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1、Step1Greeting T Hello boys and girls I m very glad to be your English teacher today Nice to meet you Ss Nice to meet you too T Now I ll introduce myself 我将介绍我自己 I m Joanna My name is Joanna 板书 name 并拍手教读及拼写 name n a m e name what s your name my name is ppt呈现 I m My name is T What s your name S1 I m

2、T You can also say My name is S1 My name is T Good Now are you ready for our class Ss Yes Let s start Step 2 Guessing game T First let s play a guessing game I will show the pictures and you guess who s he she 板书句型及其回答 Are you ready Ss Yes T Look at this picture who s this boy ppt 呈现图片 S1 He s Liu T

3、ao T Good We can also say His name is 同法询问下面三幅图 T You are all very clever Do you want to see more pictures Ss Yes T I will show you my family photos Look who s this baby Guess S1 She is T Let s look at The baby says something Who can read it for us S1 Hello my name is Joanna T Who is Joanna Yes this

4、 is me I m Joanna Who s this woman You can use Is this your 板书句型 to ask me For example Is this your aunt Understand Ss Yes T Let s start 同法教授下面两幅图 Step 3 Presentation and practice T Look at this photo Who s he Bobby图 S1 He s Bobby T Who s he Sam图 S1 He s Sam T Yes Today Bobby is in Sam s house They

5、are watching Sam s family photos Look at these four pictures on the wall Can you guess who they are 看到墙上的四幅照片了吗 你们可以猜猜他们都是Sam的哪些家人呢 S1 Yes T 教师出示第一张照片 who s he Guess S1 Maybe he is Sam s 同法询问其他三幅图 T Ok Do you want to know who they are Let s watch the cartoon and find who they are Ok S1 Ok 教师播放动画第一遍

6、第二遍让学生注意听their names One more time this time you should pay attention to their family names T Now you know something about Sam s family Let s finish the name card 让学生大声说出是Sam的什么家人 叫什么名字 T We know who they are Look at the blackboard this is Sam s family tree Can you put the pictures on the correct pl

7、ace T Sam s grandpa s name is John They all named John That s funny Why It s your task 请同学们回去后查阅有关资料了解外国人关于姓名的知识 下节课我们一起来讨论 T Now let s read this interesting story First read after the tape 在学生跟 读完前三幅图后 教师帮助学生体会Sam在向 Bobby介绍自己的家人时 内心是 happy and proud 开心而又自豪的 学生用这样的语调齐声读 最后 两幅图跟读结束后 教师指导学生Sam刚开始是开心而又

8、自豪的 后来因 为Bobby猜错了感到 very angry Bobby为什么会猜错了呢 用这样的语气大 家一起读 最后教师让学生打开书本53 页 大家一起读 T Boys Bobby girls Sam exchange T Practice with your partner and act it out 请学生上台表演并评价有没 有读出 Bobby 和 Sam的语气 T We all have a sweet family 我们都有一个甜蜜的家庭 Please take out your family photos and make a new dialogue 出示 ppt Step 4 Homework


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