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1、1 山东省济宁市梁山一中2013 2014 学年高一英语下学期期中试题 含 解析 第 I 卷 选择题 请点击修改第I 卷的文字说明 评卷人得分 一 单项选择 题型注释 1 If you keep on writing you will have brighter future likely to become J K Rowling A the a B the the C a a D a the 答案 C 解析 试题分析 句意 如果你继续写作的话 你一定会有一个光明的未来的 并有可能成为又一 个杰克罗琳 第一空 有一个光明的未来have a bright future 第二空用排除法可以得 到

2、答案 不可能填定冠词the 因为如果用它就是指杰克罗琳本人 而应用不定冠词a表示 又 也 故 C正确 考点 考查冠词用法 2 The teacher doesn t permit in class A smoke B to smoke C smoking D to have a smoke 答案 C 解析 试题分析 句意 那位老师不允许他的学生在课堂上抽烟 Permit 的固定搭配permit doing sth 允许做某事 故C正确 考点 动词的固定结构 3 Susan go and join your sister cleaning the yard Why John is sitting

3、 there doing nothing A him B he C I D me 答案 D 解析 试题分析 句意 苏珊 加入到你姐姐一起打扫庭院去 为什么是我呀 约翰正坐那儿 无所事事呢 根据语法应该使用宾格 又根据语境应该是 我 应用 me 故 D正确 考点 人称代词的用法辨析 4 Patience is a kind of quality and that is what it takes to do anything well A what B which C that D How 答案 A 解析 2 试题分析 句意 有耐心是一种很好的品质 那是我们做好任何一件事都需要的品质 固定 结构

4、 It takes took sth to do sth需要 去做某事 可知空白处应该填名词性的词 what 符合 故A正确 考点 疑问词的考查 5 On the very first day of the war the president a state of emergency A informed B suffered C declared D Confirmed 答案 C 解析 试题分析 句意 在战争的第一天 总统宣布了国家正处于紧急状态 A 通知 告知 B 遭受 C 宣布 D 确认 认可 故C正确 考点 考查动词辨析 6 Do you think that the 11th Chi

5、nese National Games were a success Yes It couldn t be A relatively better B approximately worse C absolutely better D fortunately worse 答案 C 解析 试题分析 句意 你认为你第十一届全运会是个成功吗 当然了 没有比这更好的了 A 相对地 更好 B 大约 更糟糕 C 绝对地 更好 D 幸运地 更糟糕 故C正确 考点 考查副词和形容词 7 George said that he would come to school to see me the other d

6、ay but he A wouldn t B didn t C hasn t D hadn t 答案 B 解析 试题分析 句意 乔治在不久前的一天说来看我学校看我 但是他没有 此句其实是一个省 略句 完整句应是but he didn t come 因为前面出现了时间状语the other day 应用 助动词 did 故 B正确 考点 考查助动词的选择 8 Do you know about the accident which happened in the center of the city Yes But it was some time we realized the truth A

7、 before B when C since D Until 答案 A 解析 试题分析 句意 你知道那起发生在市中心的事故吗 是呀 过了一段时间后我们就了 解那个实况 It 时间段 before 过了一段时间就 故A正确 考点 考查固定搭配 9 Shall I inform him of the change of the schedule right now I am afraid you in case he comes late for the meeting A will B must C may D Can 3 答案 B 解析 试题分析 句意 考点 考查情态动词 我现在就通知他日程表

8、发生改变了吗 以防他开会迟到 我恐怕你 必须得现在通知他 A 将要 B 必须 一定 C 也许 D 可能 故B正确 10 He to us that those eggs which were on the table had been by snakes A lied laying lied B lied lying lain C laid laid laid D lied lying laid 答案 D 解析 试题分析 句意 他向我撒谎说那些在桌子上的蛋是蛇产的 Lie 表撒谎意思时 过去时和 过去分词都是lied 故排除 C项 当表示放置 下蛋动词原形 过去式 过去分词 现在分 词分别是l

9、ay laid laid laying 可得出最后一空填laid 再因为 lie作位于讲现在分 词是 lying 故 D正确 考点 动词不同意义的辨析 11 The nurses are trying their best to reduce the patient s fear he would die of the disease A that B as C of which D Which 答案 A 解析 试题分析 句意 护士们正尽他们所能去减轻那位病人将会死于那种疾病的恐惧心理 根据 分析不难得出fear和空白后的句子he would die of the disease应该是同位关系

10、 所以 用 that引导同位语从句 故A正确 考点 考查代词 12 The tomato juice left brown on the front of my jacket A spot B point C track D trace 答案 A 解析 试题分析 句意 番茄汁在我夹克的前面留下了棕色的污点 A 斑点 污点 B 小数点 标 点 C 轨迹 D 痕迹 足迹 故A 正确 考点 考查名词辨析 13 He couldn t the fact that the money was found in his house A answer for B leave for C account fo

11、r D care for 答案 C 解析 试题分析 句意 他不能把钱是在他的房间里被找到的作为解释解释这个事实的原因 A 对 负责 B 离开千万 C 是 的原因 D 喜欢 照顾 故C正确 考点 考查动词词组辨析 14 There are some health problems that when in time can become bigger ones later on 4 A not treated B not being treated C not to be treated D not have been treated 答案 A 解析 试题分析 句意 有一些健康方面的问题 如果不

12、及时治疗的话 后来问题会越变越大的 空白处的完整结构应是they are not treated 当主句和从句的主语是一致 且谓语动词 是 be 动词的某种形式 这时可以省略主语和谓语动词 故A 正确 考点 考查省略结构 15 The reason the little actress has been such a success is she is both clever and hard working A why why B why that C that because D for because 答案 B 解析 试题分析 句意 那个小女演员如此成功的原因就是她不仅聪明而且勤奋 固定

13、结构the reason why is that 的原因是 故B正确 考点 考查固定搭配 评卷人得分 二 完形填空 题型注释 My nephew s 10 year old son came for a visit one hot July weekend I persuaded him to inside and joined him in a game After for an hour I suggested that we relax for a while I fell into my favorite recliner 躺椅 to let my neck muscles relax

14、 He d slipped out of the room and I was catching a few moments of peace and quiet Look Alice he saidas he ran over to the chair where I was sitting I found a kite Could we go outside and it Glancing out a nearby window I noticed it was outside I m sorry Tripper I said sad to see his eyes The wind is

15、 not blowing today The kite won t fly The 10 year old replied I think it s enough I can get it to fly he answered as he ran out to the back door Up and down in the yard he ran pulling the kite to a small length of string He ran back and forth as hard as his ten year old would carry him looking back

16、at the kite behind After about ten minutes of determination he came back in I asked How did it go Fine he said not wanting to admit I got it to fly some As he walked past me to return the kite to the closet shelf I heard him say under his breath I guess I ll have to wait for the At that moment I heard another Voice speak to my Alice sometimes you are just like that You want to do it your way waiting for the Wind And the voice was right We usually want to use our own efforts to what we want to do



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