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1、1 山东德州 2014届高考英语一轮复习完形填空加强训练24 It was my birthday last Thursday and I decided to 16 by inviting a few friends out to supper I 17 a restaurant in a quiet part of town It is one of my favorite restaurants because the food is good and the waiters are friendly It is hardly ever crowded because 18 people

2、 know about it so it is not usually necessary to book a table In any case Thursday is not a busy evening 19 When we entered the restaurant I was surprised to find it completely 20 I looked around but not a 21 table was free One of the waiters recognized me He came across and explained the situation

3、A party of tourists came in about 22 ago he said It was like an invasion 23 the place was full We can hardly manage The waiter then 24 a table in the corner The people there 25 he said Just hold on and you will 26 a place there He was right Fifteen minutes later the people 27 the corner table paid t

4、heir bill got up and left I led my friends across and we all sat down Unfortunately our table was almost out of sight We tried to attract the attention of the waiter who sent us there but he like 28 waiters 29 the party of tourists They ordered lots of food But at last an hour later the tourists wer

5、e finishing their meal and looking very 30 with their service The waiter now very tired appeared at our table I advised 建议 my friends about the best dishes and finally the waiter went off with our 31 A few moments later he 32 to our table We could tell from his face that he had 33 for us 34 a little

6、 embarrassed 尴尬的 he informed us that there was 35 left All we can offeryou he said is an omelet 煎 蛋卷 16 A remember B celebrate C memorize D congratulate 17 A chose B selected C picked up D elected 18 A a few B a little C few D little 2 19 A as a rule B as a matter of fact C as usual D as is known to

7、 all 20 A empty B full C free D quiet 21 A one B any C single D other 22 A a half hour B half a hour C half an hour D an hour half 23 A suddenly B soon C quickly D certainly 24 A pointed out B pointed over C pointed on D pointed to 25 A will leave B are about to leave C are to leave D will be leavin

8、g 26 A find B find out C looked for D searched 27 A by B beside C at D near 28 A all the other B all an other C all the others D all other 29 A were kept busy B was busy with C kept busy with D were busy with 30 A excited B tired C pleased D disappointed 31 A dishes B food C menu D order 32 A went B

9、 came C was D returned 33 A a good news B good news C bad news D a bad news 34 A Looking B Look C Looked D Looks 35 A meat or fish B no meat and fish C meat and fish D no meat or fish 2 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C和 D 中 选出最佳选项 I remembered the evening news I watched last night The news was about a pri

10、ze for scientific 36 I forgot what it was The announcer whose name was Ralph 3 Sorry said something that caught my 37 All great discoveries he said are made by people between the ages of twenty five and thirty 38 a little over thirty myself I wanted to disagree with him 39 wants to think that he is

11、past the age of making any discovery The next day I happened to be in the public library and spent several hours looking up the 40 of famous people and their discoveries Ralph was right First I looked at some of the 41 discoveries One of the earliest discoveries the famous experiment that proved tha

12、t bodies of different 42 fall at the same speed was made by Galileo when he was 26 Madam Curie started her research that 43 to the Nobel Prize when she was 28 Einstein was 26 when he published his world changing theory Theory of Relativity Well 44 of that Yet I 45 if those best years were true in ot

13、her 46 Then how about the field of 47 Surely it needs the wisdom of age to make a good leader Perhaps it 48 but look when these people 49 their career Winston Churchill was elected to the House of Commons at the age of 26 Abraham Lincoln 50 the life of a country lawyer and elected to the government

14、at what age Twenty six But why 51 best years come after thirty After thirty I 52 most people do not want to take risks or try 53 ways Then I thought of people like Shakespeare and Picasso The former was writing wonderful works at the ripe age of fifty while the latter was 54 trying new ways of paint

15、ing when he was ninety Perhaps there is still 55 for me 36 A invention B discovery C experiment D progress 37 A mind B idea C attention D thought 38 A As B Being C However D Beyond 39 A Everybody B Somebody C Nobody D Whoever 40 A names B ages C address D education 41 A modern B scientific C last D

16、oldest 42 A heights B sizes C weights D things 43 A led B meant C stuck D referred 44 A plenty B enough C much D none 4 45 A believed B trusted C wondered D asked 46 A fields B countries C courses D ages 47 A agriculture B politics C industry D society 48 A is B will C has D does 49 A finished B went C started D failed 50 A devoted B gave up C began D led 51 A don t B the C can D not 52 A believe B agree C guess D disagree 53 A other B their C best D still 54 A always B still C seldom D enjoying


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