人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 4 Part B Read and write

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《人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 4 Part B Read and write》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版(PEP)六年级英语下册Unit 4 Part B Read and write(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit4Thenandnow 人教版 PEP 小学六年级英语下册 PartB Readandwrite Freetalk Revision Leadin Whatanimalcanrunfaster cheetah Whatmakesyoufeelworried Ican thandinthehomeworkontime Mypetcatisill Ifailintheexam WuYifanhadadream Whathappenedinhisdream Presentation Readandwrite Lookatthepicturesandthink WhatdidWuYifandr

2、eamabout Firststep Fastreading Readquicklyandnumberthepictures Secondstep 2 1 3 Thirdstep Intensivereading Readitcarefullyandanswerthefollowingquestions 1 WhywasWuYifanworried 2 WhathappenedwhenRobingavehimsomewater 3 Whydidhewakeup WuYifanhadaracewithhisfatherandMax Thereweremanypeoplethere Hisfath

3、erranveryfast butWuYifancouldnot Therewasnothinghecoulddo Hewassoworried Icouldrunfastatschool hethought WhyamIsoslownow ThenRobinsaid Drinkthis andgaveWuYifansomewater WuYifandrankitandsuddenlyhefeltgood Hecouldrunfastagain Therewasasecondrace Thereweremanyanimalsinthatrace WuYifanranlikeacheetah H

4、ecouldwintherace Butsuddenlyhetrippedandfell Thenhewokeup Hewasinbed Itwasalladream feel felt Checktheanswers 1 WhywasWuYifanworried hecouldn trun intherace 2 WhathappenedwhenRobingavehimsomewater Hefelt andranlikea 3 Whydidhewakeup Becausehetrippedand Because fast good cheetah fell Fourthstep Retel

5、lthestory Listenandfillintheblanks WuYifan Mum I aninterestingdreamlastnight Mum Whatdidyoudreamabout WuYifan IhadaracewithDadandMax ButI Mum Whathappenedthen WuYifan Robin mesomewater I itandthencouldrunveryfast SuddenlyItrippedandfell ThenIwokeup Mum Whatadream couldn t had run fast gave drank Wri

6、teandshareyourdreams Maybeyoucanwrite 1 Wherewereyouinyourdream 2 Whowasinyourdream 3 Whatdidyoudo 4 Howwasyourdream Exercise 根据汉语意思完成句子 1 他和爸爸赛跑 Hehada hisfather 2 你梦见什么了 Whatdidyou 3 以前我很安静 现在我在课堂上很活跃 Before I Now I inclass race with dream about was quiet am active Summary 听 说 认读 词汇 nothing thought felt cheetah trip dream wokeup hadaracewith


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