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1、Unit 4Whats the best movie theater?第2课时(Section A 2d3c)一、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 comfortable, watch, serve, help, new1Jane, thank you for helping me! Im really grateful.2Come here, Mom. You can sit comfortably in the seat.3The theater has the newest movies. We all like it.4I dont like the restaurant because

2、the service is not good.5Many children like watching/to_watch cartoons.二、根据句意及汉语提示拼写单词6I like to get up early, go out for some fresh(新鲜的) air and enjoy a healthy life.7Jack acted(扮演) well in the movie and his parents were proud of him.8Who do you think is the best reporter(记者)?9It is pretty(相当) good

3、 to arrive there in time.10Dont worry. We can go out to have a big meal(餐) later.三、用所给词的适当形式填空11Millers(Miller) clothes store has the best quality in town.12The Yellow River is the second longest(long) river in China.13The radio says it will be even colder(cold) tomorrow.14Tom is quite tall, and his

4、 brother is even taller(tall)15How do you like it so far(far)?四、语法填空I have a good friend. His name is Nick. Both of us like watching movies and all 16.kinds(kind) of talent shows. Last Sunday afternoon, we went to the cinema together. The cinema is the closest 17.to our homes. So we 18.walked(walk)

5、there. It has the biggest screens 19.and the most comfortable seats in town. You can sit there comfortably, watch great movies and enjoy your time 20.with your friends. We saw a funny movie. I think its the 21.funniest(funny) movie Ive seen. After we got out of the cinema, we went to a restaurant to

6、 have 22._a_ meal. The food in the restaurant 23.was(be) really delicious. Whats more, it had the friendliest 24.service(serve). We 25.had(have) a good time that day.五、阅读理解The Royal Hotel is the closest to the sea, so it is very popular. But it is expensive, so it is not the most crowded. It has the

7、 biggest swimming pool, but most of the guests go swimming in the sea.The Promenade Hotel has the most popular restaurant in town. The food is the best and the waiters give the friendliest service. It has the smallest swimming pool, so it is the most crowded.The Super Hotel is in the city, so it is

8、the busiest hotel. Its guests are the richest and the rooms and the swimming pool are the most comfortable. This hotel is the most expensive one in the country.There are some other hotels around such as Lucys Hotel, but they are just for guests to have a sleep, and they are cheap.(C)26.Which hotel i

9、s the most expensive? A. The Royal Hotel. B. The Promenade Hotel. C. The Super Hotel. D. Lucys Hotel.(B)27.You want to get the best service and you want to swim. Which hotel should you choose? A. The Royal Hotel. B. The Promenade Hotel. C. The Super Hotel. D. Lucys Hotel.(A)28.Which statement is NOT

10、 TRUE? A. The Royal Hotel has the smallest swimming pool. B. The Promenade Hotel has the smallest swimming pool. C. The Super Hotel is the busiest hotel in the city. D. The waiters of the Promenade Hotel give the friendliest service.(A)29.Why do most of the guests in Royal Hotel go swimming in the s

11、ea? A. Because its close to the sea. B. Because its swimming pool is small. C. Because the water of the swimming pool is not clean. D. Because the swimming pool is too crowded.(D)30.Which hotel may not have a swimming pool? A. The Royal Hotel. B. The Promenade Hotel. C. The Super Hotel. D. Lucys Hotel.


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