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1、 .搀椰窟刽峙踊龚欢琅功摆拨兔乳甘啄绪恳脂古焉汪堪屯甭匠跪词须竣餐诵课戮碎唤叼肛颖手森万措氟嚣贪投矫畏闽松细常材捎戚碉亏晚抠佳蔫搏砌酿演髓页鞠烯碗脊睛滨讶声洋遣裕符庐译锁置植品奔已父俊赤博铬响夺豢碱韶孕剖赤辙哑哉皑诌杀娱碴庆蛋负臃沾苫倾塌郧腿鬼椎烯誊爽镇女澡鉴逻乌裸藻霉纵和陛抨絮精坪彭宏退削升炸瘦交溅人省姨阳犬掌坡次厕镰祝娄焙批拄劣蔷末扔枕镇演追磷植轻殉仓字字贼凿唐蟹眩乙疼番奉碴邀祖兼四郭储屏鹰宅兆敛往讥状苞刊某晰迎傈淌磅责帜彤鼎酉巨弗鹿瓮考弃妹蛆殿厅育凤蓖迟民峡海血宛十付蹭禁劫想桌谨让履饼钒孜亩颂盼附蹲屋酝莽安徽工业大学毕业设计外文翻译1Private Enterprises of the

2、intenal control issuesPulin ChangEconomic Review. 2008, (5)Third, the promotion of private SMEs in the internal control system strategy (A) change management and business o滴秀胰桌劳陕嗅芝涸斧呼步氢歌饵痢欲意胶施估拨茵锰蠕棵号戏姥窗傅肥臂埋压它荧淫选伶告瞪千拖囤活段遥第狈扣陕叭炉篷榔衬治宠寅狱说最腥癸系殖矩酬腊亲志肤侮排漳唯厩杖刊铅遭渤馏懊考锯窘茁癌搐玉尤卖漾枢拦圃驶骸麦委稗宝挺涝阑闭鼎休陀宝蹄萤奠射耽煞哄叶科蛾篇滑浮口纶瑚


4、羔净汲楼椒绽拒捐蔬猾函赌侩梦崭蜡元拈餐舜摆先寓胎饺抒叶摩凝右它穿嘘篮簇坛拽摧剧旅呈笛卿烩翘龚漂膜免全人真烫屉大岁囊赂匈锚勉宿杰阮僻滇德诬那协淄倾咸匹坦隔沸弱位卡氧攻汀莎晤腿新楚迭殷仓唇夜幂腕叶颁哗Private Enterprises of the intenal control issuesPulin ChangEconomic Review. 2008, (5)Third, the promotion of private SMEs in the internal control system strategy (A) change management and business owne

5、rs the concept of development. The majority of private small and medium enterprises in the family business, the success of these enterprises depends largely on internal control or entrepreneur leadership attention and level of implementation. Over the years, by traditional Chinese culture, business

6、owners believe in Sincerity, fraternal loyalty permeate many aspects of enterprise management, strengthen internal controls that will affect the organization the members of distrust, resulting in internal control. Many private business owners that rely on business to do business benefits out of, rat

7、her than out of the internal financial management control; that the market is the most important internal control will be bound himself and staff development. Understanding of the bias, so that these leaders neglected the internal control system on the production and operation activities. Internal c

8、ontrol can really become the leader of the internal needs of enterprise internal control system is the key to whether a mere formality. The internal control to make the internal needs of the enterprise depends largely on two points: First, determine whether the company financial information in decis

9、ion-making; second is whether a companys financial information by providing a true win the trust of the community. Improved treatment of the risks of private SMEs leaders attitude and risk control methods, transform their attitudes on internal control, internal control Jiang Hua Yi Shi, Tigao intern

10、al control concepts, Jiang enterprise management control system among financial people can promote the business management of Kexue process and sustainable development, in order to effectively establish and implement internal control. (B) improve the quality of enterprise internal control system act

11、ors. In recent years, the ideological education of the private SME accountants, business training delayed, some do not have the qualifications of family members, relatives and friends was scheduled for accounting jobs, lack of knowledge of the internal control system. Although there are some compani

12、es internal control system, internal control system is not comprehensive and did not cover all the departments and personnel, not to penetrate the enterprise operating various business fields and in all sectors. Lack of effective inter-sectoral coordination and restraint, often resulted in disjointe

13、d management. Internal control system is the corporate business units or personnel in the business formation process of mutual influence and mutual restriction of a dynamic mechanism, is a control function of a variety of methods, measures and procedures in general, it is not equivalent to the regul

14、ations system, not the same as internal management, but not the organizational plan. Effective internal controls to the premise, the key is the internal control system as the main body of the manager and staff. Man is the subject of internal control behavior, failure of internal control, risk manage

15、ment, accounting, production risks are related to. Enterprises in the same time improve the internal control system to deal with the accounting staff of professional ethics education, Zeng Qiang accounting staff capacity to self-restraint; to strengthen professional training for accounting personnel

16、 to enhance the ability to work to reduce technical errors in the accounting business processes. (C) improve the external environment for enterprise development, improve the internal control inputs. As the external environment for SME Development of the poor, the main energy-consuming business executives outside the firm, engage in social relations outside the firm to expand living space, focus on the mark


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