人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 2 Part B Read and write

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《人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 2 Part B Read and write》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 2 Part B Read and write(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit2lastweekend 人教版 PEP 小学六年级英语下册 PartB Readandwrite 例 Whatdidhe shedo He She Lookandsay Revision Freetalk Leadin WuYifanandhisfamilywentonatriplastweekend Theyhadfun ThenthefamilystayedattheHolidayHotel madethebeds I mMrs Broom Iworkinahotel I mahousekeeper WhatdidIdoyesterday cookedthefood cleane

2、dtherooms make made cooked cook cleaned clean Howweretheystay Itwasnotahappytime WuYifangaveabadcommenttothehotel Whathappened Let sreadthecomments Presentation Readandwrite Lookatthesepicturescarefully Guesswhathappened Firststep Secondstep Fastreading ReadquicklyandfindthesentencesthatdescribePict

3、ures1 3 Ourweekendatyourhotelwasbad Ourroomwasbigbuteverythingwasveryold OurfriendRobincleanedourroomandfixedabrokenchair Thelampwastoosmall Mymotherwantedtoreadabookbutthelampwastoosmall Mydadgotsomehamburgersfromthehotelkitchenbuttheywerecoldandtastedbad coldandtastedbad IwantedtowatchTVbuttheTVdi

4、dn twork ThepeopleinRoom301listenedtoloudmusic Ididn tsleepallnight Thirdstep Intensivereading Readthecomments Firstcirclealltheverbsinthetextandcompletethetable Thenfinishtheletteronpage19 cleaned fixed wanted got were tasted did listened clean fix want get are taste do listen DearManager Lastweeke

5、nd theWufamilywerenothappywiththeirroom ThepeopleinRoom301 allnight Itwasverynoisy Thefather fromthekitchenbut Finally themother butthelamp TheTVdidn tworkeither Itwasn tagoodstay Maybewecanwriteanemailandsaysorrytothem MrsBroom Checktheanswer listenedtoloudmusic gotsomehamburgers theywerecoldandtas

6、tedbad wantedtoreadabook wastoosmall 二 用所给词的正确形式填空 1 MyfatherandI cook thefoodyesterday 2 Sheusually read booksontheweekend 3 Didyou see afilmlastnight 4 Istayedathomeallweekendand sleep 5 Wasitinteresting No it was cooked reads see slept wasn t Exercise Summary 听 说 认读 词汇 fixed hotel broken lamp loud enjoy stay


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