Lesson24-I-Need-a-Map第1课时 f备课讲稿

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1、amapoftheworld Lesson24 INeedaMap 自主学习1 flu flu mile ma l across kr s n 流感n 英里prep 横过 从一边到另一边 巩固训练 1 Itisonlytwom frommyhometoLucy shome 2 Sheshouldseeadoctorifshehasaf 3 Walka thepark andyouwillfindthebank iles lu cross WhatdidJennyandBriandoonMonday HowfaristheschoolfromUncleDavid shome Whathappen

2、edtoBrianyesterday WhatwillBraindotomorrow Why WhatdidBriandoonThanksgivingDay Listenandanswerthequestions Findoutthephrases 自主学习2 1 患流感2 逐渐了解3 步行去上学4 路过5 在书店对过6 迷路7 给某人指路8 一幅城市地图9 做某事很有趣 havetheflugettoknowwalktoschoolgopastacrossfromthebookstoregetlost belost loseone swayshowsb thewayamapofthecity

3、havefundoingsth GrammarFocus 3 Usuallywetaketheschoolbus 乘学校班车 合作探究1 need的用法 takeabus和bybus 乘公共汽车 前者是动词作谓语 后者是介词短语作状语 我乘公共汽车去超市 Itakeabustothesupermarket 我乘公共汽车去上学 Igotoschoolbybus 巩固训练 1 Sheis abustothebookstore A takeB takesC takingD by2 Shegoestoschoolbybike 同义句 Sheridesabiketoschool 3 Someofuswa

4、lktowork 同义句 Someofusgotoworkonfoot 3 Usuallywetaketheschoolbus 乘学校班车 合作探究2 that引导的宾语从句 takeabus和bybus 乘公共汽车 前者是动词作谓语 后者是介词短语作状语 我乘公共汽车去超市 Itakeabustothesupermarket 我乘公共汽车去上学 Igotoschoolbybus 巩固训练 1 Sheis abustothebookstore A takeB takesC takingD by2 Shegoestoschoolbybike 同义句 Sheridesabiketoschool 3

5、 Someofuswalktowork 同义句 Someofusgotoworkonfoot 3 Usuallywetaketheschoolbus 乘学校班车 合作探究3 人称代词并列使用时的顺序 takeabus和bybus 乘公共汽车 前者是动词作谓语 后者是介词短语作状语 我乘公共汽车去超市 Itakeabustothesupermarket 我乘公共汽车去上学 Igotoschoolbybus 巩固训练 1 Sheis abustothebookstore A takeB takesC takingD by2 Shegoestoschoolbybike 同义句 Sheridesabi

6、ketoschool 3 Someofuswalktowork 同义句 Someofusgotoworkonfoot 3 Usuallywetaketheschoolbus 乘学校班车 合作探究4 across的用法 takeabus和bybus 乘公共汽车 前者是动词作谓语 后者是介词短语作状语 我乘公共汽车去超市 Itakeabustothesupermarket 我乘公共汽车去上学 Igotoschoolbybus 巩固训练 1 Sheis abustothebookstore A takeB takesC takingD by2 Shegoestoschoolbybike 同义句 Sh

7、eridesabiketoschool 3 Someofuswalktowork 同义句 Someofusgotoworkonfoot What swrongwithher Shehadtheflu Soherparentstookhertothehospital It saboutonemilefromherhouse It sacrossfromherhouse Explanation 8 27 8 36 1 Thisweek Igottoknowmyneighbourhood gettoknow逐渐认识 开始了解 表示从不认识 不了解到认识 了解的渐进过程 不能与时间段连用know认识

8、了解 表示认识 了解 知道 可与时间段连用 I Ms Liuverywell I herfiveyearsago A know knowB know gottoknowC gettoknow knowD gettoknow gettoknow B 2 IwasgoingtomeetDannyatthemovietheatre 本句是过去将来时的句子 其结构为 was weregoingto 动词原形 过去将来时表示过去某一时刻将要发生的事情或存在的状态 Iwastoldthatshe home A wasgoingtoreturnB returnC returnsD isreturning A

9、 3 Thanksgivingwasalotfun fun作名词时意为 乐趣 玩笑 有趣的人 物 fun还可作形容词意为 逗乐的 有趣的 短语 havefundoingsth 做某事有趣 havefun玩的开心 makefunofsb 口语 取笑某人 嘲弄某人 4 Acrossfromthebookstore there sabeautifulpark acrossfrom在 对面Thepostofficeisjustacrossfromtheclub opposite也可表示 在 对面 Theschoolisoppositethebank Lesson24限时检测题 每题10分时间 4分钟

10、1 Wearegoingtohavefun Englishtogether A learnB tolearnC learningD learnt2 I herlastmonth A gettoknowB gottoknowC getknowD gotknow3 I justthenImetmyfriendMartin Hecametoseeme A goskatingB wentskatingC wasgoingskatingD goneskating4 Wearegoingtothemoviet thisevening heatre 5 Youwill 路过 agrocerystorewhe

11、nyoucometomyhome 6 I be lostwhenIcametoShanghai 7 Iwillbegladifyoucome see me 8 showed her me places Jenny favourite9 we school go we when by walk the to bakery 10 like do neighbours you your goby was tosee Jennyshowedmeherfavouriteplaces Whenwewalktoschool wegobythebakery Doyoulikeyourneighbourhood

12、 2 Fillintheblankswiththephrasesinthebox gobyacrossfromonourwaygetlost1 Wegotothebakery Itis toschool 2 Youwill agrocerystorewhenyoucometomyhome 3 Themovietheatreis themuseum 4 IneedamapofthecitybecauseIdon twantto again onourway goby acrossfrom getlost 3 Choosethecorrectanswers 1 We regoingtohave l

13、otoffunalotoffun2 A Whatistheway thefactory B Turnleft thesecondturning to atof to3 Godownthisstreetuntilyou theendofthestreet reacharrive4 Twentyminutes theoldwomanfinallyfoundhergrandson inlater5 Itwasverydarknight Jimmy gotlostlost DearMumandDad Howareyou I mdoingwell IhavetotellyouthatIhadtheflu

14、 Butdon tworry I mbetternow Thisweek Igottoknowmyneighbourhood JennyandIwalkedtoschoolonMonday TheschoolisaboutonemilefromUncleDavid shome Jennyshowedmeherfavouriteplaces There sabakerynearourhouse Whenwewalktoschool wegobythebakery Sometimeswebuybreadthere Jennylikestobuybooksatthebookstore I mdoin

15、gwell 我很好havetheflu感冒 gettoknow知道 了解goby路过 It sonourwaytoschool too Acrossfromthebookstore there sabeautifulpark Welovetoplaythere Lifeinanewneighbourhoodisnotveryeasy YesterdayIgotlost IwasgoingtomeetDannyatthemovietheatre Luckily aladyshowedmetheway TomorrowI mgoingtobuyamapofthecitybecauseIdon twanttogetlotagain acrossfrom在 的对面 getlost迷路showsb theway给某人指路 Thanksgivingwasalotoffun ImetallofmyCanadianCousins Wehaveabigfamily Imissyouverymuch I mhappyhereinCanada Iwillbegladwhenyoucometoseeme Iwillwriteagainsoon Love Brain



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