译林英语5 年级 下 册Unit8考点精练

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《译林英语5 年级 下 册Unit8考点精练》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《译林英语5 年级 下 册Unit8考点精练(1页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 5 年级英语下年级英语下Unit 8 考点精练考点精练 A 卷卷 课堂点拨题课堂点拨题 1 日期的表达 1 易错 is it today It s the tenth of June A When B What date C What day 2 易错 When s Children s Day It s A the 1st of June B on the first of June C on the first of May 2 复习 不定式 to 动词原形 1 They go play football in the afternoon 2 易错 I want to go run 3

2、复习 动名词 1 They start the song A sings B singing C singer 2 Bobby cannot find his cat and starts cry 4 复习 There be There are students standing near the piano The one from the left is a tall girl A four four B four fourth C fourth fourth 5 复习 一般现在时 1 What Helen do on her birthday A does B is C do 2 Can

3、 I open the present now 6 本课的短语 1 Superman is a great A teacher B hero C doctor 2 He is a hero the play A on B at C in 3 his birthday he has a big party at his home A On B In C At B 卷卷 课后巩固题课后巩固题 一一 选择选择 1 When s her birthday It s the fifteenth September A in B at C on 2 comes after November A Decem

4、ber B September C October 3 易错 your birthday in November A Is B Does C Are 4 People in the West usually open their presents A after the party B the next day C at once 5 Helen opens her present she receives it A as soon as B because C but 6 Look They re talking their mother s parties A with B to C about 二 填入适当的词二 填入适当的词 1 hero 复数 2 answer 三单式 3 difficult 反义词 e 反义词 5 Fifteen students have their birthday in September



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