广州版小学英语三年级下册Module 4 Fruit Unit 7 May I have some grapes》课件 (2)

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1、anorange someoranges anapple someapples apear somepears abanana somebananas somegrapes fruit Unit7MayIhavesomegrapes Module4Fruits anapple someapples someoranges anorange apear somepears abanana somebananas somegrapes green purple grape green red apple green yellow pear Whatfruitdoyoulike Ilike 水果 复

2、数 Whatfruitdoyoulike Ilikeapples Iwantabanana Mum Iwanta some 我想要一个 一些 want 想 想要 A Iwanta an some Dowehave B Yes wedo No wedon t someapples someoranges abanana anapples somebananas somepears somegrapes A Iwanta an some Dowehave B Yes wedo No wedon t Dowehavebananas Dowehave Yes wedo No wedon t we 我们

3、 No wedon t Butwehavesomegrapes but 但是 some 一些 grape 葡萄 Ilikegrapes like 喜欢 MayIhavesomegrapes then MayIhavesome then 那么 Yes Hereyouare Yes Hereyouare Hereyouare Thankyou Mum Thankyou fruit 1 Iwanta an some 2 Whatfruitdoyoulike Ilike 水果 复数 3 Dowehave Yes wedo No wedon t 4 MayIhavea an some Yes Hereyouare Thankyou w t b n n w b t s m g p th a a le p r an a a a e u o e ra e 想要 那么 梨 一个苹果 葡萄 一些 但是 我们 香蕉 n pp ea en



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