossip and that perhaps they can t understand Lisa s friendship with the boy ignore her gossiping classmates Listening Do you think Lisa ignoring her classmates is a good idea What do you t hink

14、 of M iss Wang s advice If you agree what are your reasons If you disagree what do you suggest II Speaking If you don t agree what do you suggest 3 每个小组应把小组成员的意见在纸上列出来 然后派代表呈现小组意见 并说出理由 4 请学生投票选出提出最佳方案的小组 设计意图 本环节是听力和阅读环节的延伸 延续Miss Wang 给出的建议进行讨论 在交流意 见的同时学习表示同意和不同意的表达用语 让小组合作 把交际的结果写下来 既有口头练习又有笔头练习

15、 让学生投票选出最佳方案 为活动加入了竞争元素 提高了学生参与活动的动力 步骤三交际活动二 1 Listening Task WB P 43 1 话题导入 Teacher I think Lisa is really lucky to have a friend who can help her Do you remember Anne Anne made friends with a boy named Peter who also lived in the hiding place He was the son of another family hiding with them Let

16、s listen to the tape and find out what happened to them 2 让学生看教材的练习一中的问题 听第一遍录音 学生回答问题 Who are disagreeing about the friendship Anne and her father 3 在听第二遍录音之前 让学生浏览下面的表格 正确理解表格中需要填写的内容要求 再次 播放录音 学生填写表格 关于Peter Anne父亲的态度和Anne 的想法 如需要 可重复 播放难度较大的句子 4 先让部分学生说出自己的答案 老师可适当补充完 善 2 话题讨论 Do you think Anne should follow her father s advice 1 让学生四人小组讨论问题 Agree or disagree 提 醒学生在讨论时使用教材Speaking部分的表达用 语 2 各小组按照各自意见列出合理的理由 3 教师抽查几个小组代表表达本小组成员的看法以及 理由 设计意图 第二个交际活动是围绕本单元主要人物Anne就交友问题与父亲有意见分歧展开的 因此老师简单介绍听力大意 为


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