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1、伏龙初中2019中考英语阅读理解编习题(三)附答案【能力选练】 A(2019中考保健与健康类选练)Spending two or three hours playing outdoors each day can reduce the chance of becoming short-sighted, a research shows. It challenges the belief(信念) that short-sightedness is caused by computer use, watching TV or reading in weak light.The Australian

2、 government researchers believe that the sunlight is good for peoples eyes. They compared the vision(视力) and habits of 100 seven-year-old children in Singapore and Australia. In all, 30% of the Singaporean children were short-sightedthis rate(比率) was ten times higher than Australian children.Both gr

3、oups spend a similar amount(数量) of time reading, watching television and playing computer games. However the Singaporean children spent an average (平均) of only half an hour a day outdoors90 minutes less than the Australian children.Professor Ian Morgan, from the Australian Research Councils vision C

4、entre, said, “Humans are naturally long-sighted, but when people begin to go to school and spend little or no time outdoors, the number of short-sighted people gets larger. Were also seeing more and more short-sighted children in cities all around the world and the main reason may be that city child

5、ren spend less time outdoors.Daylight can be hundreds of times brighter than indoor light. But why does playing outside prevent us from becoming short-sighted? Scientists believe that natural light has a special chemical(化学物质) which stops the eyeball from growing out of shape and prevents people fro

6、m becoming short-sighted.So be outdoors. It doesnt matter if that time is spent having a picnic or having sports.1. How much time did the Australian children spend outdoors on average according to the research?A. 30 minutes. B. 60 minutes. C. 90 minutes. D. 120 minutes. 2. Which of the following is

7、TRUE according to the passage?A. If people spend less time outdoors they will certainly become short-sighted.B. There are fewer short-sighted Singaporean Children than Australian children because they have more knowledge of protecting their eyesight.C. There will be fewer risks of getting short-sigh

8、ted if people spend two or three hours a day playing outside. D. When people begin to go to school they will become long-sighted.3. What is the fifth paragraph mainly about?A. Why natural daylight has a special chemical.B. Why daylight prevents people from becoming short-sighted.C. Why daylight is m

9、uch brighter than indoor light.D. What the special chemical which can stop eyeballs from growing out of shape is.参考答案1. D 2. C3. B【能力选练】 B【*扬州】After spending years searching for a planet with life, scientists may have found one. In September 2010, a team of US scientists discovered an Earthsized pla

10、net called Gliese 581g. It has a surface temperature neither too hot nor too cold for liquid(液态) water. Scientists think there is a chance that the planet could have life.The planet Gliese 581g goes around a star called Gliese 581, which is about 20 lightyears from Earth. That is about 194 trillion(

11、万亿) kilometres500 million times farther away from us than the moon.A spacecraft travelling at a onetenth of the speed of light would reach Gliese 581g within about 220 years. A human cant live that long, but robotic explorers could make the job easier. However, our fastest spacecraft dont come anywh

12、ere near that onetenth lightspeed mark.Although spacecraft wont be getting there anytime soon, one way to look for life on Glliese 581g is to turn our radio telescopes(望远镜) towards the planet and search for radiation(放射). By studying the radiation, scientists could find out about the chemicals(化学物质)

13、 around the planet and discover if Gliese 581g has an atmosphere. If it has one, studying the atmosphere would give us a good idea if the planet has life or not. But itll probably be many years before we can do this properly.People have been arguing about whether there is alien life on Gliese 581g.

14、Any discussion about alien life is just guessing at this point, according to its discoverers.( )1. What did scientists find in September 2010?A. A planet with water.B. A planet similar to the earth.C. A planet without life.D. A planet near the earth.( )2. According to the article, Glises 581g _.A. i

15、s at the right distance from its starB. moves around the earthC. is as far away from us as the moonD. can be reached in about 220 years( )3. Paragraph 5 is mainly about _.A. the possibility of living on Gliese 581gB. the kinds of chemicals around Gliese 581gC. the way of looking for life on Gliese 5

16、81gD. the aim of studying the radiation on Gliese 581g( )4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage above?A. Glises 581g, a Likely Living PlanetB. Glises 581, a Likely Living PlanetC. Gliese 581g and Its starD. Gliese 581g and Radiation语篇解读:科学家在2010年9月发现了一个带有生命迹象的球体,然后介绍了它与地球的距离以及寻找生命的方法。1. B细


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