牛津译林版高一英语必修一教学设计:Unit1 School life--Task 1

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1、牛津高中英语教学设计单 元:Unit 1 School Life板 块:Task Thoughts on the design:本节课的设计重点在于训练学生的听和说的能力,同时让学生学会处理生活中的实际问题。因此,通过设计有意义的情景任务,激发学生兴趣,让学生掌握所学知识,并积极地转化为解决问题的能力。Teaching aims:1. to enhance integrated skills of listening and speaking;2. to introduce some knowledge of making a programme;3. to challenge student

2、s to solve a real-life problem by completing tasks;4. to promote students cooperation and creativity.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead-inLead in by inquiring about students future career. Introduce a new exciting job ( Event Planning) to students. In this way the topic of “programme” is presented. (PP

3、T4-5)设计说明: 每个学生都有自己的梦想,通过这一熟悉的话题,自然地导入本课主题。从学生将来的工作谈起,也是一个容易引起学生兴趣、产生共鸣的话题。然后,教师通过列举一个新兴职业的三个主要特点(an interesting field, go to interesting places, meet interesting people),抓住学生的好奇感,引领学生进入本课的重点内容。Step 2 Understand what a programme isHelp students find out what a programme is and what the basic element

4、s of a programme are. (PPT6-15)1 The definition of a programme.2 The basic elements of a programme.3 The way to write down a date or a day.设计说明: 帮助学生理解本课主题内容,了解什么是“programme”, 以及“programme” 构成的主要基本要素。用图片的方式帮助他们清晰了解“participants”, “event/activity”和“venue”, 介绍日期和星期的表达方法,并适当训练他们对时间和日期的听力反应, 为即将进行的听力练习作

5、准备。Step 3 Listening practiceAsk students to listen to the recording and finish the two timetables on page 12 and 13.设计说明: 完成课本的两个听力练习,训练学生学会听取所需信息,学生的听力能力在此环节受到集中训练。第一个听力练习让学生根据完成的表格,给出顾先生所要参加的三个活动的具体信息。第二个听力练习较长,教师把它分成8个报告,鼓励学生听清楚哪一个的完整信息,主动来完成任务。这样帮助学生降低难度,保护他们回答问题的积极性,并帮助他们树立自信心。(PPT16-27)Step 4

6、Make a timetable (group work)At this point, students will work in groups of four or five to help Sun to finish his job. Sun is chairman of students union. He needs to make a timetable for the activities to be done next week by using what has been learned in Step 21. Ask students to read and understa

7、nd what sun is going to be involved in next week.2. Get them to work in groups and offer help if they meet with some translation problems.3. Have students show their final work and make comments on it.设计说明: 用刚才所学知识,帮助学生会主席孙强制作一张时间表,这是学以致用的关键一步。(PPT28-29)Step 5 Hold a competitionStudents work in grou

8、ps to design a programme for targeted participants (students, teachers or parents). The group whose programme will be popular with most of the students is to win the game. ( The teacher also can have a vote here in order to stimulate their enthusiasm for the job.)1. Work in groups and design a progr

9、amme2. Let students present their design and decide which group will be the winner. (While comparing their work, the teacher should make sure they havent leave out any one of the basic elements in their programmes.) 设计说明: 让学生展开竞赛,以小组为单位,设计一个“programme”, 最受欢迎者胜出。教师把参与的人限定为学生、家长和教师,使得学生能把关注的焦点集中在同一点上,不至于设计的范围太漫无边际。这一步,不仅再次温习巩固“programme”的几个基本要素,还锻炼了学生的创新能力和合作精神。(PPT30-32)Step 5 HomeworkAsk students to improve their programme and write it down. Encourage them to make a timetable to show their plan for next week.设计说明: 通过家庭作业再次巩固所学内容。


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