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1、Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parksSectionB (1a1e).根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成句子1Whats your father doing?Hes r_ his car.2The boy t_ after his mother.3The windows were b_ after the rainstorm.4Put it around the box. It can _(保持) the box warm.5How many _(轮子) does a car have, Tom?Four, Mom.6The little boy _(

2、修理) up his broken toy by himself yesterday.用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空call up, take after, run out of,give away, fix up1My little brother finally agreed to _ some of his toys to the children in poor areas.2Fred_ his father. They are both outgoing.3Your daughter doesnt _ you at all.4Could you please help me_ my

3、computer? It doesnt work.5We cant buy books any more because we have_ money. .单项填空()1.We all felt nervous when our teacher _ the test papers to us.Aasked for Bput on Cgave out Dput off()2.Who do you _?My father.We both have big eyes and a small mouth.Alook after Brun afterCtake after Dgo after()3.Th

4、is kind of animal is similar _ the pig in appearance.Awith Bto Cat Don()4.He _ some signs to ask for old bikes yesterday. Aput on Bput upCput off Dput into ()5.My watch doesnt work. Ill ask Uncle Wang _Afix up it Bfix it upCto fix it up Dto fix up it()6.Money _ at the end of every month. Aruns out B

5、ran out Cran out of Druns out of ()7.Jimmy gave _ his old toy _ the poor boy. Aaway; for Bup; to Caway; to Din; to ()8.His fingers were hurt by the _ glass. Abreak BbreaksCbroken Dbroke .根据短文内容及首字母提示完成短文Li Mei is a member of Chongqing Volunteer Service. She often takes part in its 1.a_ on weekends.

6、These days the service is helping Mrs. Liu, an old lady. Mrs. Liu has no husband or children. She lives 2.a_. There is something wrong with her eyes and legs, so she 3.s_ most of her time at home and has a hard life. When Li Mei and other 4.v_ knew about Mrs. Lius story, they 5.d_ to help her. Last

7、Saturday they went to Mrs. Lius home and helped her clean up the house, cook 6.l_ and do the laundry. In the afternoon, they walked around the nearby park. Mrs. Liu was happy in the company(陪伴)of them. Before they left, the volunteers 7.r_ money and bought some necessary things for Mrs. Liu. They sa

8、id, “Take 8.c_ of yourself, Granny Liu. We will see you again next weekend.”教师详解详析.1.repairing2.takes3.broken 4keep5.wheels6.fixed.1.give away2.take after3.called up 4(to) fix up5.run out of.1.C2C考查动词短语。根据答语可知问句是问“你长得像谁”,take after意为“(外貌或行为)像”,因此选C。3B4.B5.C6.A7Cgive away sth. to sb.意为“捐赠某物给某人”;give up意为“放弃”;give in意为“屈服”。句意:吉米把他的旧玩具捐赠给了这个可怜的男孩。8Cbroken glass意为“摔坏的玻璃杯”。.1.activities2.alone3.spends 4volunteers5.decided6.lunch 7raised8.care


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