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1、9 A U n i t 3T e e n a g ep r o b l e m s 一 难点解析 Words adj 青少年的 teenager n 青少年 n 分数 marks pl full marks 满分 high marks 高分 low marks 低分 adj 发疯的 生气的 drive sb mad使某人受不了be mad at生 的气 adv 或许 可能 多用于句首 指有礼貌地提出请求或建议等 5 deal vi deal dealt dealt对付 处理 how to deal with what to do with 怎样处理 6 imagine vt vi 想象 设想i

2、magine sth imagine doing sth 7 worth adj 值得 值 钱 be well worth doing something 8 suggestion n 建议用作可数名词many suggestion s advice也意为 建议 常用作不可数名词a piece of advice 9 strictadj 严格的 严厉的 be strict with sb 对某人严厉be strict in sth 对某事严格 10 silence n 安静 寂静 沉默不可数名词in silence安静地 keep silence保持沉默 silent adj 安静的 沉默的

3、n 担心的 令人担忧的事 表示具体的令人担忧的事为可数名词 v worry about adj be worried about n 答复 回答复数为 replies v reply to 13 progress n 进展 进步不可数名词make much progress v 发音 pronunciation n of sb s age与 同龄at the age of在 岁时for ages 多年 Welcome to the unit 1 What s wrong Eddie What s wrong with What s the matter with wrong Jim I lef

4、t my umbrella on the bus What s wrong with the bus It s broken 2 I m getting fat get为系动词 adj It s getting hotter and hotter 3 You eat too much too much 太多 修饰不可数名词too many 太多 修饰可数名词 much too 太 修饰形容词 4 Why not eat less and exercise v more 可数名词 意为 操 习题 do morning eye exercises 不可数名词 意为 锻炼 You can try y

5、our best and enjoy the exercise 5 The TV is always on at my home be on adv 意为 开着的 Don t leave the lights on 副词 on 构成的短语还有 turn on move on put on 6 The noise almost drives me mad noise n noisy adj noisier noisily adv more noisily 固定结构 drive make sb mad drive drove driven Reading do not know how I sho

6、uld deal with it 我不知道我该如何处理它 deal with sth 处理某事物 how to deal with 意为 如何处理 与what to do with 意思相近 I don t know how to deal with the rubbish I don t know what to do with the rubbish 我不知道如何处理这些垃圾 2 I have a lot homework everyday and I have no choice but to do it choice n 作 选择 解时 是不可数 作 供选择的人或事物 解时 是可数 m

7、ake a choice choose v 选择 choose to do sth 选择做某事choose ab as to be 选某人 当 choice表示 选择权 选择的可能性 have no choice but to do 意思是 别无选择只 能 The little girl had no choice but to ask her mother for help for mother s help 这个小女孩没有其他办法 只能去找妈妈帮忙 3 I often have to stay up late 我经常不得不熬夜到很迟 stay up 熬夜stay up late 熬夜到很迟

8、stay away from 不要靠近 避开 stay out 待在户外 晚上 不回家 I stayed up last night so I am very tired now 我昨天晚上熬夜了 所以现在很累 4 Then I sometimes find it hard to stay awake the next day 然后我有时发现第二天保持清 醒很困难 awake adj 醒着的通常用在系动词 be的后面作表语 My grandfather was awake all night 我祖父整晚都醒着 作定语时通常放在被修饰词之后 Mary is the only person awa

9、ke now 玛丽是现在唯一醒着的人 wake是动词 意为 叫醒 通常与 up 连用 It s time for lunch Go and wake up your father 午餐时间到了 去叫醒你爸爸 5 I hardly have any spare time for my hobbies like volleyball and music hardly adv 几乎不表示否定意义 它常和can could等连用 在句中位于动词be 情态动词或助动词之后 行为动词之前 I m so tired and I can hardly walk 我太累 了 几乎不能走了 hard作 困难的 讲

10、时 是形容词 作 努力地 猛烈地 讲时 是副词 It s hard for me to remember so many new words 困难的 As a student you should work hard at your lessons 努力地 6 I often doubt whether it is worth spending so much time on my homework 我常常怀疑花这么多时间做家庭作业是否值得 doubt vt 怀疑 doubt whether if 从句 主句为肯定句 doubt that从句 主句为否定和疑问句 We doubt if whe

11、ther David told us the truth 我们怀疑戴维是否告诉了我们事情的真 相 We never doubt that David is honest 我们从不怀疑戴维的诚实 短语 be worth doing something 意思是 值得 后面接动词 ing 形式或名词 The Summer Palace is worth a visit 颐和园值得一游 my love of football has become the cause of my problem 我爱的足球变成了我问题的起因 cause n 原因 可数名词the cause of 的原因 They ar

12、e trying to find the cause of the fire 他们试着找到起火的原因 cause v 引起 造成 可直接跟名词作宾语 也可用于cause sb sth to do sth 结构 中 I m not causing you any real trouble am I 我对你没有造成真正的麻烦 是吧 What caused Peter to change his plan 什么引起彼特改变了他的计划 8 I look forward to your valuable advice valuable adj 宝贵的 贵重的 value n 意为 价值 有用性 His

13、work has no value 他的工作没有用 v 表示 珍视 重视 I valued his advice 我重视他的建议 valuable adj 意为 值钱的 有价值的 Is the watch valuable 这表值钱吗 be valuable for 对 有用的 be valuable to sb 对某人有用的 9 What about choosing your hobby according to 介词短语 根据 the time 先行词 you have 定语从句 根据你所拥有的时间选择你的爱好怎么样 Grammar 1 连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句 从句来源连接词备

14、注 陈述句that 口语或非正式 文体中常省略 一般疑问句if whether 特殊疑问句连接代词 who whom whose which what 等 在句中担任主 宾 定或表语 连接副词 when where why how 等 在句中担任状 语 连接代词和连接副词引导的宾语从句是由特殊疑问句变化而来 要用陈述句语序 常放 在 see say tell ask answer know decide find out imagine suggest wonder discover understand advise等动词 组后面 1 They haven t decided who wil

15、l go there 主语 2 I want to know whom who you are waiting for 宾语 3 Tell me what book you like to read 定语 4 Tell me which book you like to read best of the three 定语 5 Have the police discovered whose the special shoes are 表语 6 I asked him why he smiled 7 Can you tell me where you are 8 Do you know when

16、 we will hold the sports meeting 9 I can t imagine how the thief entered my room Summary宾语从句三要素 1 连接词 that 陈述句 if whether 一般疑问句 who whom whose which what when where why how 特殊疑问句 2 时态 主句为一般现在时 从句可以是任何时态 根据句子需要 主句为一般过去时 从句进行相应的变化 客观真理 自然现象等不变 3 语序 陈述语序 提建议的句型Why not why don t you do Let s Shall we do You d better do What How about doing Perhaps 也可用于建议 Perhaps you can park over there Integrated Skills Study Skills and Task 1 辨析 aloud loud loudly 词语含义用法 aloud 副词 出声 地 大声 地 1 与 read think 连用时 表示 出声读



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