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1、学校: 班级: 姓名: 考号: 六年级英语期中质量检测 时间:40分钟 等级:听力部分一、从A、B、C中选出你所听到的句子所含的那个单词,并将其序号填在题前括号中。(15)( )1.A.thirtyB.thirteenC.three( )2.A.funnyB.sunC.sunny( )3.A.poundB.pondC.pround( )4.A.interestB.interestingC.interested( )5.A.shineB.shiningC.shines二、听问句选答语。根据听到的句子选择恰当的答语。(15)( )1.A.Hamburgers. B.It looks good.C.

2、Enjoy your meal.( )2.A.Twenty-five metres.B.Twenty-five cents.C.Twenty-five years.( )3.A.At half past eight.B.Theyre lovely.C.Its a beautiful day.( )4.A.I often clean the room.B.Im sending an email.C.I did my homework.( )5.A.Noodles.B.Milk.C.Food.三、听小对话及问题,选择恰当的答语。(25)( )1.A.Two dollars.B.Three doll

3、ars.C.Five dollars.( )2.A.sunnyB.snowyC.rainy( )3.A.Eating our picnic. B.Eating our sandwiches. C.Eating our meals.( )4.A.At the supermarket. B.Buying things. C.Playing at the supermarket.( )5.A.Trying to get on the bus.B.Get on the bus. C.Trying to get off the bus.四、听短文,判断下列句子与所听内容是否相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F

4、。(25)( )1.There arent many students in Mr Wangs house today.( )2.The students are helping Mr Wang clean his house.( )3.One of them is carrying water.( )4.The students want to eat apples and oranges.( )5.Mr Wang is sad.五、听录音,根据所听到的内容将句子补充完整。(25)1.Shes doing exercise, but it too hot.2.Sam knows .3.Hes

5、 riding his bike, but it to rain.4.Theyre singing and .5.Mum is my name.题号 得分听力部分一二三四五笔试部分书写一二三四五六总分笔试部分请认真抄写下面的小短文。首字母大写,词与词之间的距离适当。(5分)To be a giant. This has forever been our passion. Not to stand on ones shoulders or have one for a friend. For these may be fortunate things. To do Giant things. T

6、o move the world forward.一、从下列选项中选出最佳答案,并将其序号填在题前括号中。(110)( )1.Its going to in Beijing.A.warmB.be warmC.warmingD.to warm( )2.Shes eating dinner, her sister starts to dance.A.or B.butC.soD.with( )3.Shes buying things her mother.A.ofB.toC.forD.in( )4. is it? Five yuan.A.How manyB.How muchC.HowD.What(

7、)5.Can help ?A. you, IB.your, IC.you, meD.your, me( )6.Who can help me? _A. Yes, I can. B. Thank you. C. Sorry, I cant. D. I do.( )7. This picture book_ very interesting. A. look B. looking C. to look D. looks( )8.They cant hear .A. heB.hisC.him D. she( )9.I had a very interesting day Saturday.A.inB

8、.onC.at D. for( )10.Please write me soon.A.toB.inC.with D. for2、 用括号内的所给单词的适当形式填空。(25)1. Sam _ (want) go home.2. We _(play) football tomorrow.3. Look! A man_(wear) a hat.4. He _ (walk) in the park, but it starts to (snow).5. It will be_(rain).三、句型转换。(25)1.He wants two hamburgers.(变成一般疑问句) he two ham

9、burgers?2.Its twenty yuan.(划线部分提问) is it?3.Theres some ice in the bag.(变否定句) ice in the bag.4.Its a beautiful day.(感叹句) beautiful day it is!5.Im going to read books on Sunday.(划线提问)_ _ you _ to _on Sunday?四、根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空限填一词。(25)1. 大明第三次吹唢呐,但是狗开始非常大声的叫。Daming is playing the suona for the _time,

10、but the dog _ to _very _.2. 苹果正从楼梯上往下掉。 The apples are _ down the _.3. 兔子正在跳。 The_ are _.4. 看起来你将要挨饿了。 It_ like you are going to _ _.5. 看,在池塘里有一些鸭子。 Look! There are some _ on the _.五、请认真阅读以下短文,判断正(T)误(F)。(25)Fast food is very popular(受欢迎的)now. You can see fast food restaurants everywhere in China. M

11、ost children like to eat in KFC and MacDonalds. They like hamburgers, chips and also some drinks. But fried food is not good for our health(健康). so boys and girls dont eat too much fast food. You should eat more vegetables and fruits. They are healthy food.( )1. There arent any fast food restaurants

12、 everywhere in China.( )2. Children like to eat hamburgers and chips.( )3. Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.( )4. We should eat too much fast food.( )5. Eating healthy food is good for our health. 6、 作文(5分)周日将会是晴天,你和同学们将去进行野餐。请谈谈你打算带哪些物品以及在野餐场地将进行的活动。参考词汇或短语:picnic, hamburger, sandwich, juice, milk, play football, fly a kite, , sing songs, read books.要求:1. 用一般将来时态 2. 至少写五个完整的句子。



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