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1、名词性从句 宾语从句主语从句同位语从句表语从句 引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类 连接词 that whether if连接代词 what whatever who whoever whom whose which 哪一个 连接副词 when where how why1 that与what的区别 theearthturnsaroundthesunisknowntoall wecan tgetseemsbetterthan wehave 名词性从句 That What what that 只起连接作用 无意义 在从句中不充当成分 what 既有连接作用 又在从句中作成分 主语 宾语 表语 2

2、which 表选择 哪一个 3 语序问题在名词性从句中 除了关联词要提到句首之外 一律要用陈述句语序Youcanhardlyimaginehowexcitedhewaswhenheheardthenews 4 区别what 与whatever who与whoever breaksthelawwillbepunished 5 在下列情况下 whether不能被if所取代 if只引导宾语从句 介词后面的宾语从句只能用whether 主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 不能用if 后面紧跟ornot时 用whether Whoever 1 Thenewsthatshepassedtheexamexcit

3、edherparents 同位语从句 2 Thenewsthatweknowfromherexcitedallofus 定语从句 解释说明 that不充当成分 但是不能省 限定作用 that在从句中作成分 作宾语时可以省 6 that引导同位语从句和定语从句的区别 同位语从句 定语从句 1 theearthturnsaroundthesunisknowntoall 2 wecan tgetseemsbetterthan wehave 3 Amoderncityhasbeensetupin wasawastelandtenyearsago 4 Youcanhardlyimaginehowexci

4、tedhewaswhenheheardthenews 5 Thenewsthatshepassedtheexamexcitedherparents 6 breaksthelawwillbepunished 幻灯片16 That What what what Whoever 一 什么叫 名词性从句 名词性从句在功能上相当于名词 主语 Hisjobisimportant Whathedoesisimportant 表语 Thisishisjob Thisiswhathedoeseveryday 1 Whenwewillstartisnotclear 2 MrsBlackwon tbelieveth

5、athersonhasbecomeathief 3 Myideaisthatweshoulddoitrightnow 4 Wehaveknownthenewsthatourteamwon 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 二 名词性从句的种类 宾语从句主语从句同位语从句表语从句 引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类 连接词 that whether if连接代词 what whatever who whoever whom whose which 哪一个 连接副词 when where how why 在名词性从句中1 That 不做成分 宾语从句中可省略what 指物 做主语或宾语2 引

6、导主语从句 表语从句和同位语从句 that不可省略 名词性从句 1 hesaidhasnothingtodowithyou 2 we llhaveameetingisn tknowntous 3 hewillcomeornotisnotyetknown 4 breaksthelawshouldbepunished What When Whether Whoever 三 名词性从句六大考点 考点1 that与what的区别 theearthturnsaroundthesunisknowntoall wecan tgetseemsbetterthan wehave that 只起连接作用 无意义

7、在从句中不充当成分 what 既有连接作用 又在从句中作成分 主语 宾语 表语 That What what 1 hesaiditmadeusangry hesaidatthemeetingmadeusangry 2 Amoderncityhasbeensetupin wasawastelandtenyearsago A whatB whichC thatD where That What 考点2 what与which 表选择 哪一个 1 Doyouknow MrBlack saddressis HemayliveatNo 18orNo 19ofBridgeStreet I mnotsureo

8、f 2 Ireadaboutitinsomebookorother doesitmatter itwas what which which 1 Youcanhardlyimagine whenheheardthenews A howhewasexcitedB howwasheexcitedC howexcitedhewasD hewashowexcited 在名词性从句中 除了关联词要提到句首之外 一律要用陈述句语序 考点3 语序问题 2 Heasked foraviolinA didIpayhowmuchB IpaidhowmuchC howmuchdidIpayD howmuchIpaid

9、 1 Thenewsthatshepassedtheexamexcitedherparents 2 Thenewsthatweknowfromherexcitedallofus 解释说明 that不充当成分 但是不能省 限定作用 that在从句中作成分 作宾语时可以省 同位语从句 定语从句 考点4 that引导同位语从句和定语从句的区别 同位语从句 定语从句 考点5 区别what 与whatever who与whoever 1 wassaidheremustbekeptsecret 2 weneedismoretime 3 willcometothedinnerhasn tbeendecide

10、d 4 breaksthelawwillbepunished Whatever What Who Whoever 1 Itisgenerallyconsideredunwisetogiveachild heorshewants A howeverB whateverC whicheverD whenever 考点6 whether与if均为 是否 的意思 但在下列情况下 whether不能被if所取代 主语从句 Whetherhewillcomeisunknown 2 表语从句 如 Thequestioniswhetheryoushouldacceptit 3 同位语从句 如 Thequest

11、ionwhetherhe llcomeisnotdecided 4 从句作介词的宾语 如 I mnotinterestedinwhetherthey llgoornot Itdependsonwhetherwehavegotenoughmoney a if只引导宾语从句 介词后面的宾语从句只能用whether 主语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 不能用if b 后面紧跟ornot时 用whether 1 we llgocampingtomorrowdependsontheweather A IfB WhetherC ThatD Where 五 2008年高考名词性从句考题 福建卷27 isknow

12、ntousallisthatthe2012OlympicGameswilltakeplaceinLondon A ItB WhatC AsD Which湖南卷29 Whenasked theyneededmost thekidssaidtheywantedtofeelimportantandloved A whatB whyC whomD which 山东卷23 wasmostimportanttoher shetoldme washerfamily A ItB ThisC WhatD As陕西卷8 TomorrowisTom sbirthday Haveyougotanyidea thepa

13、rtyistobeheld A whatB whichC thatD where 重庆卷25 PeopleinChongqingareproudof theyhaveachievedinthepasttenyears A thatB whichC whatD how北京卷30 Thecompaniesareworkingtogethertocreate theyhopewillbethebestmeansoftransportinthe21stcentury A whichB thatC whatD who 上海卷34 Ashisbestfriend Icanmakeaccurateguess

14、esabout hewilldoorthink A whatB whichC whomD that上海卷36 Ithasbeenproved eatingvegetablesinchildhoodhelpstoprotectyouagainstseriousillnessesinlaterlife A ifB becauseC whenD that 五 2007年高考名词性从句和定语从句考题 1 Somepre schoolchildrengotoadaycarecenter theycanlearnsimplegamesandsongs A thenB thereC whileD where

15、2 mattersmostinlearningEnglishisenoughpractice A ThatB WhyC WhatD Which 3 Weshouldn thavespentourmoneytestingsomanypeople mostof arehealthy A thatB whichC whatD whom4 hereferredtoinhisarticlewasunkowntothegeneralreader A ThatB WhatC WhetherD Where 5 Thosesuccessfuldeafdancersthinkthatdancingisanacti

16、vity sightmattersmorethanhearing A whenB whoseC whichD where6 Theseasideheredrawsalotoftouristseverysummer Warmsunshineandsoftsandsmake itis A whatB thatC howD where 7 Thevillagehasdevelopedalot welearnedfarmingtwoyearsago A whenB whichC thatD where8 Itisnoneofyourbusiness otherpeoplethinkaboutyou Believeyourself A howB whatC whichD when9 Whynottryyourluckdowntown Bob That s thebestjobsare A whereB whatC whenD why 10 Hismoviewonseveralawardsatthefilmfestival wasbeyondhiswildestdream A whichB tha



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