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1、Unit4 How old are you?教案一、教学目标1、知识目标1)、能听、说、读句型:How old are you? Im 2)、能听懂并跟读书中对话,鼓励学生学会表演。 2、能力目标 运用所学举行获得有关年龄的信息。3、情感目标 培养学生用所学的交际用语进行交流的能力,并通过交际化语言的学习,激发学生对语言学习的热情,培养学生爱好。二、教学重点会听、说句型How old are you? Im,即学会询问对方年龄的日常交际用语。三、教学难点How old are you?的正确发音和正确运用。四、教学用具PPT,喜羊羊的头饰五、教学过程:I、Warm-UP1、Greeting a

2、nd singT : Class begin s.Ss: Stand up, please!T : Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss Zeng. T : First,lets sing a song together. (师生站着边唱歌边跳舞) T :Wonderful! Thank you! Sit down, please.2、Revision (有层次复习数字,由浅入深)1)T: Now, take out your fingers. Lets count. (师生一起数数,从1到10,再从10到1) 2)T: No

3、w, count, (教师拍手),how many?(教师拍手,让学生数次数,并进行抢答。) 3)T: Now , I say , you clap hands? (教师说英语数字,学生进行拍手) 4)T: Next, lets look at the pictures. T: Whats this? /How many boys/?(5 girls, 6 dogs, 2 boys)(通过快速出现数字和以前学过的动物单词,然后快速消失,让学生比比谁的记忆力好,来复习数字)5)做算术 教师通过多媒体呈现算术题,让学生直接报出得数即可。 如:11 72 63 6)猜数字游戏 教师通过呈现几个数字图

4、片,让学生猜是哪个数字。 T:Do you know , whats this?II、Presentation1、 Im教师戴喜羊羊头饰,跟学生打招呼 T: Hello, everyone! Ss: Hello, Happy Sheep. T: Today is my birthday. Lets sing a song. (播放多媒体动画Happy birthday!师生一起拍手跟唱一遍) T: Thank you! Now , look !This is my birthday cake.(这是我的生日蛋糕) I have birthday candles. How many candle

5、s? Lets count ,OK?(师生一起数蜡烛,复习数字) T: Five candles. Yes, Im five.(板书Im .加动作) T: Together, five,five,Im five. (先拼读单词,再跟读这个句子,齐读,男女生读)2、 How old are you?1)、T: Look, This is Tom. Do you know how old is Tom?(你知道Tom几岁了吗?你该怎么问他呢?) T: Let me tell you. How old are you?( 板书”How old are you? 你几岁了?”) T: Follow m

6、e ,how old are you?(通过和How are you的比较来认识) 领读卡片领读组读开火车读 T: Who can ask Tom? How old are you , Tom? S1: How old are you , Tom? T: Im nine.T: Together, nine, nine, Im nine. (先拼读单词,跟读这个句子,齐读,男女生读)2)、T: How about Jerry? Who can ask Jerry? How old are you , Jerry? S2: How old are you , Jerry? T: Im seven.

7、T: Together, seven, seven, Im seven. (先拼读单词,跟读这个句子,齐读,男女生读)3、Practice1)、Listen and repeat.T: Now ,open your books and turn to page17. Lets look at the pictures. Guess, what are they doing?(现在我们一起来看课文中的图片,想一想他们在干什么?) S1:医生在问陈冬的年龄。 T: Right. Please listen to me , then answer my question.(大家带着问题来听老师读课文

8、,How old is Chen Dong?) T: How old is Chen Dong? S1:Chen Dong is eight. T: Great! Now, read after me! (老师领读,学生跟读,注意要指读)2)、T:Now lets work in pairs.T: Who can come here and peform it? Hands up!、Consideration1、 Make a interviewT: Boys and girls, lets make a interview.(接下来让我们来做一个现场采访。)Look, there is a

9、table.(PPT呈现表格) T: Now, I want to interview XXX.XXX,stand up! T: Hello, whats your name? S: My names XXX。 T: OK. Now, Ill write down your name .(然后把名字写在这里。) T: How old are you? S: Im eight. T: Thank you. Sit down.(然后在年龄这一栏写上她的年龄。)T: Understand? (明白了吗?现在请大家去采访你周围的三个同学,并把调查表填好。)(学生自由活动,教师走下去进行帮助。) T:

10、One, two, three. Ss: Stop, stop, stop. T: Look, 这是我的调查表,我先给大家汇报一下。 * is *, *is * Who can? (帮助学生上台进行汇报,引导学生用*is *来进行汇报。)2、ExpandT:Look, this is a tree. (PPT呈现一棵小树,带读tree, tree, tree)Do you know how old is the tree?(谁来问问小树,你几岁了?) T:(一起来问一问吧。)Ss:Tree, tree, how old are you? TREE: Hello, boys and girls!

11、 Im a tree. Do you know how to count to my age?(你们知道怎么来数我们大树的年龄吗?) Look,123How old am I?(树的年轮, 提醒学生保护环境。)T: 小朋友们,现在你们知道怎么来数树的年龄了吧,每一棵大树都是由小树苗慢慢慢慢才长大的,他们也有年龄,所以小朋友们应该好好保护树木,让他们不受到破坏,保护我们的大自然,你们说,对吗?IV、Homework T:Now, homework, Ask your parentsage.(回家问一问你爸爸妈妈的年龄。) T: Class is over. Stand up! T: Goodby

12、e, boys and girls. Ss: Goodbye, Miss Zeng. T: Say goodbye to the teachers. Ss: Goodbye, teachers.板书设计: Lesson 8 How old are you? How old are you? 你几岁了? Im .我岁了。版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!1,侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1,版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1


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