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1、湖北省黄石市初中升学统一考试英语试卷 说明 全卷共120 分 考试时间120 分钟 请在答题卡隔阂答题试卷上作答 1 60小题做在答题卡上 61 90 小题做在答题试卷上 书面表达做在答题卷上 听力部分 共30 分 单句理解 10 分 A 从 A B C三个悬想中 选出一个能正确回答你所听到句子的选项 每小题听两遍 1 A You are so lucky to have just caught it B What a pity How did you do then c I m sorry you didn t catch the bus 2 A Oh I am sorry Please c

2、all me before you e next time B Oh I am sorry I went to the science museum in town C That was a good idea What a pity 3 A Where are you flying from B More than 2 hours I think C It took me about 200 yuan to get there by a long distance bus 4 A I have just found my eye glasses B My clothes don t look

3、 well I think C I had a tooth pulled out yestoday 5 A He is tall and thin and handsome B He likes to do outdoor exercise C He does not want anything like work B 从 A B C三个选项中 选出一个与你所听到句子意思相同或相近的选项 每小题听两遍 6 A Take an umbrella to your son B Take an umbrella because of the sun C Take an umbrella with yo

4、u for it s going to rain 7 A Daisy is very busy every day expect weekend B Daisy is pletely free besides weekend C Daisy is almost always very busy expect weekend 8 A Can I leave a message for your manager B Can you give my message to my manager C Can I have your message for your manager 9 A Don t m

5、ake the radio so noisy please B please turn off the radio It s to noisy C turn on the radio for the minute please 10 A Some pepole go to the beautiful beach to see the sea B Some pepole travel for pleasure C Some pepole to go to interesting places 对话理解 10 分 A 听录音 根据对话内容及问句 从A B C中选出一个正确选项 每组听两遍 11 A

6、 8106525 B 8106526 C 98106526 12 A Yes shie did B No she took a bus home C No she had to walk home 13 A She s very good at English study B She want to ask the boy for help C She s poor at English 14 A They didn t know each other B They are good friends C They are brother and sister 15 A Mother and s

7、on B Doctor and patient C Teacher and student B 听下面一段话 完成第16 17 两个小题 此段听两遍 16 What did the man buy A Two newspapers B Two magazines C One newspaper and one magazines 17 How much did the man pay A He paid one yuan B He paid two yuan and fifty C He paid three yuan and fifty C 听下面一段话 完成第18 20 两个小题 此段听两

8、遍 18 Where does the woman want to go A Hangzhou Road B Bridge Street C A bank 19 Which bus should the woman take best A No 8 B No 11 C No 12 20 Where will she take the bus to the place she want to go A Hangzhou Road B Bridge Street C The bank 短文理解 10 分 根据所听短文内容及问句的要求 从A B C中选出一个正确答案 短文听两遍 21 What ha

9、d the busband and wife planned to buy A Some clothes B A television set C Some clothes and a TV set 22 Where did this story take place A London B The Oxford University C A railway station 23 Why didn t the speaker buy any clothes A Because they were too expensive B Because there were not good enough

10、 C Because they were too large 24 Why did the husband and wife go on his or her own way when shopping A Because they had to go to different shops B Because there were so many people in the street C Because they had quarreled 25 What did they buy at last A Two TV sets B Some clothes C Two Large boxes

11、 8 30 开始登山空气清新 风景优美大家有说有笑 10 00 到达山顶北望长江大桥 见天上飞鸟联想唐诗 西塞山前白鹭飞 为黄 石感到自豪 climb scenery Yangtze River appear relax bird 泛指白鹭 poem 诗 Tang dynasty 唐 朝 keep feeling 英语第二部分笔试部分 共 90 分 一 基础知识运用 共20 分 1 单项选择 从各小题所给的A B C D四个选项中 选出一个最佳答案 10 分 26 May I speak to Mr Green Sorry he London But he ll be back in two

12、days A has been to B has gone to C has been in D went to 27 the students in thes primary school is about three thousand of them are girls A A number of two third B The mumber of two thirds C A number of two thirds D The mumber of two third 28 went surfing at the beach because of the terrible weather

13、 A Someone B Everyone C Nothing D No none 29 Shall we go on a pi ic this weekend Good idea unless it A rains B will rain C doesn t rain D won t rain 30 As we know fish die out of water A may B is going to C can D will 31 The price of houses has risen steeply nowadays not so many families can to buy

14、one A spend B take C cost D afford 32 Iwas drawing a horse the teacher came in A while B as C when D the moment 33 You may be if you have a problem A exciting excited B excited exciting C worrying worried D worried worrying 34 China s badminton team won the Sudirman Cup for the fifth time they deser

15、ved A to reward B rewarding C to be rewarded D being rewrded 35 Do you know the young lady your mother is talking A who B whom C with whom D which 2 完型填空 通读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从各小题所给的A B C D四个选项中选 出一个最佳答案 10 分 Mark Twain was a pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens He was born on November30 1835 in a small t

16、own in Florida the USA He 36 a few naughty boys who later 37 in his stories At the age of 12 his father died andhe began to work first as a priner then on ariver boat Those years on the boat went into his book Life 38 the Mississipi 39 the Civil War he worked as a reporter and used Mark Twain as his pen name The stories he wrote in this period 40 him famous and popular He made a lot of money by writing lecturing and running 41 publishing house But he spent all of it on high living and 42 busines



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