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1、2019中考英语阅读理解基础编题(五)及答案【实战训练】 A(2019中考科普环保类选练)Every year when the Italian artist Michelangelos (14751564) birthday comes around, computer users all over the world are filled with fear(恐惧) and use their computers with care. Some may even choose not to turn on their computers on March 3rd. All this fea

2、r and care are just because a deadly computer virus is expected to cause damages(伤害)on that day. Whats a computer virus then? Why do people get so afraid of it?A computer virus is, in fact, a little program that is put into other programs and that does something bad. It is called a virus because, li

3、ke any real life viruses such as AIDS virus, it reproduces (繁殖) itself. And when these programs are run, the virus is brought to life. It hides itself in your computer system waiting for the right moment to make damages. And at the same time it keeps producing itself by copying itself onto other pro

4、grams. The Michelangelo virus waits until the artists birthday comes around, and then it will wake up to do very bad things like destroying you files.(文件)So next time when you turn on your computer, look out for computer viruses!1. A computer virus is a kind of . A. famous persons birthday B. deadly

5、 disease C. unsafe game D. dangerous program2. Computer users fear viruses because A. they can bring users bad luck B. they can cause damages to the users C. they may do great harm to computers D. they can change the programs in all computers 3. It seemed that . A. a computer virus will appear each

6、time you turn on your computer B. a computer virus is given to the computer by an Italian artist C. a computer virus will appear at the right time D. a computer virus can never be got rid of by human beings4. From the passage we know . A. many people fear computers because of the viruses B. a comput

7、er virus is just the same as a real life virus. C. Michelangelo was born on March 3rd D. the artist Michelangelo was a bad person5. In the last paragraph, the writer suggests that we should A. look for computer viruses B. wait for the artists birthday to comeC. be careful of computer viruses D. not

8、turn on our computers参考答案DCCCC 【实战训练】 BA story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home after having fought in Vietnam(越南). He called his parents from San Francisco .“ Mom and Dad , Im coming home , but I have a friend Id like to bring with me . ”“ Sure , ” they replied , “ wed love to me

9、et him . ”“ There is something you should know , ” the some continued , “ he was badly hurt in the fighting . He lost an arm and a leg . He has nowhere else to go , and I want him to live with us . ”“ Im sorry to hear that , son . Maybe we can help him find somewhere to live . ”“ No , Mom and Dad ,

10、I want him to live with us . ”“ Son , ” said the father , “ you dont know what youre asking . Someone like the young man would be a terrible burden for us . We have our own lives to live , and we cant let something like this stay with our lives . I think you should just come home and forget about th

11、is guy . Hell find a way to live on his own . ”At that point , the son hung up the phone . A few days later , however , they received a call from the San Francisco police . Their son had died after falling down from a building . The police believed it was suicide(自杀).The parents flew to San Francisc

12、o . To their surprise , they found their son had only one arm and one leg .The parents in this story are like many of us . We find it easy to love those who are good-looking or fun , but we dont like people who make us feel uncomfortable . We would rather stay away from people who arent as healthy ,

13、 beautiful , or smart as we are .58. Who lost an arm and a leg in the fighting ? A. The soldier himself .B. The soldiers friend . C. The soldiers brother .D. The soldiers father .59. Whats the Chinese meaning of the underlined word “ burden ” ? A. 欺骗B. 重任C. 负担D. 缺点60. Why did the soldier kill himsel

14、f ? A. Because he didnt want to go back home . B. Because the police laughed at him . C. Because his parents no longer wanted to see him again . D. Because he didnt want to be a burden for his parents .61. What can we learn from the story ? A. Parents dont like their disabled(残疾的)children . B. We sh

15、ould stay away from the unhealthy people . C. Its easy for us to love the disabled . D. We cant judge(评判)a person by his appearance .参考答案 5861 ACDD 【实战训练】 CA company , Guizhentang , has had to face a lot of criticism(批评)because the company is in the bear bile business . They have bear farms in which bile is taken out and used in traditional Chinese medicine and for other purposes .Bile is a liquid(液体)that is produced in the liver(肝)and stored in the gall bladder(胆囊). In bears


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