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1、初二英语同步辅导教材 第 36 讲 主讲 王瑞卿 南京外国语学校高级教师 Unit 24 1 What were they doing Lesson 93 Lesson 94 主要内容 1 习语 1 try to do sth 试着做某事 2 get on well with sb 与某人相处融洽 3 take off脱掉 4 be angry with sb 生某人的气 5 as usual像往常一样 2 语法 过去进行时 学习指导 1 I am trying to draw an elephant 我正试着画一头象 try to do sth 试图做某事 e g He tried to c

2、limb the tree but he could not 他试图爬树 可爬不上去 She tried to ski on the ice very carefully 她很小心地试着滑冰 I tried to find him but he had already been away 我想找到他 可是他早就离开了 比较 try doing sth 尝试做某事 看能否可以 e g Try working on the problem in another way and maybe you can succeed 尝试着用另一种 方法解决这个问题 可能你会成功的 Try knocking a

3、t the back to see if there is anybody at home 试着敲一下后门 看看是 否有人在家 try n 尝试 试验 e g If you can t open the box can I have a try 如果你打不开这个箱子 我能试一试吗 try on 试穿 衣服 e g She tried on her new dress again and again in front of the mirror 她在镜子前一遍一 遍试穿那条新裙子 Try it on Surely it will suit you 试试看 它一定适合你 2 It s quite

4、a nice elephant 是一头挺好看的大象 quite adv 相当 十分 注意 与形容词一起修饰可数名词单数时 要放于不定冠词a an 的前面 e g He is quite a good actor 他是一个相当好的演员 This is quite a fortable house 这是所相当舒适的房子 quite a few不少 相当多 修饰可数名词 e g Quite a few people attended the opening ceremony 不少人参加了开幕式 There are quite a few books on his shelf 他的书架上有不少书 注意

5、 与quite拼写相近的有 quiet安静的 quit退出 3 What was Li Lei drawing when the teacher came in 老师进来的时候李雷在画什 么 was were doing构成过去进行时 表示在过去某一时刻或某一时段正在进行的动作 常与过去 某一特定时间的状语连用 如 at 5 o clock yesterday afternoon at this time last night then 等 e g We were watching football games at this time yesterday afternoon 昨天下午这个时

6、候我们在看足球赛 Tom was doing his homework when Jim knocked at the door 吉姆敲门的时候汤姆正在做 作业 What were you doing then 你那时在做什么 4 How can you get on well with your neighbours 你怎样和邻居和睦相处 get on along well with sb 和某人 友好 相处 e g How are you getting on with your new classmates 你和新同学相处如何 She is not able to get along w

7、ell with others since she always thinks of herself 她无法和大家友好相处 因为她总是想着自己 5 A man lived in a tall building in the city of Moscow 有个人住在莫斯科城的一幢 高楼里 the city of Moscow中的介词of 表示同位关系 即Moscow city e g She is from the city of Nanjing 她来自南京市 At last he settled down in the city of New York with his family 他最终和

8、家人在纽 约定居了 6 There was only one problem the man upstairs 只有一个问题 楼上的那个男人 upstairs adv 在楼上 往楼上 adj 楼上的 反义词为downstairs e g The bathroom is upstairs 洗澡间在楼上 He went upstairs to go to bed 他上楼去睡觉 Do you want to have a look at the upstairs bedroom 你想看一下楼上的卧室吗 7 He always took off his boots and threw them on

9、the floor 他总是脱下鞋子把它们扔在地板 上 take off 脱掉 反义词为put on e g Take off your clothes they re very wet 脱掉你的衣服 衣服湿透了 It was rather hot and he took off his hat 很热 他把帽子脱下来 8 He found it very difficult to get to sleep and he was rather angry with the man upstairs 他很难入睡 对楼上的那个人很生气 find think feel it adj n to do st

10、h 此结构表示 发现 认为 感觉做某事 怎样 e g I find it hard to finish the work on time 我发现按时完成工作很难 I think it necessary to tell him the time and place 我觉得有必要告诉他时间和地点 She felt it her duty to take care of her little brother 她觉得照顾弟弟是她的责任 be angry with sb at about sth 因某事生某人的气 e g She is very angry with the shop assistan

11、t 那个营业员很让她生气 I was angry at his words 他说的话让我生气 Don t be angry with that guy That s the way he is 别生那人的气 他就是这样的 9 I am sorry to trouble you 很抱歉打扰你 trouble vt 使 烦恼 打扰 e g Can I trouble you to shut the door 我能麻烦你关上门吗 What is troubling you 你为何事烦恼 I am troubled with a cough 我咳嗽得挺厉害 10 every time you get

12、back at night you drop your boots on the floor 你每次夜里 回来都把靴子扔在地板上 every time每次 每当 引导状语从句 相当于whenever e g Every time he passed by the corner shop he would go in and have a cup of coffee 他每次经过拐角小店都要进去喝一杯咖啡 Every time I ask her she always gives me a satisfactory answer 每次我问她 她总 能给我一个满意的回答 11 The next ev

13、ening the man upstairs came home from work late as usual 第二天晚上 楼上的 那个人又像往常一样回来很迟 as usual照常 e g Are you ing home at the usual time 你准备按往常的时间回家吗 Yes I shall leave the office at the same time as usual 是的 我将和平常一样准时离开办公室 He arrived late as usual 他照常迟到 As usual I slept late that Saturday morning 和平时一样 那个

14、星期六早晨我起得很迟 12 He was just falling asleep when there was a loud knock at the door 他刚要睡着就有人大 声敲门 过去进行时 when 从句 过去时 的结构中 when 不作 当 时候 而表示 and at this time e g I was reading the novel when the telephone rang 我正看着小说 电话铃响了 He was having a rest in the armchair when it began to rain outside 他正在扶手椅 上休息 突然外面下

15、起雨来 巩固练习 I 选出划线部分读音与其他三个不同的选项 1 A picture B close C nice D clock 2 A boot B foot C food D shoot 3 A noise B upstairs C twins D disturb 4 A truck B usual C umbrella D duck 5 A neighbour B high C cough D though II 根据英文解释写出单词 单词首字母已给出 1 u to at on an upper floor 2 p person who paints pictures 3 n perso

16、n who lives next door 4 d to interrupt trouble 5 b a kind of shoes III 翻译下列词组及短语 1 在黑板上画图 2 和邻居和睦相处 3 从窗户看见公园 4 脱靴子 5 be angry with sb 6 be sorry to trouble sb IV 选择填空 1 The new student is getting with her classmates A well on B on well C on quite D quite on 2 I found interesting to read these stories A it B that C it is D that is 3 Tom the radio when I came in A listened to B was listening to C listened D was listening 4 You are wet through Why don t you take your jacket A out B up C off D with



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