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1、 1 2014 2015 学年度山东省滕州市第一中学高一第一学期10 月月考 英语试题 第I 卷 选择题 共105分 第一部分听力 共两节 满分30分 第一节 共 5小题 每小题 l 5分 满分 7 5分 听下面 5段对话 每段对话后有一个小题 从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选 项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听完每段对话后 你都有l0 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题 每段对话仅读一遍 1 In which season does it often rain A In the summer B In the winter C In the autumn 2 What are th

2、ey going to do A To do something at home B To go out to do something C To have dinner at a restaurant 3 What did the woman say A She has been to Germany B She has been to America C She is going to America 4 Where does this conversation take place A In a supermarket B At home C In a bookshop 5 What i

3、s the weather going to be like A It is supposed to be warm B The rain is not expected to last long C It s likely to be cloudy and cold 第二节 共 15小题 每小题 1 5分 满分 22 5分 听下面 5段对话或独自 每段对话或独自后有几个小题 从题中所给的A B C 三个选项 中选出最佳选项 并标在试卷的相应位置 听每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小题 每小题 5秒钟 听完后 各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间 每段对话或独自读两遍 听第 6段材料 回答第6至8题

4、 2 6 Where does the woman want to go at first A The New York Hotel B The Central Park C The subway station 7 How will the woman go to the central park A By bus B By car C By subway 8 What is the man probably A A traveler B A police officer C A guide 听第 7段材料 回答第9 11题 9 What is the woman talking about

5、 A Her well paid job B Her way of relaxing C Her problems at work 10 What does the woman do as soon as she gets home A She has dinner B She lies in bed C She sits in a chair 11 What is the man going to do A Try the woman s idea B Buy some new furniture C Start looking for another job 听第 8段材料 回答第12 1

6、4 题 12 How old is the woman s cat A 2 years B 6 years C 8 years 13 What do we know about the man s dog A He stays in the park all day B He is taken to the park every day C He spends less time outdoors than before 14 What do the woman s kids want A A rabbit B A mouse C A fish 听第 9段材料 回答第15 17 题 15 Ho

7、w is the man going to Sun College A By bike B On foot C By car 16 How far is it from Main Street to Water Square A A few yards B 2 blocks away C 20 minutes walk 3 17 Where will the man have to ask the way again A At Rain Avenue B At Mass Hospital C At the Farmers Bank 听第 10段材料 回答第18 20 题 18 Where do

8、es the speaker most probably make the speech A At a party B At a reception C At a conference 19 What is Mr Brown A A clothing merchant B An assistant manager C A government official 20 Why are Mr Brown and his party coming to England A To part from his friends B To pay an informal visit C To seek ne

9、w cooperation 第二部分英语知识运用 共两节 满分45分 第一节单项填空 共15小题 每小题 l 分 满分 l5 分 从A B C D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 21 The manager asked him not to come again he was fired A In other words B In a word C In the end D As a result 22 Hurry up Our plane at 7 00 pm It will be just an hour left before it A will lea

10、ve takes off B leaves takes off C is leaving is taking off D will leave will take off 23 Reporters from all over the country were sent to the worst floods seen in decades that hit some central and western parts of China last month A tell B write C interview D cover 24 The house rent has been growing

11、 fast in cities You have to pay nearly than you did two years ago for a flat of the same size in some cities A twice as much B as much as twice C twice as many D twice more 25 The US is divided 50 states and is separated China by the Pacific 4 A in form B form into C among into D into from 26 Yuan L

12、ongping an 81 year old scientist and his team have made an achievement recently increasing the output 产量 of hybrid rice to over 900 km per mu A amazed amazing B amazed amazed C amazing amazing D amazing amazed 27 In Yaan some people say that parents with more hardworking children prefer a school lik

13、e No Yaan middle school while with less hardworking kids would choose like No 10 middle school A those one B that those C ones that D those that 28 He went on vacation in Europe in the summer vacation which was unforgettable experience to him A a an B an C an D a a 29 Have you considered the job as

14、a teacher Yes I like it because a teacher is often considered a gardener A to take to be B to take being C taking being D taking to be 30 He runs every day he has lost weight and become healthier A However B In fact C As a result D In other words 31 Tom admitted his homework and made an apology to t

15、he teacher A to finish B not having finished C having not finished D not to have finished 32 our National Day vacation over we are back in our classroom for our regular work A As B Because C With D After 33 Afraid of severe 严厉的 punishment he drive after drinking any more now A dare not to B doesn t

16、dare to C dares not to D didn t dare 5 34 Whose advice do you think I should take Tom s or John s You are old enough to make a decision for yourself A It s up to you B That s settled C Your turn D Either is OK 35 You forgot your pen when you went to have an exam My God A so did I B so I did C I did so D I so did 第二节完形填空 共20小题 每小题 1 5分 满分 30分 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C和D 中 选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑 I did very badly at school My headmaster thought I was 36 and when I was 14 he said You re never



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