七年级英语下册 Unit 11 How was your school trip提优测试题 (新版)人教新目标版

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1、 Unit 11 (满分100分) 姓名 得分 题 号得分单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分)题 号123456789101112131415答 案1. Did you do anything interesting last Sunday?Not really. I just _ at home.AstayBstayedCwill stayDam staying2. Mom,Im hungry. Is there _to eat?Yes,you can have some bread on the table.AsomethingBnothingCanythingDevery

2、thing3. Did you go to the zoo? _. I went to a farm.AYes,I didBNo,I didntCYes,I doDNo,I dont4. The teacher _ me _ this school yesterday.Ashow;aroundBshowed;atCshowed;aroundDshows;at5. How was your school trip _? It was excellent.AyesterdayBtomorrowCnext weekDnow6. There was a big fire yesterday._,no

3、one was hurt(受伤)ALuckilyBBadlyCLuckyDDifferently7. All kinds of flowers _in spring.Acome inBcome onCcome outDcome out of8. When _ Tom _ to Beijing? Yesterday afternoon.Adoes;getBdid;getCis;gettingDdid;got9. Jenny _TV every evening. But last night she _.Awatches;didntBwatch;didntCwatched;didntDwatche

4、s;doesnt10. Did you climb a mountain _? Yes,we did.Anext SundayBevery morningClast weekendDnow11. _ was Lindas school trip?It was boring because it rained all day.AWhereBHowCWhenDWhy12. Its such an _ film that all the students are _ in it.Ainteresting;interestedBinteresting;interestingCinterested;in

5、terestedDinterested;interesting13. The food in that restaurant is _. We dont want to eat there.AhighBgoodCexpensiveDclean14. _,I think you did a great job.AAt allBNot at allCAll in allDAll that15. Sorry,the shop is too noisy.I cant _ you. Can I call you back later?AhearBheardClisten toDlistened to完形

6、填空(10分)I had a school trip with my classmates today. We went to the Sea Museum by 1 . It took us an hour to get there. First we 2 in front of the museum. We were so happy and the photos were very 3 Then we went inside and 4 the museum. We also went to the 4D cinema and 5 an exciting movie. At noon w

7、e had lunch at a restaurant. I ate a large bowl 6 beef noodles. They were very 7 !My friend Jack also thought they were great.It was 3 : 00 pm.We went back to the bus.It took 8 an hour back to our school. We were tired, 9 we had great fun.I hope I can go there 10 What about your school trip?Can you

8、tell me?( )1.AbikeBtrainCbusDcar( )2.Atook photosBwent shoppingChad breakfastDplayed games( )3.AdarkBbeautifulCsmallDpopular( )4.AheardBdescribedCvisitedDdrew( )5.AusedBreadCputDwatched( )6.AforBinCofDwith( )7.AdeliciousBterribleCheavyDexpensive( )8.AyouBusCmeDthem( )9.AbutBsoCandDor( )10.AearlyBbef

9、oreCtooDagain阅读理解(30分) AWe had a terrible school trip last week. Some students were late. Then we waited half an hour for the school bus, but it didnt arrive. Finally, the teacher took us by subway. It took over an hour. When we arrived at the zoo, we were all tired and hungry. We wanted to see dolp

10、hins, but there werent any. There were some really smart seals(海豹), but we didnt see the show. We arrived too late. We forgot our cameras, so we didnt take any photos. Then it started to rain, and nobody had an umbrella. So we went for lunch. and we ate hamburgers. My friends also had some ice-cream

11、. But I didnt have any, because I dont like it. I wanted French fries, but there werent any in the shop. They were sold out! Finally we went back to school. We were wet, tried and stressed out. I didnt enjoy my school trip at all.( )1. Why did the teacher take the students to take the subway?A. Beca

12、use the students didnt want to have the trip.B. Because the school bus didnt arrive.C. Because the students didnt like taking the school bus.D. Because the students didnt take cameras.( )2. The students were when they arriced at the zoo.A. excitedB. happyC. tiredD. lucky( )3. What animal show was th

13、ere at the zoo?A. Dolphin show.B. Seal show.C. Monkey show.D. Panda shoe.( )4. How was the weather after they arrived at the zoo?A. Sunny.B. Cloudy.C. Windy.D. Rainy.( )5. What did the write think of the school trip?A. Terrible.B. Great.C. Not bad.D. Fun.BHello,my name is Li Dongye. Im an eleven year old girl. I am tall and thin with long straight hair. I have one brother.His name is Li Ming. He is tall but heavy. He has short straight hair.My grandpa lives in a small vi


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