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1、2018年高考诊断性测试英语试题参考答案听 力:15 BCBAC 610 BACAA 1115 BCACB 1620 AABCB阅读理解:2123ABC2427BACD2831 CBDA 3235 CDBA 3640 EABDG完形填空:4145 DACDB 4650 DCBAB5155 CBADC 5660 BABCA语法填空:61. lives62. flies63. staying 64. sadly65. for66. harmful 67. is permitted68. to break69. but 70. What短文改错:This morning, Li Lin and I

2、went to see Mr. Wang, he used to be our English teacher. whoOn arriving at Mr. Wangs, we presented our gifts to him, which he liked them very much. Hetalked about some interested things and persons he remembered. When he began to teach us, I interestingwas quite poor with English. Learned about this

3、, Mr. Wang offered lots of help to me. Without his in Learning help, I wouldnt have made so rapid progress. Mr. Wang is retired now. He leads active life such anand does some voluntary works. Before we leave, he impressed upon us the importance of work/jobs leftknowledge and inspired us to study har

4、dly. We wished him a happy life forever. hard书面表达:One possible version:Dear Jack,Learning youre interested in the new countryside of China, I sincerely invite you to pay a one-day visit to my aunts village Xiushui Village, which is an hours ride away. Thanks to Chinas rural reform, the village has c

5、hanged into a rich, clean, peaceful one. On arrival, Ill guide you around the village, appreciating its harmony and beauty. Then well visit the amusement center, where villagers entertain themselves with traditional dramas, popular songs and folk dances. At noon, my aunt will treat us to an authenti

6、c farmhouse lunch. In the afternoon well have a fantastic time picking fresh fruit and vegetables in the greenhouses. My aunt will pick us up at the school gate at 8 this Saturday morning. Is that suitable for you?Looking forward to your early reply.Yours ever,Li Hua附:听力录音材料1. M: Hey, heres an invit

7、ation to my birthday party. Its next Saturday. Can you come?W: I would love to, but Im singing in a concert with my band that night. 2. W: If you keep following me, Ill call the police.M: Dont worry. Nothings wrong. Im just trying to take your picture for the newspaper. W: I told you before go away!

8、3. M: I was wondering if you have a copy of The Sun Also Rises. I checked the shelves, but I couldnt find it. W: Well. We do have a copy. If its not on the shelves, someone must have borrowed it. Would you like me to reserve it? When its returned, you can have it. 4. M: Hey, Joanne. Whats up? Are yo

9、u heading to the beach, too?W: Im trying to get there as fast as I can. I need to deposit some money at the bank and mail some letters at the post office. But first, Ive really got to find a ladies room!5. W: Have you looked in the mirror today?M: Uh, not since I woke up this morning. Why? Did I for

10、get to do my hair or something? W: Well, lets just say that green ties and pink shirts dont really mix. 6. M: Why the long face, Anna?W: Oh, my dog disappeared yesterday. M: What happened? W: There was a hole in my backyard fence. I was planning to get it repaired this weekend, but I should have don

11、e it sooner. M: Its not your fault. Will you get a new dog?W: It is too soon to ask that! First, I have to look for him. M: You can make copies of his picture and leave them on your neighbors doors.W: Thats a good idea.7. M: Do you know who Miley Cyrus is?W: Yes, of course. Shes a very popular singe

12、r. Do you like her music?M: No, I dont like her music. But my daughter wont stop listening to it. Its driving everyone in my house crazy. W: Im sure its just a stageYou know how young girls are. My daughter just started listening to her music, too, but Im sure shell grow tired of it soon. M: Thats w

13、hat I thought, too. And then yesterday, my daughter shaved all her hair off and started doing strange dances. W: Uhit was nice talking to you, but I have to go home now and take away my daughters iPod!M: Thats a very wise decision. Good luck with that. 8. W: Hey, are you watching YouTube?M: Yeah. I

14、love all the funny videos that people post.W: Have you ever seen the YouTube show Epic Meal Time? M: Uh, no. I didnt know YouTube had shows. I thought it was only home videos and music videos. W: Well, YouTube also has channels, just like regular TV. There are many different kinds of shows every wee

15、k. Most of them are shorter and cheaper to make than regular TV, though. M: YouTube is even cooler than I thought! So whats Epic Meal Time?W: Theres a group of guys who make the unhealthy meals they can possibly cook. Everything has bacon on it. Most things are fried, and there is a ton of cheese on everything. Were taking tens of thousands of



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